Irregular periods and pain in pelvic area...
1 Replies
mrsashleyfox - November 20

My husband and I have been trying for some time to get pregnant. Since I was 16 I've not had normal periods, they come and go as they please. I was supposed to start birth control about a month ago, but I never got my period to start on the pill pack. Basically all I want to know is if there is still a chance to get pregnant even though your periods are irregular? Do you think it will help if I finally get my period and start taking the birth control? I was thinking maybe getting on the pill would help make it regular again, and possible help with conception.


Optimistic101 - November 20

Hey girl-
I too had very irrigular periods. And when my husband and I wanted to have a baby I got checked out. Turns out I have PCOS-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome-Basically my periods were out of wack bc I don't ovulate which is one of the main symptoms of PCOS. We needed to take Clomid to get pregnant. You should talk with your OB. I hope this helps. Good luck to you and your husband.



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