7 Replies
Teeka_Z - January 28

Good Evening all, i am 22 yrs of age in the Marine Corps and my husband and i have been ttc for about a almost 2 yrs now, before i here it again...i know im still young BUT there is a problem if i've been ttc for all this time and nothing has come of it, to say the least bit....it is frustrating and heartbreaking. Especially when im the friend always throwing the baby showers or asked to go shopping for baby stuff or be the one who listens to the friend who has to listen to im pregnant again, i dont know if i want to keep this baby"......anyway, i just had to vent for a moment lol. i am scheduled to have an HSG done this Thursday 31 Jan 08. (CD 11) Im excited but nervous at the same time..one part of me wants to knw that everything is okay the other part of me would rather know if we can figure out why conception has been such a difficult task....they said everything was good on my husbands end, so we just have to see whats going on with me. my heart goes out to all you women who are struggling with the same/simliar issues....


stillmourning - January 30

First, good luck to you. I have not been TTC quite as long, we had to take breaks after miscarriages and after I was diagnosed with PCOS. I'm 20 and TTC, some people think age is a big deal, but we are all here going through the same things, so it shouldn't matter. Some of us just decide to start sooner than others. I am curious about the HSG thing, we are going to go for a couple more cycles and then get some more tests done. Does your insurance cover the HSG, and do you (or does anyone else) know how much it costs if insurance won't cover it? What exactly does the HSG help to do?


Lissa_ - January 30

Hi Teeka and stillmourning - I am 28 and have been ttc for 5 years. I have had 3 early m/c, have a blood clotting disorder that causes late m/c stillbirth (not ever got that far), PCOS, Endometriosis. I do not think that anyone should say (Teeka) that you're still young at 22 so you have loads of time. Its also really infuriating how pg everyone you know becomes! Even worse when they moan 'oh it was an accident its my sixth not sure I'll cope'! We'd be so lucky to get pg by accident! The HSG is a great procedure as the dye put into your womb shows the inside of your womb and tubes and lets the dr's know if your womb and tubes are of normal shape and size. It also detects if there are any blockages in your tubes that could be preventing a fertilised egg from reaching your womb quickly enough to be viable or if it is prevented from reaching the womb at all. The HSG can also detect polyps or fibroids which could be causing a problem with implantation. Also if your tubes are blocked sometimes the very fact they are pushing dye through them clears the blockage! I had my second HSG 3 weeks ago. The first was relatively pain free (certainly no worse than period pains) with left tube blocked. The second one was not so great but then I have had issues with recurrent precancer of the womb and now have growths blocking the entrance to my tubes so that is most likely why it hurt this time, the left tube was unblocked by the procedure this time. Do take pain relief (like you would take for period pains) an hour before you have the procedure done as this really does help. Good Luck with your HSG Teeka and good luck to you both in your journey ttc.


Lissa_ - January 30

as for insurance or costs...... wouldn't know as I'm UK


Teeka_Z - January 30

Thank you both for the luck, I need it! im so nervous about tomorrow...i hear alot of horror stories about the pain...but im so ready to get it over with. Stillmourning and Lissa my heart goes out to the both of you and i mean it, i cant imagine the pain physically, emotionally, and mentally in result to a m/c. You ladies are in my prayers as we go through this journey together......as for insurance Lissa, i honestly dont know what the cost is because the military covers it for me...i wish i had the answer


Teeka_Z - January 31

Well today was the big day and im glad that it over with. I have to admit i cried in addition to almost breaking my husbands hand. When the Doc told me that i will feel some cramping...that was an understatement....."like a PAP SMEAR" my ass! lol well, they say from the looks of things, everything seems fine. They used the water based Dye by the way. What hurt the most for me was when she was putting the catheder(she said my cervix was slightly slanted which will make the intial process more painful) in and blew up the" balloon"....the actual administration of the dye brought cramps on a little but nothing more than the usual cramps i get on a monthly basis...It is something that was worth doing if its one step closer to our dream. she told me to wait 48 hours before intercourse...good for me bad for my hubby! Well off to bed for me, have a good day ladies!


Teeka_Z - February 3

Hello ladies, well its been two days since the procedure and i feel like my ole self again, my hubby and i were able to get back to our usual routine without any issues....i've read a few of the posts about getting pg after the test has been done, but i dont want to get my hopes up. in fact i dont even want to think about it....its so frustrating and often times depressing....


Teeka_Z - February 23

well, my AF was suppose to happen yesterday, but from the way these cramps are and how sensitive to the touch of every and any thing (my breast) are i think its safe to assume its around the corner :(



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