Feb Clomid Buddies...3
144 Replies
Hannah B - March 31

Hi girls, thanks for the well wishes. The disappointment this time wasn't so bad. I guess you get use to it over time. Well I thought we were going to do one more treatment with Clomid, but we've decided to sit out this month and decide how we want to proceed from here with the RE. Our insurance pays for a certain amount lifetime and we are considering going to possibly IVF since it cost the most and we want to try and allocate the money towards that rather than spend the money on these clomid/IUI cycles. I'm really not sure yet at this point. I am going to make an appointment with the RE next week to discuss it. I think if we go the IVF route we can have the insurance pay for two cycles.


wantanotheraftertr - March 31

Hannah good luck with the IVF I think I would do the same thing. I don't think my insurnace would pay any of it since I had a tr. They cover it for infertility but I'm not sure after the tr. anyway good luck and best wishes! BFPprayers


filledwithfaith - April 1

Hi everyone, sorry I haven;t checked in for a couple of days. I have been crazy busy! I am on CD 21 and will go check to see if I O'd on monday, hopefully getting results from RE on Thurs. I sure hoped it worked this month. I can;t believe its already April. And to think I was hoping to be pg for X-mas.....aw well. I want to say to all of you..THANX for beiong here. I don't know if I could go day to day not knowing there were others going through the same thing. Other ppl do not understand and I often feel defective if I try to explain it even to myself. So again, Thanks! Nite nite


wantanotheraftertr - April 3

Hello all I am finally 3dpo and haveing a great time in Fla. Got a nice sunburn and used spf 50 Do you think it will cause any problems if I did concieve? I know hot tubs are bad b/c you can not sweet but I am not sure about sun burns! Anyway BFP prayers to all hope vegas is fun! I know I am certianly enjoying my vaca!


sharerc - April 4

Hey ladies. Not much action in our thread anymore. I went in for a clomid check today and everything was fine. I got my prescriptions and won't be going back to that OB. I told her I had an appointment with a RE and she told me she didn't think I needed one. Well, if you're not going to monitor I obviously do need to see someone else. She also gave me something to help with the anxiety and stress I had during and after taking the clomid. I hope it helps. I took my first clomid pills today and popped a prozac too.


rrc - April 4

Hi All! :) HANNAH, I agree about starting the new thread. How about you get it started for us? Maybe it will get us jump started again. :) Did you get an appointment with the RE yet? SNOOP, I don't know anything about injectables. Sorry. Did AF come for you? You should be cd32 or so now if not right? Any signs? SHARE, That's exciting you get to see an RE. Hopefully they'll be able to get things going for you. When's your first appointment? Glad you had fun in Vegas too. Did you win lots? :) FILLED, hopefully you o'd this month. So you find out Thursday? Hopefully all the bd'ing paid off this month! And I, like you, am very glad for this forum. Even though I'm taking a little time off, I'm so glad for the support system, and that there's others out there going through the same struggles. WANTANOTHER, glad you're having a good vacation! I think it's more the heat, isn't it, that is bad for a baby? Maybe not. I don't know. But I would guess at 3dpo, you'd still be okay, since it probably hasn't even connected yet. Anyhow, hope everyone else is good. nite! :)


rrc - April 4

Where is everyone today?


filledwithfaith - April 5

hi everyone! the thread sure is quiet these days! I am going to see my specialist tomorrow to see if I O'd or not. I have this sinking feeling that I did't, b/c if I did , pg or not, I would be on CD 25 and I do not have bloating or sore boobs yet. Does anyone know how early that starts if pg? I also wanted to know if anyone has known someone or heard on this forum of ppl for whom clomid didn;t work? I sure hoope not, b/c my RE said he would still have me try at 150mL and then referral to a clinic to try femera or something else. I guess I just wonder if there is a point waiting for that when 50 and possibly 100 mL has not worked. I am only 115lbs and think that along with the metformin, it should have worked ont eh lower dose. I guess we will find out tomorrow and maybe I am stressing for nothing. I hope everyone comes back to forum and if someone starts a new one, I will find you. Hope everyone is staying positive, even though I am having a skeptical one, and that we share some BFP this month. TTYL


snoop - April 5

Hi ladies! rrc AF came on Monday the 2nd. I had a 31 day cycle which is back to normal (the old days). I am currently on cd 3. I see my RE tomorrow for the first time and I am excited about it but feeling the same as many of us, disappointed and negative. My ob never increased my clomid from 50mg (if my RE continues it this will be my third round to start on Friday). Share..I think we are making the right move to the RE. My ob actually referred me but I have been feeling like giving up lately. oh well...throwing my own pity party. wannanotherafter...I dont think the sunburn will hurt your ttc...at least I hope not since Im headed to St. Lucia on Sunday. I'll ask the RE tomorrow! Hannah...have you decided to go to the IVF? I peaked on cd 18 and 19 last month and if its the same this month, we'll be back from our weddingmoon. Guess I better save some passion huh? Come on girls...lets get to bd'ing and get some BFP's!!! Baby dust


