147 Replies
Hoping1 - July 3

Erin and Amanda**Have you tested again recently? Gosh this wait is killing me for you guys! I just know you will be our latest BFPs! **Cleveland**How did DH's s.a. go? Glad to hear your tubes are "optimal" :-). Erin**Sorry about your dr's appt. My dr and I have the same struggles. He doesn't understand how long and heartbreaking 4 months is when you're ttc. My side of things has actually been put on hold even more b/c now my dr doesn't want to do anything until after we talk with the urologist about DH's low sperm ct. UGh! I'm with you girl! And I"m sorry! **Vheni** I am so sorry for your loss... I hope lots of sticky baby dust comes your way.... **PBA, Aggie, everyone else** I feel the same way about the babies thing... I went through a week a few months ago where every time a baby came on the tv, I turned the channel (you'd be amazed how many times babies are on tv). Last night DH flipped to a show about teenagers raising Babies...Baby Borrowers or something.... It breaks my heart to see those cute faces and know that is still not my life.... **As for me, 11 dpo. My temp started to drop this morning.... actually from 97.9 to 97.6, so I am pretty sure af is just around the corner. I didn't think it was the month for us anyway.... It just sucks... **Anyway to everyone I missed--hope you have a great day! Thanks Erin, btw, for starting the new thread!


cjones - July 3

Good morning Ladies, How is everyone? Cleveland Rocks...Happy to hear that your hsg came back fine!pba74.... I'm so happy that you feel better everything will be ok, .Erin.. Keep us updated on the results of your test keep your figures cross, Lots of Babydust your way.This could be Amanda and Erin's time I'm praying that it is we need some good news around here.Hoping... sorry about af she's a witch,but you always have next month. I was on a thread and a ladies dh was taking clomid for like six weeks I believe it was for low sperm but I'm not for sure!!! Also my husband won't let me watch babystory ton tlc anymore because I always cry by the end of show. As for me cd26 and 8dpo my nipples are still sore and I'm gassy but I don't feel pg I wanna be but I just don't my dh thinks that I am but I don't wanna get my hopes up too high. I have an appt. today for a clomid checkup so we shall see. Is 8dpo too early to test?I'm trying so hard not to!


cjones - July 3

I also have cramps on and off since o'day. Question since I have pcos I haven't had a reg. af since before I got on depo. The dr. only said that I have pcos because my hormones are all messed up. If I started af on june 8th when should I be expecting her to show? I heard that you should count fron ovulation day but I don't know can someone clarify for me!!Thanks


vheni3 - July 3

Morning Ladies, CD 17. Two days in a row Ive had little light double lines on my opk after like 5-10mins (which DH says are evap lines) today no second line just a really dark one. So do you think i ever ovulated? i didnt do clomid this month which would have helped. if i did ovulate, then how many dpo am I? this is so confusing. I think HOPEING is right Erin & Amanda might be our BFP!!!! OK LADIES HELP!!! I NEED ANSWERS!!!!


vheni3 - July 3

Im still looking at my OPK still no second line!!! LOL


cjones - July 3

vheni3.. Don't lose hope I ovulated late this month on cd 18 so there is still hope. If there wasn't a second line yet I think that you haven't ovulated yet or you could have missed it how many times a day are you opk testing? Don't lose hope. Have you ever taken clomid before, if so did you ovulate on it? Clomid is the only reason I ovulated!!!!


vheni3 - July 3

I started testing on CD 11 twice a day being that i dont ussually ovulate on my own. Ive taken Clomid before, once only. i think i did miss the window.


Cleveland Rocks - July 3

Hoping1: the word is still out on my DH's SA. Lab says wait a week for results?! Seems a long time so will call Mon. Men -- DH had to make such a big deal about the SA, lots and lots of joking about it and simulating how he would go about procuring his "sample." Here I am, spread - eagle for my HSG w/ speculum and God knows what else being inserted in the nether region, while DH gets to **&%# off into a little cup. Big deal. What us ladies go through! :-)


vheni3 - July 3

Cleveland - My DH is the same way. Ladies I also forgot to mention that my temp has been going up as well. 97.4 then 97.5 , 97.6 and this morning 97.8


Cleveland Rocks - July 3

Vheni3: I know that when you are on Clomid, you are more likely to ovulate later (cd16, 17, 18 etc.) so last month did you O later since you were on it? You wrote that you don't ovulate w/o meds... why didn't MD put you on clomid again this cycle? Did you BD frequently recently?


vheni3 - July 3

I had to travel so didnt have time to go to MD. I'll be going back to him next friday since by then it'll be soon time for my AF. I spoken to my nurse just now, (had to call her to confirm isurance info) She said if i wanted they wont keep wasting my cycles and just get me and injection for my next cycle. Yea I BD last two days. but i think i ovulated on CD15 cuz i was in so much pain that i was literally curled up on the floor. Both of my ovries were on strike that day.


Erin_thenurse - July 3

I called the office today and ask about it and they said the nurses would have to call me back. I'm waiting.


Erin_thenurse - July 3

The blood tests I mean, the bhcg and progesterone levels. Please call me back!!!


littleangelz - July 3

hi everyone, pba im still here you wouldnt believe what happened yesterday i wrote this huge post giving everyone my best wishes and i went to submit and GONE my hole post vanished i didnt have time to re-write it yesterday , i was so cranky, anyway how is everyone today? it is cd 15 for me still no sign of 0 day i dont understand not being able to detect my 0ion, my af is absolutely regular to the hour every month and has been for years!!! ff says i should 0 tomorrow so we will wait and see how good that is. its tax time for me so that might be stressing me out a bit more then usual lol. ill check back later cause ill be busy busy today the kids break up school today so we are planning to go visit the family first the inlaws then my parents, im very dissapointed cause my parents live on the coast but its toooo cold to swim and i absolutely love the beach, i will still go and maybe collect shells or go for a stroll the ocean seems to have a calming affect on me. i dont know if you would of seen on the news where the big ocean liner (pasha bulka) got stranded on shore at newcastle australia? maybe not ! but anyway thats where my mum lives near there...if i miss anyone today and dont get the chance to post later please have a wonderful (stress free) weekend


littleangelz - July 3

on my post the time and date says july 3rd, is actually july 4th 7.50 in the morning for me isnt that funny im a day ahead of you's i think


littleangelz - July 3

oops its independence day for you's isnt it? it is also my dh birthday. sorry im going now ttyl



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