December/January IVFers
458 Replies
JenG - December 4

Cmel, My ER is technically at 9am but they want me there at 8am Wed. You are doing HCG in the tummy? The RE instructed me in the butt. So many ways.


linds99 - December 4

Hey Robyn, how big was your dominant ones, or how fast were your eggs growing that they sped up your ER by 5-days? Were they basing it on estrogen levels or egg sizes? BTW, I totally think you are preggers girl, it totally worked for you...good luck on your Beta tomorrow. Same to you JenG & is a really exciting week here on this thread.


ROBYN - December 4

Hey Linds my dominant ones which were only 2 were 20mm and the others were 18-19 when I triggered so they obviously caught up because when they retreived 11 they were all matured. As for the reason mine was moved up was because I responded so well to the meds. They started me off high and then slowly tapered off when they saw how well I was responding. My E2 levels were normal starting at 77 on the day before stims and up to 4731 the day before retreival which they said was a great range. Oh I just took another HPT ( i think I am just a little too obsessive at ths point what do you think?) LOL Yeah it came back positive in less than like 30 seconds. So I am pretty sure also. But obviously need that blood work confirmation and curious how high the number would be I would shit if it were 2 be twins!!


ROBYN - December 4

Oh Heather did you test at all prior to your beta?


linds99 - December 4

Robyn-sounds like you had an ideal cycle. Gosh, I just don't know what is in store for me, they started me out really low and this is what happened. My lupron was only 10 units and it was reduced to 5 units when I started the follistim, which is only at 100 units. I hope they lower the follistim. It seems my eggs are growing the same rate they always do, about 2 mm per day like they did during my other IUI cycles with clomid. Your estrogen level was max, that is high...I wonder what is the highest they let estrogen levels get before retrieval?


ROBYN - December 4

linds - I also started lupron at 10 then when the stims started reduced to 5 then its was 150 gonal f and 150 menopur put into one injection. then I start to taper off then it was no more gonal then 150 of menopur, then they dropped it to 75 menopur then the night of the trigger nothing and the next day nothing then the retreival. I dont know what they consider the highest e2 for retreival. I know i was pretty high i was going up like a 1000 points a day so i am sure that played a factor on moving it up also.


linds99 - December 4

1000 pts per day? that is nuts...thanks for the feedback though, at least I have an idea what may come...Tomorrow will be a happy day for you I just know it!! Good luck.


Mega - December 4

Hey ladies. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Wow, I missed a lot of action. Cmel & JenG--Wednesday's the day, huh? How exciting!!! GOOD LUCK to both of you. Your follie counts sound fantastic!!! Cmel, a good # of those 18+ will be mature, I'm sure of that. I think it's wonderful you two can go thru the 2 ww together. Nice to have a buddie to compare cycles with. And Robyn, sounding very very promising. I'd say the faint + last Fri. was most likely the hcg trigger shot leaving your body & the dark +'s is by now real preggo hcg. Oh I so hope you're the next BFP on the board. We need more good news. DId you hear back from the clinic yet re: moving up your beta? JenG--I always used prog. in sessame oil, like Robyn said, it comes premixed. HeatherP--Good luck on tomorrow's beta 2, with those high initial #'s I'm sure you'll have a great doubling #. Hang in there. Esmerlda--As another poster said, you'll get an AF after you're done with the BCPs but it'll be very light, spotty. Aish--Welcome! How'd your mock tx go? I found mine painful but not unduly so, definately better than the HSG. Isa--I hope you don't have to cancel another cycle but it's nice to have backup travel plans though. I'm sure you could use a holiday. Linds--Wow, that's a lot of follies. You're poor ovaries. You mentioned your left one. Is that your overproducer ovary? All but 1 mature follie of mine came from my left side, so I understand about that boulder feeling. I'm glad they're monitoring you closely this week. You asked about my bleeding. Actually surprisingly I did start bleeding at 4 AM this morning. I took a sick day, I couldn't stand the thought of being at work. It's so heavy, clotty. A little painful but not horrible, never had to take anything worse than tylenol, though I might take something heavier before bed. Mainly just used my heat pad on the tummy & back. I'm shocked that I started this early, my #'s were still in the 500s on Friday which means they dropped a lot faster than they rose. I think I've read you can start bleeding as early as a beta of 80. I dunno...


cmelissa - December 4

Robyn my e2 levels are much higher this cycle than last so i guess thats good?? So can you walk - when i was doing the pio it hurt to even walk, ugh!! I hope we all get bfps too so we can all be pregnant at the same time! My e2 levels came back today around 3500 so by ER today they will probably be even higher! Robyn how many days did you stim for?


ROBYN - December 4

Mega - I am sorry this is starting I am sure your anxious to get this over with and start the next cycle <<HUGS>> MEL I can walk my left butt cheek feels like someone beat the crap out of it very bruising feeling. Mel - i stimmed for 6 days and then took the trigger then nothing for the next 2 nights.


isa - December 5

Hi guys wow lots of updates. Jen and cmel good luck with your triggers and your ER on Wed -so soon and exciting. Its so good you have each other for the 2ww. Robyn go girl lots of fingers crossed for you for a great beta. I think you are in the safely out of the hcg trigger zone. Mega, so sorry you have to go through this. You do sound very good though and I hope this blleding is over with by the time xmas rolls around and you will be able to enjoy the festivities. Linds holy cow girl you can produce folies. I hope you are ok and it doesnt get to painful. I think i am getting dual carpal tunnal again and might not be on so much with the typing. I will at least read the posts but if i post only short msg's its because my fingers and wrists are really getting sore. I need some time to rest them. Robyn post as soon as you hear. I will definately be checking your your post girl!! Have a good night -your on midnights still right ?


ROBYN - December 5

Hey Isa - thanks sweetie for the well wishes. Yes I am working midnites YUCK!! I am at work now. I promise I will post tomorrow as soon as I know I will not keep anyone in suspense LOL. I had carpal tunnel in my left hand I had to wear a brace for a while and all of sudden it went away. Thats painful I hope you feel better. Anyway back to work I will check in tomorrow have a great nite.


JenG - December 5

Mornin ladies, I have nothing to report other than the HCG shot was taken last night and now we wait for Wed! Robyn, can't wait to hear about your news! Mega, I am so glad you are your way to recovery and it sounds as though your HCG level is probably leveling out. Take it easy girl.


isa - December 5

Robyn, thinking of you !!


linds99 - December 5

OK, this is a very wicked stim cycle I am having. Today my ultrasound revealed 35 follicles and 29 that are measuring, with the leads at 15.5 right now. So, knowing that they cancel when you have more than 35 eggs, I'm spooked. The doctor may opt to let me coast the remainder of the cycle now, no more meds until retrieval, but this is based on whether my estrogen level is soaring today. Gosh, this sucks, II'm spooked that I did all this for nothing. Damn PCOS!! The thing is I was only on 100 units of follitism and 5 units of Lupron, I don't understand why I'm over producing like this. My estrogen levels yesterday were about 950, was normal according to I'm curious where they're at today. The metformin is supposed to protect me from this isn't it? Mega what do you think?


linds99 - December 5

I'm sorry Mega, you must be having a rough time right now. If I could give you a hug right now, I would. Infertility sucks!



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