Cycle Buddies 2
458 Replies
Nans - August 30

Hi everyone this is our new thread...let's continue to share our positive outlook and share our experiences in this journey. Thanks for all your wonderful stories and ideas. Have a nice day!


r - August 30

hi im still getting the pinky stuff when i wipe its like very waterd down. and i have some cramps but 2 weeks ago i had brown spotting aswell and much milder than this and they only lasted for a day these have gone on for 2 days.


r - August 30

the cramps 2 weeks ago were milder i mean.


Clara - August 30

NatashaV, I'm not really telling anyone either. As Nans said, it is a lot of pressure and everyone will continually ask you if you are pregnant yet. When I have to tell them no, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. It is amazing how difficult it is to get pregnant for some and there is no way to make the general public understand. I'm wishing you all LOTS OF BABY DUST and this will be our new lucky thread.


kc - August 30

r. I would go to the doc if I were you. It maybe just a messed up af or you could be pg and having problems. It's better to be safe than sorry. Good moring Nans. This could be the month for all of us. Lots of baby dust to all.


r - August 30

yeh been to doc a week ago they said i wasnt pg then but i retested on sun and another neg they said they wont do anything till i miss a real period which i have missed 2 but they said i have to miss a 3rd 1 my cycles have recently become irregular since 1st july thats the last period i have had with red blood and it lasted 6 days now i have been ttc for 15 months


Clara - August 30

r - I know it is only Tuesday but maybe you could plan a day out this weekend to take the pressure off of yourself. The stress of trying to have a baby can plan dirty little tricks on your body. It sounds like the doc is pretty confident you are not pg at this time, a little R&R for you may be helpful. Keep us posted on any changes. We all care about you!


kc - August 30

Natasha V. I only told a few close friends and my mom. When I had the MC the questions started comming and now everyone knows. It is more stressfull now. I can't even go to the grocery store without someone asking me if I'm pregnant yet. Arggggg. r. I had a problem with messed up cycles. I had spotting in between and unusually long bleeding times around 6 years ago. I had endo. This along with painful cramping is a sign. You may want to run this by your doc.


r - August 30

the spotting has stopped now and the cramps have gone aswell


r - August 30

back to the lotion cm now, so im not sure il test again tomorrow and see what happens


Nans - August 30

Wow...good that most of you came here to the new thread..ladies i want to share with you this website i found for our 2WW...just go to this site and you will learn a lot of signs and symptoms and other cute's for all of us in the waiting


Clara - August 30

Nans - that is such a cute site. I look forward to exploring every inch to occupy my time! Thank you for thinking of us.


r - August 30

wow cheers im havig a look now i think i may have ib im 13dpo if i have had ib im also peeing more frequently and i feel nauseous


r - August 30

omg after reading that site i really do think i am pg, i am feeling like them women


Clara - August 30

r - WooHoo! When do you plan to test? I'm very excited for you. Please keep us all posted. We will all send extra Baby Dust your way!


r - August 30

well today i started peeing more and up till now i have had really bad hedaches everyday since 13 days ago. i had eggwhite then i spotted after o i am feeling fullness tightness in my abdomen low down tiredness, flushed, im red hot, breathless,and i had the spotting start 2 days ago its only there when i wipe. its gone more brown again now. i have totsally broke out in spots. getting cramps on and off i have irregualr cycles so i never kno wen i o or when af is due but im sure i o'd 13 days ago. im going to test in the morning. with a 10ml test


r - August 30

if its neg il go to the doc



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