CYSTS ! -why do i feel so bloated and in pain?
19 Replies
patty - February 5

i have pcos. but for the past few days i have had pain in my lower back-like a dull kidney pain with a dull leg ache. i took some pain reliever and that pain on my left side went away. but now i have some adominal light pain-like i feel really bloated on my right abdomin. like bad gas pains. iam due for af --but it is so irregular that i can get it tommorow or in a week. what could all thise mean ? i didnt go see my specialist about this because i am waiting for my cycle day 3 exams . what does this mean--this bloatedness-pressure (just on my right abdomin) ? could it be my af thats going to start -eventually --or what ?anyone ever had this ? i have had cysts for years and they usually do not hurt---the bloatedness feeling i have had before but now i am worried ....anyone ?


Mega - February 6

It sounds like it could be a functional cyst, esp. with the dull kidney pain. Functional cysts tend to go away on their own. However, it'll probably hold off AF a bit longer. If the pain continues however or gets worse you might want to consider going to your specialist for a u/s to check it out. Good luck. I hope you feel better soon.


patty - February 6

thanks mega ! i hope it is going down-i feel so bloated. i am getting a yellowy discharge once in a while-is that good sign that the cyst is breaking down.? i wonder how long i should wait untill i should be concerned? the worst part is i keep tormenting myself with bad thoughts! the bloatedness get uncomfortable at times that it seems like a pinching feeling-is this all normal ? i have had cysts for years but they dont hurt very often that it seems that i forgot what the pain is like !


Mega - February 6

I'm not sure about the yellowish discharge, however as long as it doesn't smell bad (gross I know) it's probably no big deal & is pretty normal most likely. It could be associated with the cyst but I rather doubt it. As for the pinching feeling, that could be the functional cyst or the PCOS cysts perhaps. I have PCOS myself--so not fun! Or even could it be pg related? Think that's a possiblity? By the way, you can get cysts when you're PG. I don't want to give you false hope, but that might be a consideration too. Hope so! Anyway, I hope your cyst goes down to. Hang in there. Keep me posted. HTH!


patty - February 6

hi i am definetley not pregnant because i just had la ight af 2 weeks ago---and again 2 weeks before that !---my cycles are nuts !!! what is normal --in the sense---how long does cyst pain usually last ?


Mega - February 6

I think it just depends on the size of the cyst, what type of cyst it is, etc. For me, I had some form of functional cyst back in late Aug., the pain was pretty intermittent. I only had cramping 1 time, but I got the low level achey kidney pain a few more times. It went on off & on for several weeks, though fortunately more off than on. I had been afraid I had a small kidney stone, & was surprised to find out I had a cyst. Since you've had AF show up, I'm wondering if you have a dermoid cyst or something like that, something unaffected by AF. I doubt it's serious, but I'd still urge you to get it checked out. At best, it'll go away shortly & you can start TTC again, worst you'll either go on BC to shrink it or have a laparoscopy.


patty - February 7

i am pretty sure i am going thursday to see my gyno. i just feel so heavy and bloated---not a great feeling. just the thought of doing a trans vaginal ultrsaound gives me the chills---it will be so paonful!


Mega - February 7

Transvaginal u/s really aren't that painful, well as long as they don't press the wand too hard on your ovary. I've had a lot of those kinds of u/s lately. Good luck. I'm glad you're going to see your dr this week. Let me know what he/she says.


patty - February 7

hi mega ! i just want to say that i think you are really great ! thanks for helping me through this ! i hope you get pregnant really soon because you are a considerate person and you deserve it !i was wondering the cysts that hurt in august for you---how long did that pain last ? did you feel really bloated-pressure on the abdommin? please describe to me exactly what it felt like---if you can remember----i am tormenting myself with evil thoughts ! ohhh -plus were you able togo to work---did you function normally ? did you rest alot and how did you deal with the pain ? i stay up alot of the night with terrible thoughts ! i knew it is bad---but all i wanted is to to have a baby and it seems that i hit alot of rough patches. !


