IUI in May - Part 2
107 Replies
chele - May 23

Very good idea!



Hi ladies! I know its been a while since i checked in, but all is well so far. My next b/w is tomorrow which i think is 5w 2d. Then my us is on 30th 6w 1d so hopefully all goes well. My only prego symptoms are bigger bbs, fatigue, and a great appetite. Work has kept me busy and i've told mine and my dh's parents so far, but nobody else. jlee, nikki, and sonya how are you all doing??? Shannon how's everything with you? I hope everyone's doing well and baby dust to all!


jlee27 - May 23

Happymom, I'm glad to hear you are doing good. I feel about the same as you. My dh is convinced that only my left bb is getting bigger, not my right. I can't really tell. I'm so tired all the time, and feel like I could eat all day long. I have been a little nauseous but mainly at night. I go in for my u/s June 4. I can't wait. I hope we can see the heart beat. I should be about 7wks at that time, but we'll see what the u/s says since my hcg was so low in the beginning.


Chas - May 23

Hi ladies, just wanted to check in and say Hi. I have been reading some of your posts. I have been working a lot and staying busy! For those of you who don't know I got my bfp this month right after a m/c last month. I am trying to stay positive and busy. I really think this may be it ! So far, fatique and mild boob tenderness is all I have experienced. I told my two sisters when I found out but other than that we haven't told anyone yet. My mom is going to trip out. I am going to try and wait to tell her until after I can get a u/s. I don't know if I'll be able to keep it from her that long though. She has already asked when our next appt is with the RE! I want to be able to surprise her and say hey guess what I am already 7 weeks pg!! ya know?? Anyway, i hope you all are doing well. I will be 5 weeks 2morrow! :-)


Sonyamac - May 24

Hi Ladies,
Chas I am glad that you came back over to the thread....I am so happy for you! It's a good sign that you are having symptoms...that always means things are growing,.....my girlfriend told me that and she had several m/c.....
We are all any where from 5 weeks to 7 weeks........,

I think there is 5 of us now including you!

I go for my U/S on Friday...I feel so nauseous on and off! I keep trying to lie down when Tyler has his naps...I have been busy gardening..it's finally warming up here!
JLee by 7 weeks you would definetly be able to see a h/b...I am excited we go this Friday..I will be 7 weeks then. I am with you, tired and tender bb's not as bas as when I was preggers with Tyler...
HappyMom glad to hear that all is going well....Nikki-where are you? How are you doing??
Chele-how goes the shots?? How are you feeling? I hope okay and not too bloated...hang in there, you will be on your way before you know it! Hugs to all!
SENDING BABY HUGS from Tyler and lots of BABY Dust to all...............Sonya


jg - May 24

Hi everyone - just checking in. Not much happening with me - it's now 4 days past IUI and nothing to report of course LOL. Hope you're all travelling well and LET'S HOPE WE HAVE LOTS OF CONTINUED SUCCESS!!!!!!


Nikki78 - May 24

I'm here... sorry I haven't posted in awhile. It's been so crazy at work. I'm a Literacy Coach in an elementary school, and we just finished up end of year testing... :) I'm feeling good... sometimes (especially in the morning) I've been waking up with kinda like an upset stomach... but haven't gotten sick yet. Today I'm 5w2d. Sonya - good luck with the u/s on Fri. Let us know!! There really are alot of us this month - and we are all so close together... :) I'm so happy for everyone... keep us updated on everything... :) Talk to you later - ladies!! :)


chele - May 24

Hi CHAS.... Can't wait for your u/s. It will all be ok. Actually a friend/co-worker of mine had m/c right around the same time as you I believe (I had posted it), at any rate she just told me Tuesday that she is pregnant again.... she was not trying as she wanted to wait another month or so but It happened!!! I'm sure you two will be just fine. ((HUGS)) SONYA, ooh hope the nausia subsides soon. I can't wait until your appt. I want to hear all the wonderful things you take away from your appt :0) Hi JG, hope this is the successful IUI were all wanting for you! :0)


chele - May 24

Update --- Nurse just called and my estrogen is at 457 and lining is terrific so chances are I will start the Menopu and Ganirellex Saturday morning. She did say that is's a monitoring process but it looks like I will most likely have the ER 2 day's later then originally planned... of course pushing transfer out 2 days... so as of now, looks like ER will be June 2nd and ET June 7.


mommyof3stepmommyof2 - May 24

sounds like they have a good plan for you chele I really hope this is a success for you. Keep your chin up it will happen.


