high PROLACTIN levels
599 Replies
Amber - July 9

Hi Morgan,
Prolactin can really mess things up! Mine was high and all my other hormones fine as well and I did ovulate and had my period each month, but it was so hard to track and never regular each month. Like you I tried Bromocriptine and it was nasty stuff...I was sick on it more than I felt good. Now I am on dostinex and I feel great. My periods are regular after only 2 months and my prolactin is perfect. Give yourself some time on it and I am sure you'll have good results if your prolactin is the only thing holding you back! Good luck!


kc - July 9

Morgan - I too am ovulating regularly. Every 15th or 16th day. We hit all the good days tried everyday and everyother day. My dh is okay and my homone levels are okay. We've been ttc for over a year with a mc in april. The month I did get pg we were both on antibiotics for a cold. I'm wondering if there is a small infection that is preventing attachment? If we do have some type of infection neither one of us has any symptoms. Don't think we are hogs or anything we both have only been with one other than each other and have no history of std. We've been together for 15 years and married for 9. I'm thinking of asking the doc to put us on antibiotics just the see if my theory is right.


kc - July 9

Sorry Amber, I typed Morgan instead.


Rachael - July 10

Hi everyone. I am thankful for this email list but very nervous since I just start the bromocriptine tonight for the first time. My prolactin is 117 and the pituitary MRI showed an small bengn adenoma which my OB says is whats releasing the prolactin and stopping me from ovulating. I asked the ob about the bromocriptine and he said he has seen better results for ttc then Dostinex. I really hope this works and am very nervous about the side effects...any thoughts??


Amber - July 10

Don't be nervous.....some people don't experience any side effects. For me I had nausea and headaches. But if you do start to develop side effects, talk to your doctor and he can straighten things out for you! :))


kay - July 10

yes, i had mine check at 9dpo and my number was 25. according to my doc., this is too high so she wants to referre me to a specialist.the problem is that, eventhough my cycles are long( runs from 35-52 days), i still ovulate and my progesterone # is great.i guess what i'm saying is that i'm just so confuse at this point.according to my doc., a high prolactin makes it difficult to conceive.


MB - July 11

My prolactin levels are also elevated. My last test was 97. I have been on Dostinex for the past six weeks and have not had a cycle as of yet. I haven't had a cycle for several months. A pituitary tumor was ruled out as the cause of the elevated levels. I am not currently ttc, but I am extremely concerned about the future (next two years). Does anyone know how long it will take before my cycle returns?


TS - July 11

To Merlee.... Thanks for your response!! It is facinating to hear that you were never on Dostinex, but that your Prolactin levels normalized after using Progesteron cream!! That is what I have been wondering....but I was always too afraid to stop the Dostinex, even though my intuition and research told me that fixing Progesteron levels would bring Prolactin to a normal level. I have been on Dostinex since January, I need to go get my levels checked again. At least they are studying and using natural remedies in Europe, I guess pharm. companies don't have European Dr.s by the balls!! Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience and advice with me!!!


Rachael - July 11

Thanks Amber for the good wishes. I have been on the bromocriptine for three days now and no bad side effects so far so I'm hopeful all will go well. I'm also very interested inthe progesterone cream. Where can I get it and find out more about it? I would much prefer to use a natural remedy or try it in conjunction with the bromocriptine. Has anyone tried both together with success? I am going back to the MD in a month to check my prolactin again.


merlee - July 12

TS! I would think that 6 months on Dostinex would be plenty. I would definately have your levels tested again. Rachael, I love the prog cream and I usually get it from early-pregnancy-test.com, on the left of the screen is a list of products. I really like theirs, it is the best one I have tried and only $20 for about 2-3 mo worth (depends on how much you use) and shipping is free. If you want to research natural prog cream do a google search for it and click on any thing that has to do with Dr. Lee - he has a book and has done a lot of studies and research


sebi - July 12

hello, my prolection level was to high3 months before.i got irregular periods problem after marriage the missing days increased every month and last was 16.i went to dr and got this problem and had mri too.i started cal_ net tab but my periods was late 2weeks than dr started dostinex and i got my periods after 3 months ,dr said that now it was regular. i am trying for baby, now my level came low and i stopped medicen.but this monthi am still waitting my periods my date was18 june i went to dr when imissed 6 days, she said u r normal all of test test was normal and my pregnancy test was negitive that time.now i am 22 days late,am i pregnant?.or without having another period i can,t?.but dr said its normal lots of women have very long cycle after 3 or 4 moths some have only 2 in year .is a women can pregnant if she has a long cycle or she will waite her next periods?
after 6 days i test but my test was neg i countinue sex can these intercourses makes me pregnant although i did these after my accept dates or i must have another periods?. if i ned taht it means i always have to waite three or four monthes? .. but dr said if u have 4 in a then what,s time ie good for me to conceive and come to pregnant? thanks .


Noelle - July 12

Hi Ladies, I too have high prolactin without a tumor. I was put on 1/2 a pill of Dostinex once a week and within 2 months I was pregnant. I am now 7 months into my pregnancy and doing well. I am not on my meds now, but most likely will be after the baby is born. This is treatable and yes youcan concieve. Sympotms vary in people but because it is a hormone imbalance symptoms can include weight gain, panic attacks, tiredness, moodiness, lack of menses and ovualtion, trouble TTC, breast tenderness and lactation. I wish you all well. Dostinex worked wonders for me and the side effects were short lived and tolerable. Good luck!


Rachael - July 13


What do you think about taking the prog cream with bromocriptine? HAve you heard of anyone doing them together? Thanks for any info...I'll look on that website about it.


Hockey Girl - July 13

I had not had period since Feb. 2005 and started lactacitng in March, even though I haven't BF'd since last August. I have blood tests run about 3 weeks ago - and was told my progesterone levels were elevated and was put on the generic for Parlodel. 1/2 tab in a.m., 1/2 tab in p.m. I have been waiting for 1-1/2 weeks for the endrocrinologist to call me back regarding an appointment - but no luck so far. Part of me is thinking, "well - the levels must no tbe that bad if he hasn't contacted me by now - he's a really small town internist who specializes in endocrinology....

Ugh - suggestions other than calling him ASAP???



merlee - July 14

Rachael, sorry, I don't really know anything about bromocriptine. Just what I read on www. , not much. Hockey girl - call that doc. A friend of mine recently was told to wait for her doc's call. She waited 3 wks. When she finally called, they said that they had LOST her file!! Stay on top of them!! and good luck


SAMMY - July 15




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