Mega - February 7

That's so sweet, thank you Patty. I wish that you conceive your baby really soon, too. It's a stressful time right now, of course you're going to drive yourself more than a little crazy. Maybe now would be a good time to pamper yourself a little. Splurge on a message, or something. It might help you relax (a dreaded, overused word) & maybe even relieve some of your pain. I was on vacation actually when my cyst first flared up. It was my 2nd "natural" cycle coming off Clomid & my BBT had shown I did O. My DH a few months before had a kidney stone, which was horribly painful for him so while my pain was nothing compared to what his had been the symptoms were similar enough that we wondered if it wasn't a small kidney stone. I just had a few periods of pain. My worst pain flare up was that we were in our rental jeep going on curvy, moutainous roads in ME on our way to my SIL's house. I could not get comfortable, I would twist & contort 1 way & then another. It lasted most of our 4 hour trip, fortunately DH was driving. I was tired the rest of the night, just worn out. I have a pretty high pain tolerance & just rode it out, but still...I didn't even learn about the cyst til weeks later when I had a u/s b/c I'd taken the Progesterone shot to induce AF and she still hadn't come 2.5 weeks afterwards. Then the systems made sense. I'm sure I might have had some ovarian pain too but with the PCOS I've come to expect that so I don't notice it much anymore. I don't remember bloating per se, but with having IBS I kind of live with that too. LOL! Hang in there Patty. And definitely go to the dr. Don't continue to suffer. I can relate 1st hand though with letting your mind run wild. I'm have a laporosocpy on Feb. 17th to check for endo & my dr's also going to do Ovarian Drilling for my PCOS. To say that's my single occupation right now is an understatement. :) But we're both going to be fine, & we'll be holding our babies this time next year.


patty - February 8

hi mega-i will let you knew what my gyno says tommorow!-i am a bit worried that she will put me on birth control---since i was looking forward to getting answers instead. i was supposed to go for day 3 cycle tests then an hsg. but i think this cyst is holding off af !. i think i also have a bit of a stomach flu. i had a cold-cough last week-i guess i did not treat it correctly that when this cyst started to flare up i started to get a gassy upset stomach with cramping-slight fever. i believe it is a stomach flu only because my husband has it also. or who knews with my luck it may be this miserable cyst!. it it wasnt for this bloatedness-pressure in the abbdomin area i would have felt ok. the pain on my left side-the dull kidney pain went away fast---about a day or 2 it lasted----but it is this uncomfortable gas-pressure-bloat that makes me worried. i just wish af would have came so i could have avoided the appt tommorow !


Mega - February 8

Well hopefully it won't come to BC pills but ironically they're used quite a bit in fertility treatments & can be effective in getting rid of those pesky cysts. But maybe AF will surprise you & come today. I hope so! I'll check back tomorrow to see how your appt. goes. Feel better!


patty - February 10

hi mega--ok this is that the gyno said. that is is normal that sometimes the cysts hurt--she did a transvagnal. say that the cyst on my left ovary is very large 6mm. but she saud hopefully it will go down when you start af. she said it is a corpus lutuem cyst ? what is that ? and what for cycle day3 so we can start to do those other tests....oh well i thought this pain was because they were shrinking ---instead it seems that it got bigger...i just pray to god af will come to i will feel less bloated. i was in pain all night---i tok a painkiller..i wonder why i was in such pain---it seemed that it started to go away. i guess it was because the transvaginal hit my ovaries and stuff so i guess it woke them up a bit...? i dont knew.


patty - February 10

i am sorry if it doesnt make sense...i have not slept all night !


Mega - February 10

Hi Patty. Good, I'm glad you got in to see your dr. Wow, 6 mm, that is a pretty big cyst. A corpus leutem cyst is a functional cyst that forms after you've already O'ed, sometimes the cyst containing the egg bubbles up & forms a cyst, according to the info I've found online. Those kinds of cysts, like your dr said, will go down on their own usually in a few weeks to a few months. I'm sorry you're still in pain from it. I found some info online about the corpus leutem cysts that I'll post on a separate record. This explains more about it, & when it should go away. HTH! Take care, Patty!


Mega - February 10

From on Corpus Leutum Cysts: A corpus luteum cyst, another type of functional cyst, forms if the sac doesn’t dissolve. Instead, the sac seals off after the egg is released. Fluid then builds up inside of it. This type of cyst usually goes away on its own after a few weeks. However, it can grow to almost four inches and may bleed or twist the ovary and cause pain.


patty - February 10

thanks mega for all your help---i feel alot better because af seems to be here! good luck AND hopefully one day we will be reading each others post that we got a bfp ! NEVER LOSE HOPE !



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