DO YOU THINK ??? plese reply
61 Replies
Drew - June 2

Thank you to whoever wrote to Drew. I am only trying to help and in turn get help when I need it. I'm glad someone sees that. To Laura, I hope it helped. Hey... tomorrows Friday! Have you started af or are you going for the test? Please let me know how it works out, I'm hoping and praying for you! Good luck!


laura xx - June 2

we dont call it af over here i take it you mean period ???


yeah well - June 2

we call it a/f to put it politely! learn some new terminology then! or dont come to the forum go to one in bloody ole england!


Audrey - June 2

I was the one who wrote "To Drew", and Drew, you're very welcome! Milissa, I am sorry I have only found this forum a month ago, does that make me less important somehow? Sorry to hear that. Laura XX, I am from the States, but when I started reading these posts I had NO idea what "af" was either. I have since learned that it means, "Aunt Flo." :)) I really thought I was pregnant this past month but unfortunately AF came for a visit! I was very sad, but this month I am going to try taking an OPK (ovulation predictor kit.) I don't know if it will work or not, but why not! *****Baby Dust to ALL!*****


Drew - June 3

Laura, yeah the terminology is a little confusing at first, but you pick it up pretty quickly! Audrey, thanks again. Are you on any infertility drugs? I just started Clomid and Metformin at the begining of May, and was supposed to have af on the 31. It never came (as always) and I'm so scared to do a test. I do not want another negative!!!! I have been thinking about using an opk once I finally do get af too. Are they easy to use?


Drew - June 3

Laura, sorry, I also wanted to ask how you are feeling? Are you still feeling sick? Isn't it funny how something we want so bad can make us feel that bad! Well worth it though!


Hi - June 3

When I first found this website I was really confused with all the termonology also. Somebody told me about and it has all the abbreviations and what they stand for. I had no idea what af was either. In regards to the opks, I tried one, and I kind of think they're hard to use. You have to get 2 lines (which most times I did) but the one line hast to be the same color or darker than the other for it to be + and then that only means that you could o within 24-36 hours. If you catch it at the wrong time, you could have already o'd or could be o'ing at that time. I want to get that Clear Blue one, but it's expensive. Good luck. :-) Also, when I was pg with my first child I had to take antibiotics (sinus infection) and there are safe ones. You can call and ask any pharmacist (or chemist in other parts of the world) if that is safe for pg. Good luck. :-)


Audrey - June 3

I am not on any fertility drugs as of yet. I am going to give it another few months before I take that route. My problem is that since I got of the pill my periods are so irregular! One month it is 28 days, the next 35, the next 45, etc.... I have no idea when I am ovulating. I tried to track my basal temperature, but I was unable to take my temp at the same time every morning so I got skewed results. SO, I figure that I'll give this OPK a try. It says to take it the week that you should be ovulating (it comes with 7 sticks)... but since I really don't know that, I am just spending way too much money and buying like 20 days worth and started it using it this morning! :)) I want a baby so badly, my husband and I both do. We both feel like we are ready. We spent so long trying to avoid pregnancy, and now that we are ready, it seem so hard and frustrating! Anyway, I bought the Walgreens brand opk and you just use it like you would a pregnancy test and if the line in the testing box is as dark or darker than the line in the control box, then you should ovulate within the next 24 to 48 hours. I hope it works! Maybe your af won't come and you won't have to worry about opk's!:)) I am sending lots of good thoughts your way!


Drew - June 3

To Hi, thats the sime site I went to and it was VERY helpful. I just forgot what it was called. Is the Clear Blue the digital one? Audrey, isnt it funny how we worry about preventing pg so much, then it turns out to be so hard to get pg? Thank you for your well wishes. I'm hoping so hard. Maybe I'll break down tomorrow and buy a hpt. I have spent so much money on those things! But I too am going to try an opk if all else fails. Well, time to go to bed for tonight, talk to you all tomorrow! Good night and sweet baby dreams!


Audrey - June 3

Drew, I laughed out loud when I read your last post! I have spent SO MUCH money on those hpt's! It is because I get my hopes up every month (and then I have to test like 5 times... just to be sure!:)). If my husband had any idea how much I spent he would be shocked. I am thinking about going to a dollar store next month!:)) Good night!


Hi - June 3

My hubby would also die if he knew how much money I spent on hpts also. How funny. I finally did break down and go to Dollar General. Hey, if I can get 6 there for $6 and only 2 for $6 at WalMart why not? (I know 6? but hey need to make sure). Good luck to all. :-)


Milissa - June 3

Just so you know the reponses from: COMMENT and AND are not from me. I never once called anybody a retard. And, the whole ENGLAND - AMERICA thing did not come from me either. I have tried to stop the bickering on this forum, but you keep bringing up my name (by the way I'm Milissa NOT Melissa) and insulting me. I am not just a silly kid nor am I manipulative! You need to get a life and stop bashing me.


Audrey - June 3

Milissa, it is already stopped... just drop it. :))


Joby - June 3

To Audrey - I was spending quite a bit of money on hpt & OPKs aren't cheap either. Have you thought about buying over the internet in bulk? Does tend to work out cheaper - I'm in the UK and can cost around $22 for 1st response ept (2 tests) but I managed to get 20 cassette types for same cost! have a look & see!


Drew - June 4

I was all talk about buying hpts....and what did I buy today? You can get them at the dollar store.....AWSOME! They dont have them here in any dollar store :( and for two of them I pay $17.99. Thats 1st Response too, so maybe I'm a little luckier here in Canada. I'm actually looking for the bulk strips, but I'm a little leary about the whole credit card/internet thing. So tomorrow morning I'll take the test again. If neg. the next big expense will be the opk. If anyone has suggestions on which ones are better or eaiser, please let me know. This is all so confusing!


Drew - June 4

Laura, how did your doc's appt go today? I have been wondering all day! Hope all went well!



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