Sonyamac - May 24

Hi Chele, I posted already on the IVF thread for you..but all looks good the time will fly...I am so excited for you! This will be it...I just have a feeling that you will be just behind me....hugs! Hope that you are feeling okay and not too bloated!

Hope that Nikki, JLee , Chas and HappyMom are feeling well...I am soo tired and feel nauseaus on and off..anyway...I will make it...my u/s is tomorrow..I am sooooo excited...I will keep you posted..

To JG, Mommyof3, BeAMom, Jennacat, hope all are doing well on the 2ww...any symptoms?? Sending lots of baby dust your way......keep us posted!

Our little one Tyler is going to be 10 months on Sunday..I still can't believe how quickly time flies!

Hugs to all...........Sonya, Tyler & baby...


Sana07 - May 24

Hello everyone! Sorry for jumping in. I have been an inactive participant on these forums. I've read and followed most of the posts in here. Today was my 5th IUI and had a question for you. I have been cramping since yesterday and now after the IUI. Wonder if any of you felt the same. Normally I've cramped only after my IUIs but never before. Anyways, I am with you on this dreaded 2 weeks wait.


jg - May 25

HI everyone. 5dp IUI for me.....but I'm a bit unsure about something. I triggered on saturday night which was cd10, and the IUI was monday cd12.......but I felt strong ovulation pain and ewcm a lot on the wednesday which would have been my natural O day. Is that strange do you think? So you think it is possible that the trigger didn't actually trigger O? Hmmm I'm a bit unsure about that. We bd Wed morning so should be covered in any case, but it just seemed veeeery strange. What do you think? Good luck Chele with your transfer. Transfer day was always so emotional for me - I'd have tears streaming down my face without even realising I was crying. Hopefully you'll get to see the little bean before they transfer it - it is AMAZING to see the start of a little life. Sonya hope your u's goes very well - can't wait to hear more from you. Good luck to everyone else. How are all 2ww'ers going? Ugh doesn't time STOP when you're on the w22 lol. :-)


Sonyamac - May 25

Good morning ladies, hope that everyone is doing well!
Welcome Sana07 good luck to you on your 2ww. How are things Mommy, Jennacat, BeAmom, good luck on the 2 ww...
Katt-where are you? hope all is okay??
JG the trigger shots works anywhere form 36-48 hours..so the O symptoms could still be hanging around...good luck..this could be it! That is goo that you got busy bding!! We did it like crazy my last iui that I got preggers on..I wish that we knew if it was the iui or what?? I am sure it the meds anyway!
Chele, hope that you are feeling well....just a few more days!!! yehyehyeh! I am sooo excited for you...hugs!
Okay gotta get ready to go, dh is coming home from work in about an hour and we are off for our u/s appt. it's at 10:30 but the hospital that my fertility specialst is at is about 40 minutes...so we will be leaving around 9:30 and most likely home by noon, I will post and let you know if there is 1 or 2 beans!! I still have the nauseau....geee...in am and in the pm....I am still eatting like a front end loader! lol...
HUGS TO ALL.................Sonya


mommyof3stepmommyof2 - May 25

I am 8dpiui today and 7dpo everything looks good so far. I am having some back pain, bb's are a little sore, leg pain, and it feels like i have been doing situps all day with being a little bloated. Oh I forgot to mention having a little gas TMI sorry. But other than those I am feeling pretty good today just tired even though I slept 10 hours. My 2 year old step son came to me yesterday after his nap and rubbed my belly saying baby is in there. Boy I hope he is right. My 13 year old is out of school already for the summer. And the rest of the kids have another week of school. So she is a big help when it comes to house work and the little ones. I am glad that she is here to help me for sure.


chele - May 25

Thanks MOMMYof3, It won't be long until you are getting your bfp!!! Hi SONYA!!! I hope you are right, but I must say I have a very good vibe about this time too :0) How are you feeling? has the nausia subsided at all? Ok, now the biggy How Was Today's Appt????



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