IUI gals, come in here during your 2 week wait...
247 Replies
Toni - October 19

Hi to my special friends. All of your baby dust worked! I got up at around 3, tested at 4 and got the BFP!! I took two tests to make sure. I really am in shock. I called my dh (who is in L.A.) at 2:30 in the morning to tell him first. He is so excited. Today I will go confirm with a blood test. So I hope what I see is true. I want to thank you all for your support. Let's stay on this for the entire journey whatever that will be. Now I just have different things to worry about. Is it really true? And how many of those follicles stuck? Everyone hang in there.


Tonya - October 19

Toni, I knew it!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!! See movie day and baby catalogues...Have a great and restful day...Hugs......


Tonya - October 19

Toni, what will your due date be? I'm so happy for you...Isa...you're next.... :)


Lee - October 19

You Silly, it is really true! You didn't test early, you tested when you were supposed to. Was it a really faint line, or was it right out there? Toni's having a baybee, yeah yeah yeah! I feel like I am going to be an Aunt again. I am not sure my bfp would have made me so happy. I am thrilled for you my friend!


Toni - October 19

You guys!! The line was about medium I would say. Definitely there, much more than faint but not as dark as the ref. line. My due date is like June 30th. So it could be July. Hopefully everything will go as planned. Thanks for being so excited. It's fun to share this with you guys!! You are the second to know! Isa, you are next with the good news!


Tonya - October 19

That's so cool...you can do fun summer b-day parties...when will you tell your dd & ds? They will be sooooo happy...Are you going to find out if its a boy or girl? or be suprised? I'm so glad you have such great news....I feel renewed and know that there is still hope..... :)


Tonya - October 19

Ya'll say a prayer for my little boy, please...he woke up at 4:30 am, coughing really badly. He's had some drainage, but no cough. Been giving him Benadryl. Anyway, he sounds terrible this morning...dh held him in the warm shower and I called the Dr.'s call center and he has an appt. at 8 am. He's not running fever. It's so horrible to see your little ones sick. :(


Lee - October 19

Hey Tonya, do you have any of that Vick's vapor rub? That really helps. Do you have a humidifier in his room? I found that if I keep that in their while she is coughing and for a few days after it really helps a lot. Prayer said.


Lee - October 19

They are not supposed to be the same color lines :) You didn't have to squint to see it, so this is no low reading. How very exciting. I can hardly wait for this afternoon. I was freaking out so bad when I read your email that I had to keep backspacing because I could not type. I cannot wait until DH wakes up to tell him, he even knows about you!


Toni - October 19

Tonya, it might be allergies. My kids have had the cough and drainage too. But when it wakes them up that is hard. I will probably wait to tell the kids when the danger of m/c is passed. And I will definitely find out if it's a boy or girl. I love that! Lee, my dh knows about you too! I told him how I feel so close to someone I have never met. But he thinks it's great to have support like this.


Tonya - October 19

Lee, thanks so much...I did give him some Vicks. Our humidifier started leaking and I haven't been to Target or Wal Mart to get a new one, but guess what I'll be doing today....He watched his Leapfrog DVD and seems to be a little better....I just can't stand to see his little blue eyes looking so sick....I'll let ya'll know what the Dr. says.......Toni, I'm just too excited for you.... :)


isa - October 19

Toni girl way to go. I'm in tears with excitement for you. I'm not even awake yet and the screen is so bright i was squinting to read your response this morning and woo hoo she did it. I can't wait to hear your beta and are you hoping for one sex over the other -oh tell us everything. I am so happy for you -dh must be going crazy and i sure bet the hug he gives you when he gets home will be a memory. I'm proud of you (not trying to sound condescending) for waiting to test and what a day this will be. Keep us posted and congrats. Tonya sorry to hear about your little guy and hope he's feeling better in no time! Shall we start a new thread now? this one is long and we need a new heading like Toni's good news thread haha


Tonya - October 19

Sounds like a good idea, Isa...We need a happy, positive name for a new thread...Toni has given us new hope. Isa, your next.....:) Thanks for all the well wishes about Austin...


Lee - October 19

Maybe we should call it the NEW HOPE THREAD, what do you think?


Tonya - October 19

Lee, what a great title....Let us know when to switch... :) We are off to the Dr.'s office.....


Lee - October 19

Tonya , Isa, Toni
Check out the new thread



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