Clomid Support :)
195 Replies
Mindy1 - January 8

Hey there, Im on CD 28, and AF went on for 25 of those days.. Shes finally gone, and Im gonna wait a week to see if she comes back, if not, Im gonna start my provera. Where are you from? Im in Chicago, IL


tk07 - January 8

Hi mrose! welcome! i didn't know we all were so young! i am 23. i didn't think being so young that i would have so many problems ttc, ya know? i am glad that even though i had a m/c i know i can concieve, that is somewhat of a relief i suppose. good luck to everyone!!!!!!


Mindy1 - January 9

Hey all how are we?!?!


Mindy1 - January 10

Hey All, AF finally stopped on CD 25, so I was counting and counting on my days, and I was all clear, I mean COMPLETELY, and then today, my CD30, I got AF back again.. How do we determine CD 1 again? Is it when theres enough to have to wear a pad or just when theres too much spotting? I am definitely spotting like hell but its like a very light af. Im so confused.Anyone else have very irregular cycles? Im supposed to start CLomid this cycle, and I dont know if I should still count today as CD30, or day 1 again? Thanks ahead of time.


tk07 - January 10

my Dr told me to count day 1 as the first day i see red blood. (because i spot a lot before my period) what days are you taking clomid on? because maybe wait and see what happens tomorrow?
that must be so frustrating! if you have doubts call the Dr's office, ob/gyns usually have nurses you can call and ask questions to.
i am 7dpo today, wish me luck!!!!


Mindy1 - January 10

good luck good luck!!!!! Baby dust to you TK!!! I am spotting alot red blood, but see its very light, today a little heavier. I am suuposed to take it days 3-7 this cycle due to my weird ass cycles (pardon the french) so I guess Im just going to take it tomorrow and wait and see :-?


tk07 - January 11

yeah, i suppose try it! i did that with my first month and i think i started it a day early... but that isn't such a big deal. well,i don't know if you believe in psychics but i am going to this lady tomorrow that i made the appt 7 months ago for! she is supposed to be super accurate, i am excited!
good luck with the clomid tomorrow!


Mindy1 - January 11

Thanks TK! You have been alot of support! I have officially taken my 1st pill today. I figured I will take it 3-7 instead of 5-9 only because of my weird cycles :-P let me know what happens at the psychic???


tk07 - January 12

it is nice talking to people who know what you are going through, especially when everyone around me just kept saying, oh it will happen, you don't need any medication... obviously i did!
well, the psychic sort of cancelled on me... so i am going this sunday! i guess she was sick. so i am still anxious for it! but when i was there a few other ladies were there that had been to her before and they said she is awesome! really accurate, and one lady said everything she has ever told her has come true!! so i am hoping that is true!
did you have any side effects?


Mindy1 - January 14

TK, symtoms? What symptoms? This stuff is not affecting me whatsoever.... its kinda nice. It actually calms me down! I get a lil cramping, but it made my AF go away!!!!! Heck yes now I will be more than happy to bd with dh every other day. I am sooo interested in what the psychic has to say. Good luck and please lemme know what happens!!!!


cbella - January 14

Hi ladies! Mind if I join you? I will be starting clomid this month (after provera gets my af to show). I apparantly don't ovulate on my own all the time. I'm very curious as to how clomid will affect me. Dh and I really wanted to do this on our own, but something is just not working so hopefully this is the best alternative! I have read through many of your posts, but I am still getting to know each of your situations. It's so comforting to know others are in the same boat as me!


tk07 - January 14

that is great mindy! i wish i didn't get any! the hot flashes are so bad for me.
i will let you know what the psychic tells me! i am really excited since i will be there in 2.5 hours!
welcome cbella! how long have you been ttc for? this will be your first month on clomid?
good luck!


tk07 - January 14

ok, well she told me she didn't think i would get pregnant until summer :(
but she said i would be 24 and she thought in the next year. so i am hoping it is having a baby in the summer... september is still the summer right???
i am just analyzing so it works for me!
but she was really on with everything, a half hour just isn't long enough!


cbella - January 15

tk07...Did the psychic say you would HAVE a baby in the summer or get pg then? Maybe she was a bit off due to the warmer than normal temps, you know? :) Dh and I have been trying for almost a year. We were never preventing anything before that, and Feb of 06 I did get pg but it was ectopic. We've been really trying since then. This will be my forst month on Clomid and I'm very hopeful. I am supposed to take it days 5-9, so then when should dh and I time our "baby dancing"? I've heard a few different opinions. Have a great day!


tk07 - January 15

hi! i hope that is what it was, or that i will have a baby in the summer.... but i don't know. i guess i will just have to wait and see. i take mine on days 3-7 and have been ovulating on cd16. do you temp chart? or maybe you can get some opk's. you can ovulate anywhere from 5-9 days after your last pill, so bd all in there! are you going to be going in for an ultrasound? because that will give you a better idea also.
an ectopic would be so scary, i just had a regular m/c and it was horrible.
do you guys believe in prayer with all of this?


Mindy1 - January 15

Hi to TK and Cbella... I havent been on in a little while, but Im glad we are all still on here! Tk, sorry to hear about the psychic. Did she tell yuou anything else besides that? You never know though, maybe she could be wrong. Sheesh, what we do for entertainment. My psychic told me Id be pregnant by April, or I would give birth in April (which means I'd had conceived in October 07, birth in 08 (I think) But also, the bad part is when a psychic is wrong then you just feel empty. As for the clomid, During the time I was taking my pills (3-7) I didnt have any side effects. I took it everyday around10-11 am depending on when I woke up, and as for right now, I feel kinda nauseous. I have been feeling a little flushed as well, but I also have a sore throat. I really hope 50 mgs on 3-7 will do the trick, as I told my doc I wasnt doing more than 3 cycles. Shes not monitoring me on it, as far as us and bloodwork, she told me that if I dont get pg in the next 3 months, thats when she'll start trying to figure it all out. I guess every doc is different. The last one wanted to give me 100 mgs off the bat. ugh. Cbella, as for the clomid... from what I have heard it makes miracles. It helps predict when you ovulate and increase your chances of having kids cuz it makes more follicles. Everyone has a differing opinion. I am 22, DH is 27, and we have been trying nonstop TTC for just going on 2 yrs. For almost 3/4 of that time, I didnt ovulate and I didnt know it. I tried to BBT and I just couldnt do it, so now I am relying on the clomid. I will OPK in 4more days to check, but it doesnt matter, DH and I are BD almost every day. I want this so bad, I even know the names of the kids once they ARE conceived!!! lol. :)



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