IUI tomorrow, anyone else? Let's wait it out together!
340 Replies
chele - October 31

liltiff, Well it's right around the corner! Good luck to you tomorrow! gurinsa, I can understand why you don't visit the site very often, your in the 1st stage of the beginning and were able to move on to that. Check in next week and let us know how the u/s went. Keep the positive attitude, and everything will be just fine!


liltif - November 1

CD 12, well I went in for my us and I had one great follicle on my left side at 23mm, and a bunch on my right side at 8mm!!! Well I don't have a left fallopian tube! So this cycle is a bust! I am not going to work today. DH and I have had a rough week together. I guess this is God's way of saying now is not the time. DH says he wants to try again later this month. I don't care at this point. I know I will want to, its just depressing right now.

I hope everyone else is doing much better than I am!



chele - November 1

liltif, Hello! I am so sorry to hear about your let down today..... god does things for a reason that we just can't understand at the time, but it will happen for you soon! Chin up! Baby dust to you!


Tracy88 - November 2

Gurinsa, I can completely understand why you may be staying off the boards right now. I have been going through the same thing. I read stuff that was happening to others, then panicked when I found out I lost my other twin. I then continued to post on the site and read more stuff that was happening to others, then woke up to spotting this past Monday. Of course, because of all that I had read, I was fearing the worst. I told myself that I was going to back off some of these threads because I don't want to spend my entire pregnancy in a panic. Well, all is well with me, and I really hope all is well with all of you. I will be thinking of you all and checking in periodically to see how things are going. Peace.


blf0521 - November 20

Hi All, I havent posted in along time but I wanted to update everyone. I had my 3rd cycle of Inj & IUI on Nov 6. Just this morning I finally received my BFP. I am going to have blood work done after work today. Im hoping everything is going to be where it should be and I will get the results tomorrow morning. Has anyone every had a false positive due to the Hcg shot prior to ovulation? Im just hoping its not a false positive.


Tracy88 - November 20

Blf, congratulations!!!!!! I am soooo happy for you. I know how good it feels to finally see a BFP. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!!!!! Keep me posted on your progress!


lynnee - November 20

Hi, Ladies!
I will have my first IUI tomorrow. I have a question here. I did U/S this morning and found I have two follicles, one is 18mm and another is 16mm. BUT THE NERSE GAVE ME HCG TRIGGER SHOOT WITHOUT CONFIRMATION FROM MY DOCTOR !!! Now I am really worried that my follicles are a little bit two small! Could you let me what is your follicle size when you had your trigger shot! I am really upset and feel I have no hope for this month.


Tracy88 - November 20

Lynnee, your follicle size is actually right on target. They will grow at least 2 more mm before you actually ovulate, and they like follies to be at least 17 at the time of ovulation. So, your 16 will be at least 18 and your 18 will be 20. Those are perfect sizes. I did my trigger on a Saturday night and did not ovulate until Monday at some point.


blf0521 - November 21

Hi All, well I heard back from my dr office today. Everything looks wonderful. My Hormone level was 216 and my progesterone level was 48. She was very happy with the numbers, im assuming those are good. I cant explain how happy I am right now. Its taken so long to get here but it finally happened. Now I just have to do everything possible to NOT m/c again.


liltif - November 21

Congrats BLF!!!! I'll keep you in my prayers!!


lynnee - November 22

congratulations! blf0521. I wish I got my BFP in 14 days. I just had my IUI this morning.


blf0521 - November 24

lynnee, i will keep my fingers crossed for you. I go back on Monday 27th to repeat my bloodwork to make sure my levels are increasing like they should.


lynnee - November 27

Thanks BLF!
Can anybody feel something different after IUI? I feel nothing so far. It is my 5th day after IUI.


blf0521 - November 28

Hello, just wanted to let everyone know I got my results back from my bloodwork yesterday. My progesterone is still the same and my Hcg levels went up to 4464!!! YEAH..does anyone know what the normal range is? She said it all looked really good though.


Tracy88 - November 28

Blf, " normal range" all depends on what day you are on. For example, at 15dpo I had an HCG level of 1477 and on 17dpo it was 3100. Remember, I had twins! Yours sounds high, but it just depends how many days past ovulation you are since it doubles about every 2 to 3 days.


blf0521 - November 28

Tracey, i had my IUI on the 6th, so technically that should have been my Ovulation date. So i was 21 days past ovulation when my number was 4464, and 14 days past ovulation when it was 216.



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