wantanotheraftertr - April 5

Well ladies I am currently 5dpo and my temp has dropped for the last 2 days it is not looking to good unless by some chance It goes back up soon. But I figured I was on my own this month anyway so not feeling to good about things. I will go back on clomid next week I'm sure I take it 3-7 and my normal lp is 11 on my own if that. Looks like a few of you are making the move to RE I am so happy for you they know so much more. Enjoy st. lucia use lots of sun block! I am still sore from Monday and going to the beach again today. Will make sure i am covered well with spf50. I don't care to be brown (white) is a good look on me. Snoop I know all about the pity party I had a good one last month but it's getting much better it's amazing what vaca will do. Hope we get another BFP soon I wish Cat would have stuck around to let us know how her pg is going. BFP prayers to you all!


sharerc - April 5

Hey ladies. Nothing much going on today. I need to write some reports but I actually have time to relax a little today. Tuesday will be another story though. I have a 4 day weekend. Wooohooo! We'll I'm on CD7 today. Got not fertile on my rolex as expected. I'm on day 3 of the clomid since I didn't get my prescription until CD5. I'm feeling a little bit better about the world today. Not feeling like I'm on speed like last month. So, that's good! The RE called yesterday to reschedule the time of my appointment. I guess he's going out of town that day and moved the time up to 10 instead of 2. Whatever works for me. But I hope him going out of town won't get in the way of starting things ASAP. I'm pretty certain my friends that use him said he has another doctor that fills in for him when he's gone. Well, back to writing reports!


snoop - April 6

Hello again. I had my RE appointment today and he increased my clomid to 100mg on cd 4-8 in the pm only. He requested I come in on day 13 for a HSG shot but I wont be here so this month will have to bring along an ov kit. Maybe next month though if it doesnt work this month. I thought those days were unusual since I was taking on cd 5-9 and I have only heard of others on cd 3-7. But anyway, I will go with what he says. He did an u/s to make sure I didnt have any ov cyst and it was all clear. Since today is cd4 I took my first 100mg dosage moments ago. He said my side effects would be moodiness and hot flashes...oh boy what good contributors to a weddingmoon in St. Lucia lol! DH asked if we could wed via satelite lol! The RE went on to say that if 3 rounds of 100mg did not get it, we could then go to injectables and possibly IUI. Oh yeh...the best part...he called me "young" and thanked him endlessly lol! He raised my spirits at least momentarily. wannanother you and I are very close since you are cd 5 and I am cd4 but I think your cycle is shorter than mine right? I normally go 30/32 days. Share...I cant wait to hear the news from your RE apptmt when I get back. I hope everything goes well.


wantanotheraftertr - April 6

snoop my cycles are 31-32 days as well. But I am now 6DPO I am at least 1 week behind you as I am cd26 I am also on my own this month have only taken 1 round of clomid and will start again if we are not pg this time. either way I'm ok but if it is not this time will be next year before we hold our baby. anyway got to pack to go home so talk with you all later and to st lucia is great I know Fla. has done me wonders. BFP prayers!


filledwithfaith - April 6

so hi everyone. I did not post yesterday, b/c felt very down. I went and saw OB and he said I did not O again this month on 100ml and he suspects I have resistant ovaries. He wants me to try 150 ml this month, although he does not think it will work. Unfortunately in Canada, although we have medical coverage, we have to go through certain methods first before they will consider trying what they know could work (IVF). Stupid systemin that way and also the IVF is outrageously expensive compared to USA, as it is seen as "specialty" or elective procedures. They refuse to see infertility as a disease or medical issue and therefore classify it as elective...AHHHHH. I am sure it is politcal adn if only they knew the pain women go through to have a child. There, that's my rant and I am still feeling very pesimistic today. I do not know alot about IVF and would love to hear about what others know or have been through. Also it any of you know a good clinic in USA, please let me know, as I think we would consider going that route. It seems everyone is kind of bmmed on this thread right now. I hope things get brighter for all of us! TTYL


sharerc - April 6

Filled- sorry you're feeling down. How many months have you been on clomid? My good friend, Tink on this board, just did IVF. She could answer any questions you have about it I'm sure. What type of test did they do to see if you actually Od? I'm off today and took DD and my niece to see Meet the Robinson's. Don't waste your money on it. It was not very entertaining. I came home to a sick DH and he's passed out of the bed. I think I'll wake him in a second to see if he's alright. I'm on day 4 of my clomid, CD8. And not fertile on the rolex. Wooohoooo! That's all I've got.


mkhunter1 - April 7

Hello everyone. New to all this. I have been on chlomid for three months now to no avail, My OB just started me on Femara, didn't know what that was, so thats how I ended up here. Does anyone have any experience with Femara?



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