I need encouragement.
4 Replies
CarrieM - February 27

I am 22yrs old. My husband is 26 and we have been ttc for a while, but I started charting and all 2months ago. This month started out very bad.. First, af started then I got a yeast infection while on af. I ate something last night that did not agree with me and have been sickly... The thought keeps going through my mind, "is something wrong with me?" ,but I know I am fine... I have a 34 day cycle and seem to ovulate every month. I just don't see why this is taking so long... I am young and healthy... so is my hubby.. On top of that I get the question everyday,"when are yall going to have some babies?" It just hurts my feelings so bad!


Toscana - February 27

I totally understand u carrie my husband is 24 and I'm 23 and we have in the past been trying for awhile and nothing happened so we kinda gave up on it. but now are hoping to try again! I get the "so when are u guys gonna have babies" alot too and it does hurt.But I always think that something is wrong too cuz nothin ever happens and we never use protection, but I again have a irregular cycle sometimes too. have u guys both been checked out yet?


CarrieM - February 27

Well I have been to the doctor and he just told me I am fine... I am very healthy. My husband has not been checked out, I wanted to know if there is like a home kit to check sperm count ? I am positive he is fine though...
yeah, I see everyone around me getting pregnant like there is nothing to it... I always think am I doing something wrong? I drink coffee, and my mother-in-law said she drank cokes and everything while she was ttc and had no trouble.. Does your diet have that big of affect on ttc?


destiny tee - February 27

Hi everyone I too am in the same boat I am 25 and my hubby is 26 we have been trying for 4 years and nothing, I was diagnosed with stage 4 endo last june for carriem yes there is a home sperm kit you can get it from our local drug store like Walgreens. let me know how it goes. and yeah I get the when r u all having kids spill and it just drives me crazy.but i can do is be patient. hopefully this will be our year.


photoholic808 - February 29

.. oh i dread the when you gonna have babies questions .. its like you want to shout at them.. why don't you tell me when i am gonna have babies cuz thats what i want more than anything in the world and i tortue my poor husband with charts postiions and signs of pregnancy .. he feels hopless when i cry myself to sleep everynight bcuz i feel like a failure when its seems everyone but me is pregnant.. but me and walk away keep your head up .. and I generly ask them .. why do you want to know.. or something a little more subltle than the above.. I know there arent many comforting things to say I am going through it myself .. but I can say keep your head up try not to overly obsess and know that its not just you going through it..



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