First time IUI success?
1524 Replies
lolis12 - June 4

Currently on Repronex--boy does it HURT/STING one day I couldn't even walk. I go for an u/s tomorrow.......I hope to be able to do the IUI next week. At yesterdays u/s I had two follicles around 12mm or 14mm i don't remember anymore...trying not to stress about it.

Baby dust to you all ladies.


morenas1 - June 5

For all the guys should start taking Royal Jelly if you haven't yet, that is the stuff that bees feed to their queen to produce lots of eggs to make more baby bees, it is supposed to help with egg quality as well as it has up to 17 different amino acids, vitamins and minerals and all the good is what the call the perfect food ;) hope this helps, it comes on pills or mixed with honey, look for it at your local health food store...and don't forget to feed your DH's with bee polen, it is supposed to help produce more good quality my case that wouldn't help me as I am using a cryobank :(
Good luck to all...ah! almost all the ones battling PCOS a good natural sweetener substitute is Agave nectar..look for the organic a a low glycemic index and tastes way better than natural sweetener stevia or any other artificial sweetener.
Baby dust to all!


mssy419 - June 6

Hi all. Sorry it's bene so long. After my 2nd IUI failed, I just fell into a depression. My DH and I took a little vaca, which we really needed. We ordered another batch of the "goods" (lol) and started gonal injections on Thursday.
Patty-How are you holding up? I'm sorry about your 2nd round not working. It sounds like you have a really good RE though, who is determined! Srry again it's been so long.


alrndn - June 6

welcome back missy. my husband and i took a vacation after our 2nd iui failed too. it made us feel a lot better.

i went to the dr on thursday. i found out that i have pcos and endometriosis. he wants to do surgery this month. he said after that we can return to letrozole and follistim. not sure how i feel about having surgery. i'm just praying that this helps.


bm83 - June 7

Hi all!
Just an update, going in for my 3rd IUI this morning, feeling positive about it, just thankful that this round of Clomid worked. The 2ww has officially begun.

Alrndn/Mssy419 - Sorry to hear your IUI's didn't work, going on a vacation with your husbands was a great idea. It lets you regroup and get back in it. Good luck!


chorona - June 7

lolis12: Let me know what your success with Repronex is. I have a co-worker who used that and she responded well to it. Good luck to you and hopefully you will have that IUI done soon!

I have a question for you ladies....I did an OPK at home last night for the first time ever. I'm on CD 10 and have very long cycles as I have PCOS. I did the test at 11pm just for fun to see how it worked and to my surprise I got a positive result. I was shocked to see those 2 pink lines, because I've heard that if you have a long cycle (40 days) that you should start testing on CD 17 and I've also heard that the best time to test is between 10am and 8pm. It was 11pm when I tested but both lines were the same colour and not faint at all. It was a definite positive. I only did one round of Clomid last cycle and it was still a 40 day cycle. Is it possible that I am now having a regular length cycle?
And how accurate are these OPKs? I'm going to keep testing for the next 2 weeks just in case last night's result was false.
DH and I will be bd'ing for the next few nights just in case.

Please let me know what your experiences with OPKs have been.

Baby dust to all!!!!


bm83 - June 7

Chorona - OPK's are very accurate if used correctly, I have been told my many dr.'s at the fert. clinic that the best time to test is between 10am-3pm, with 4 hours of concentrated urine. Have you tried the Clear Blue digital tests, they are a lot more money but there is no guessing the results. Just because you have a 40 day cycle doesn't mean you can't ovulate early, good for you for trying a test. That is the reason so many women miss their fertile window.
I too have PCOS and longer cycles when I am not on Clomid so perhpas it is regulating it, I believe that is one of the side effects.
Good luck to you!!


Patty49 - June 7

Mssy: Welcome Back. I hope that your vaca was relaxing. I pray that this cycle will be your cycle!!! Baby Dust.....We are going in on Wednesday for a check on my follies and hopefully IUI #3 on Thursday.

bm83: good luck on your IUI today, my fingers are crossed for you and I will pray that this your lucky cycle!!! Sending lots of baby dust!

lolis: I used the OPK tests and they never indicated I had a surge I took them with my FMU so I may just not have been catching it but my RE also said they aren't that accurate.

morenas: I have heard about that royal jelly too!! I haven't started I was having toast with just honey andh aving honey vanilla yogurt every day but I think I'm going to go buy some today. I was also taking a complete greens supplement with wheat grass and I also heard that geritol, grape juice and bromelain are good for egg quality as well.


morenas1 - June 7

Good morning ladies, I just got home from work and ready to get into my bed with my babies (chihuahuas).
bm83 Good luck today...this has to be the good one :)
alrndn I also have PCOS, I am trying to combine some natural supplements and home remedies to help me with the insulin resistance issue...started on Inositol caps once a day and RAW organic apple cider about it.
also switched from honey to Agave nectar for the lower glycemic index and it tastes just like honey.
Do you guys know of anything else that I don't? At this point I want to try anything natural.
Also have you guys tried to use the PRE-SEED lubricant with the cervical cup to keep the sperm inside? I am going to try that after my IUI to make sure the sperm stays in.
Can't wait to start my cycle again.


bm83 - June 7

morenas1 - I've been using pre-seed for a few months now, the dr.'s dont think it will do much to help but it can't hurt. A couple of my gf friends tried it after months of infertility and ended up getting pregnant, perhaps just a coincidence but you never know.


chorona - June 7

BM83: Good luck on your IUI today. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that it works for you! And thanks so much for the info on OPKs. Even though I tested late at night, I'm not sure that it would give me a false positive. Both lines were dark and the same colour intensity. So hopefully it was a true positive.

MORENAS1: I've never used Pre-seed but am very curious about it. I've never seen it here in Toronto and honestly wouldn't even know where to look. I may buy some online and try it out. As for the cervical cup to keep the sperm in, there's no need for that when you do an IUI. I'm not sure if you've ever done an IUI or not, but nothing comes out as the sperm is placed high up in your uterus. If you had an ICI (Intra-Cervial Insemination) then sperm may fall out, but not with an IUI. No one really does ICIs anymore.
Either way, good luck! Do you know when you'll do your IUI?


lolis12 - June 7

Chorona- I think I responded very well to Repronex...I had lots more follies this time around than I ever did on Clomid. I had 2 over 16mm and one a little over 18mm and another rounded to 18mm 4 total good size ones. Hoping that this is my month. I really feel like it will be.

Had my 2nd IUI yesterday. Officially started the dreaded 2ww.

Baby dust to us all ladies.


Patty49 - June 7

lolis12: Just wanted to wish you luck and lots of baby dust. It seems a lot of women on here aren't good responders to clomid, if my 3rd IUI fails I'll be switching to letrozol. Keep us posted!


lolis12 - June 7

THANKS Patty49, I hope it does work for you though and u dont have to use Letrozol. Good Luck!! I'll keep u posted.


morenas1 - June 8

Finally started my cycle yesterday, going for an U/S tomorrow morning and praying there are no cysts left so I can start meds =)


jsampson27 - June 8

Hi I just came upon this site. I am so happy to meet differnt women who are going through the exact same thing I am. Thank you your posts it is so encouraging. God is good indeed! It has been a trying time of patience for us. After 1 successful preganancy 7yrs ago and trying for baby #2, the natural way for 2 1/2 yrs has been unsuccessful.We have finally decided to do an IUI. I will be having the procedure done on Friday-June 6th.
I am nervous and this is our very first try. I had severe endometriosis-stage 3. I am just praying and trusting God that this works as HE is the giver of life!
Thank you lovely ladies! :o)



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