Disappointment again... :(
2 Replies
hoping2b - February 20

Well, after thinking that for sure this month was the month after using the Maybe Baby Ovulation Tester and preseed, today AF arrived. We have been trying for about 18 months although not all that 'hard' and both DH and I are now in a point where we are truly ready for this next step. The power of positive thought has failed me again this month... It is so hard to pick yourself up again after the disappointment each month. It's such a rollercoaster of emotion....2 weeks of trying, up... 2 weeks of waiting then down again... Oh well, when it is meant to happen it will happen right??? Thanks for letting me vent... Feeling a bit better :)


SaraWalters - February 20

I understand where you are coming from. My husband and I have been trying for almost 4 yrs know. I am 28 and my husband is 31. It is hard to stay positive after awhile. We are finally going to a fertility spec. in April. Hopefully we will get some answers. Best of luck to you, hopefully you won't have to wait as long. If nothing else, I guess you can just look at the fact that it may just bring you and your husband closer together. Just remember God has it all planned out for you. Try to be patient.


Christy - February 20

hoping2b- have you been to the doctor yet for infertility work-up? My dh and I have been ttc for #2 for 13 months. We recently had his "boys" checked out and they are good. Now it is my turn to be checked out.. Had some blood work done in the fall and now we're going to do some more blood work, and possibly a HSG to make sure my tubes aren't blocked. I would book an appointment with your gynecologist soon if I was you. Out of curiosity, how long have you been monitoring your ovulation? Are you having intercourse the days leading up to ovulation as well as the day you're supposed to ovulate? That'll be one of the first things that the doc asks you, so if you have that stuff written down or charted somewhere, bring it in with you to the doctor's office. Lots of luck to you and let us know how things go!



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