how many follicles per egg??
7 Replies
afcol - November 15

Hi. I will be having my first IUI on monday and was wondering if one follicle means one egg or can one follicle have more than one?? my biggest follicle was 21mm. Thanks


Aly0809 - November 15

Hi- One follicle means one egg. Good luck on Monday! I had my first IUI 10 days ago and am getting ready to test soon...


afcol - November 15

how did the IUI go? Do they do another ultrasound before the IUI??


Aly0809 - November 16

For me- they didn't do another ultrasound, just the IUI. Today is 11dpo and I got my BFP! All I needed was 1 IUI!


magicmarcy - November 17

Aly0809~ congrats!! That is so awesome!!!


Aly0809 - November 17

Thanks! I'm still in shock.


afcol - November 17

Congrats to Aly0809!!! did you have one big follicle as well or did you have several? I have my IUI in 2 hours!


Aly0809 - November 17

Thanks afcol- I actually did injectables and had about 4-5 good follicles. Good luck today!



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