Fellow Canadians?
94 Replies
Rachel5 - August 7

Hi ladies,
I just wanted to pop in and annunce that after 13 cycles ttc#1 I just got my BFP on Friday at 10dpo. This is the cycle where we completed our antibiotics for mycoplasma bacteria. This is not an STD, some people just have it as part of their natural flora. It makes it almost impossible for an egg to implant as the endo lining is inflamed. The RE thinks it was this all along. I went through all those painful tests and stress to find out a bug caused our infertility. Everything happens for a reason I guess, we are just in the process of finishing our basement and deck which costs a lot of money. If I had been on mat leave we wouldn't have had the money for it. Please pray for me that this will stick, we don't know yet if the mycoplasma is completely gone and the miscarriage rate doubles with it. We get our results in 2 weeks. Sticky vibes!! Good luck everyone.


TracyR - August 7

Isa and Thayward thanks for the information! I appreciate it. I'll have to ask about getting monitored more closely. Rachel5... if the mycoplasma is actually all gone, then is there still an increased risk of m/c? I wish you all sorts of luck! Congratulations on the BFP!!! That's the first step! How exciting! When does that make your due date? Where do you live? Good luck and keep us posted! I for one want to hear about all of your pregnancy signs and symptoms!


Rachel5 - August 7

You can still get pg with mycoplasma it just makes it that much harder. There could still be a trace of it in our system so I'm hoping not as the m/c rate increases. If it's gone then I would ahve the normal m/c rate as any other healthy person. I think my due date is April 17th based on ovulation date. I see the RE on Wednesday for b/w. On 9dpo, which was last Thursday I got my MMR vaccine, I went for a retest for the mycoplasma and went to my 3 hour cycle monitoring orientation session. I got spotting that day so I thought for sure a/f was on her way as per normal. Then on 10dpo, no spotting which was odd so I tested with an internet cheapie and saw a ghost line so thought it was an evap. About 4 hours later I tested again with a CBE digital and another internet cheapie. I was stunned when the digital said positive. I tested again on Saturday with a Fact plus digital and BFP again. I have no other cymptoms other than a loss of appetite, some minor nausea but that could be from the heat, and some a/f type cramps. I think I could actually feel implantation, this pinching that is gone now. No boob pain or anything else but it is still real early. I live in Courtice, near Oshawa. I'll let you know if any symptoms progress.


thayward7 - August 9

How is everyone? SMILES
- T


lovemy3 - August 9

Congrats Rachel5, Very exciting, wishing you all the best!!


isa - August 10

Rachel congratulations. keep us posted on your beta #'s etc


thayward7 - August 12

Rachel 5 - CONGRATULATIONS! That is such wonderful news! I wish you all the best. I will likely start testing tomorrow - 10 days post IUI - I'd like to say I'll wait, but I know myself better than that!!! Take Care!
- T


Char - August 13

hi everyone! I am from Ontario, just north of toronto. I'm 24 and my DH is 25, We have been TTC #1 for almost 2 years -I had my laparoscory (spelling??) done in feb to which the conclusion was that i have severely damaged tubes and that i should have them removed. My OBGYN referred me to an RE for IVF in toronto. In june the RE did an SHG where he says the tubes look good because all the dye went into my abdomen and he was pretty upset about the GYN's diagnosis. So i am going for an HSG in September to find out really what is up. I have PCOS and have been on metformin since June. If everything stays the way the SHG proved, then I will be starting clomid shortly after the HSG. I just wanted to say good luck to everyone and congrats to those who have conceived! I hope to hear some more positive outcomes on here, it gives me more hope everytime i hear someone else has gotten through it!


thayward7 - August 13

Welcome to this thread Char... I hope everything works out for you. It sounds like a frustrating situation! Hang-in there!
- T


TracyR - August 13

Hi Ladies... I am quite upset... I got my CD24 progesterone test results back yesterday (my first cycle of femara) and my result was 1.4. I did 3 cycles of Clomid as well and the numbers never got above 2.3 on my best month. The doctor had said that this was my last shot until I lose more weight (I've already lost almost 30lbs-but still need to lose more-I am very insulin resistant and am on Metformin 1500mgs). He said that injectibles would only cause me to produce too many follicles. Although he has never once ultrasounded me. I can't help but wonder if all I need is a trigger shot. Oh well... I guess I wait until CD40 and call his office again and see what my new plan of attack is. I am torn as to what to do... do I push for monitoring and maybe a trigger shot? Or do I take more time and continue with the weight loss efforts? I am 30 now and DH is almost 32. We've been TTC #1 for 15 months now. It is so disheartening... At this point I would give almost anything just to ovulate! I can't get pregnant without that key ingredient!!!


thayward7 - August 13

Tracy, that sounds so frustrating! Is there a reason your doctor doesn't use the trigger shot? I didn't use it for my first cycle, but then my RE suggested it for the past 3 cycles. Also, on clomid, I has only 1 ultrasound on the first cycle, but then almost daily ultrasound and bloodwork (LH and E2) for the last 3 cycles. I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance too. I am on 100mg of Metformin per day (50mg 2x per day). I guess I feel lucky that my RE has been so open to suggesting things and listening to my ideas and concerns. I think you need to ask about the trigger shot, AND monitoring. But, you have to do what you feel comfortable with. Hang-in there chicky. Smiles and Fertile thoughts. Let us know how things go.
- T


thayward7 - August 13

Remember, the doctors know their jobs BUT you know your body too! You have rights to ask if you feel it is what you need. Sending you positive thoughts and strenght. Smiles....
- T


isa - August 14

Tracey I'm not familiar with the meformin but my understanding by my RE is that anyone on any meds for fertility should be monitored with u/s and b/w. Its free by OHIP so there is no reason why they shouldnt do it for you. Maybe get a 2nd opinion from another doc? He wont even let people take clomid until they have done at least 1 cycle of no med monitoring to see how the body works and then he does a recommendation (I did 2 cycles before meds) and he does day 3 u/s, b/w, cd 10 u/s b/w and then depending on what the results are on cd10 possibly every day u/s, b/w until you get your surge (and they do that from b/w, u/s not those opks like many docs in the USA do) and once your on meds you go even more often for b/w, u/s. I've read some really bad stories about unmonitored clomid users and you can end up with cysts (I did) and hyperstimulation etc and without them monitoring you, you wont know whats happening. Clomid also thins your lining so many need to have estrogen added on cd9 or 10 to boost the lining. How did he know if your lining is fine? There is so much you need to know. My lining was thin both months on clomid so he said nomore of that for me. Please think about getting a doctor that will monitor you properly. I dont mean to scare you but I've been at this fertilitty stuff for over a year and have read tons, and been through a lot every month tyring to find the right stuff for me (right now dealing with genetic stuff we found in my chromosomal testings so everythihg is on hold til more tests come back).


isa - August 14

Char so sorry you are getting mixed messages. I do know that if you have 2 blocked tubes ohip covers your ivf (3 tries). Its the ONLY reason OHIP covers ivf. I hope you get some answers soon.


thayward7 - August 14

How is everyone today? I am 11 days post IUI - tested this morning BFN. Iam still hopeful - please send babydust my way! Thanks,
- T


isa - August 14

thayward lots of dust your way. I was told not to test until 14 days past iui so I think you are too early. Very few believe it or not get anything before 12 days. If you look at the early response rates on the actual package only about 1/2 of the people get a bfp 4 days early. Majority get it on day af is due



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