high PROLACTIN levels
599 Replies
Rachael - August 11

Kendra- I think you should up the dosage. I'm on .5 mg of dostinex twice a week and it brought my level from 109 to 7.5 in a month! If your levels are higher than what I had it seems like you would need a higher dosage. This medicine does work! You just need to get the dosage right.


mi<[email protected]> - August 11

i had low prolactin and progestrone, my Dr. first treated me by elevating the prolactin and latter increased progestrone yet i couldnt get pregnant. now my prolactin is high 26 and i dont know what to do.


Jennifer - August 13

I was ttc my third child and was tested and found out I had high prolactin levels. I went on parlodel and conceived after my first month on it. I had a beautiful healthy baby girl. Lots of luck.


Barb - August 14

I have an elevated prolactin level -- first discovered in 1998. It is now at 38. An MRI ruled out a tumor. I have been trying to conceive for 7 months. I am ovulating and have regular menstrual periods. Charting revealed an 8 day luteal phase -- too short. My doctor perscribed clomid to try to encourage an earlier ovulation in the hope that would lengthen my luteal phase. I am 2/3 through my cycle and it appears that clomid did nothing to encourage earlier ovulation. My doctor appears unwilling to perscribe medication to actually address my elevated prolactin levels. Has anyone tried herbal remedies such as chasteberry or Vitex? Were you successful in lowering your prolactin levels or in conceiving after taking those herbs?


Barb - August 14

Some people mentioned using progesterone creams. Can anyone recommend a brand? Is there a certain way it should be applied to get the full benefit?


Jennifer - August 15

I would discuss it with your doctor or go to a specialist if he is not one. If your prolactin levels were brought down it might help.


Niche - August 15

Hi there. My periods disappeared about 6 months ago. I had come of the pill and I thought that this would be a cause. I went to the doctor last week, had blood tests and I was diagnosed with an elevated prolactin - 2032. GP said that normal is 600. I now have to have an MRI to rule out macroprolactinoma. Its a bit frightening. I am wondering if this means that conceiving will be difficult or and if you do conceive do any problems arise from having this condition? Thanks.


Amber - August 15

Hi Niche,
Don't worry too much about it...as you can see there are lots of women in the same situation. Your levels can be brought down by medications and conceiving is totally possible! I have read that some women with pitituary tumors have them completely disappear once they get pregnant...for others they don't but the meds work fine! :)) Don't worry!


Jennie - August 18

My prolactin levels are 101. My doctor put me on Dostinex and I am going for an MRI. Has anyone had any luck conceiving while on this medication? Is there anything else I can do inconjunction with the medication to help better my chances?


osalys - August 18

i just find out that i have my prolactin level high 64.7, my doctor is going to do a MRI to rule out adenoma, i have not have my period for 3 months and i have not been able to get pregnant.


MB - August 18

I've been on cabergoline (dostinex) since February because of high prolactin levels due to a prolactin secreting pituitary adenoma (MRI done)
I just finished first round of clomid and no pregnancy - however, blood work showed my prolactin at 56 - therefore I'm increasing my cabergoline dosage to try and combat
endocrinologist wants the level below 15


rachael - August 19


How are you doing? Haven't seen you on here in a while. As for the new women on here...High prolactin and a pituitary adenoma are very common. A thorough read of this posting will really educate you all.


Amber - August 19

Hi Rachael! I was thinking and wondering about you too! I am doing good....no baby news yet but still trying hard! :)) How about you?? How have you been doing?


Tiffany Jo - August 19

Jennifer, I read your posting from a while ago. You can read my postings to get my full story. I have been back on parlodel for one month. My husband and I want to try for our second child. I didn't have any problems concieving our first. I have a microadenoma. We are really concerned about being on medicine while trying to concieve. Any advice? Did you have any problems with your prolactin level getting too high during pregnancy? It seems like most people on this site only are focused on getting pregnant, not on the health of the fetus and themselves during pregnancy. This really frightens me!!! We need to make sure "mom" is going to be healthy and baby. Have you heard of any problems (birth defects) caused from moms taking parlodel. I am a nurse so I over analyse everthing!!! Hope to hear your story.


Rachael - August 20

Amber-I had my first period in 5 months, my prolactin is down to 7.5 and I ovulated according to my fertility monitor last monday so I guess its now in G-ds hands, But my cycle is back to normal and the dostinex has worked very well with no side effects! Best of luck to you and keep me posted. As for Tiffany jo's comments on concern for mom and baby...I am concerned but am more concerned about getting pregnant first and then regulating my meds and prolactin when I find out if I'm pregnant...Im not sure what else I can do other than that?


Jennifer - August 20

Tiffany Jo, I was ttc for the third time for a year, my gyno tried clomid. After four cycles of the clomid I was sent to a specialist. After numerous testing I found out my prolactin was elevated. It was only 41. After a few more blood tests the doctor put me on parlodel. I also had to start taking the pills slowly. After a month on parlodel I conceived. I was also very nervous about taking medication during pregnancy. The specialist had me take the pills for only the first six weeks. After she was able to see that my baby was developing I was taken off the pills. My levels were never checked again during my entire pregnancy. My daughter was born healthy. When she was 6 weeks old my doctor started testing my levels again. After 10 weeks with no breast feeding my levels were still high. I was put back on the parlodel. After being on the pills for a few weeks I found out I was pregnant. This time my gyno took me off the pills right away. Again I was never tested during my entire pregnancy. My doctor had explained to me that rising prolactin levels are normal during pregnancy. Six weeks after I gave birth to my fourth child my doctor started testing my levels again. This time my number was 102. She started me on parlodel and referred me to a specialist. I went to see the doctor last week, I amgoing for MRI on the 26th and started taking dostinex. I hope you will be able to conceive as easy as I was.



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