desperate for help, need questions answered, please!
2 Replies
joanniehallchinn - November 30

I really want more kids from my new husband. only One tube was cauterized, but no tieing nor cutting in 2000. i also recieved results some months back in june showing that i had follicles inside both ovaries full one even a size 1.8cm. nothing in the uterus then. but now this past oct. i just found out that i had follicles on the outside of my ovaries and some small fibroids in my uterus. after that i started taking vitex 1000mg and prenatal pills. my nipples are tender and i have been abled to squeeze light colored milk out of my breast and some back lower shoulder pain. my husband and i have been humping like rabbits for some weeks now. could we have finally made our blessed dream baby? luv you guys baby dust!!!


MollieM - December 6

why are you asking people online if you are pregnant? take a test.


Jennacat - December 6 have every right to ask anything you want. This site is for women to give advice and be encouraging. Is your period late? If so, I would go ahead and test. If not, I would wait and if it doesn't come, test. I hope that you get your BFP. Keep us posted.



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