Clomid Support :)
195 Replies
tk07 - February 4

1. FIRST NAME? My first name is Traci 2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? nope 3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? today, i am having another bad day...i hope it turns out better 4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yes 5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? no meat for me! 6. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Not yet, I am TTC my 1st 7. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? yes! 8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? Yes, i actually just started one 9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? all the time 10. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yes 11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Never! 12. ARE YOU NORMALLY A HAPPY PERSON? i flip flop. today i am not at all but somedays i am (i am also very negative) 13. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? no, not physically or emotionally. but i can be if i really try. 14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? mint chocolate chip15. SHOE SIZE? 8 16. RED OR PINK? red 17. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? i am a big worrier and it is almost impossible for me to relax 18. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? i don't know 19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? No shoes, jeans 20. WHAT IS THE LAST THING YOU ATE?honey bunches of oats cereal. 21. FAVORITE SMELL? don't have one 22. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED WITH ON THE PHONE? My mom 23. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE YOU MEET? their clothes probably 24. FAVORITE DRINK? water 25. HAIR COLOR? it changes pretty often but right now it is brown and blonde 26. EYE COLOR? blue 27. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? nope 28. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? the sweetest thing, it was on tv 29. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? blue tshirt and black hoodie 30. SUMMER OR WINTER? Definitely summer!31. HUGS OR KISSES? Hugs 32. Four jobs I have had in my life: pizza place, music store, teller, head teller 33. Four TV shows I love to watch: the oc (so sad it is being cancelled) american idol, desperate housewives, and america's next top model 34. Four places I have been on vacation: orlando florida, boston, niagra falls canada, mackinac island Four of my favorite foods: pizza, spaghetti, fake chicken, and chocolate cake!
my myspace is /lurchypie
how about you kaytee?

February 4, 2007


mother2Bsoon - February 4

Hey Ladies! Just checking in. Just finished my first round of clomid on last night. So now I guess we are off to the "timed" BD. How are you doing Mindy? I will continue praying for you and that this next cycle will prove to be a huge blessing for you. What's up TK & Kaytee??? Baby dust to all!!!


o0fuk_authority0o - February 4

1. FIRST NAME? Kaytee 2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Kay cause my moms name starts with a k an tee cause my dads starts with a t lol kinda gay...3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? yesterday.. my dh said somthin that upset me...4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yes... 5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? turkey... 6. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Not yet, I am TTC my 1st.... 7. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? yes!... 8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? I'm about to start one i think.... 9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? all the time... 10. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yes.... 11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Never! im afraid of hights.... 12. ARE YOU NORMALLY A HAPPY PERSON? no.. not really... 13. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? not really.. unless i have to be... 14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Vannila..15. SHOE SIZE? 10.... 16. RED OR PINK?Pink! mah favorite color... 17. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? My stomach.. to much fat lol... WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST?My best friend Jessie that commited suicide when she was 15.. 19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? No shoes, grey an pink pj pants.... 20. WHAT IS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? omg steak an a baked potato.. it was great... 21. FAVORITE SMELL? coconut...22. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED WITH ON THE PHONE? My friend AJ.... 23. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE YOU MEET? eyes.. 24. FAVORITE DRINK? Juice.. 25. HAIR COLOR? brow with red highlites...26. EYE COLOR? brown... 27. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? should be lol.... 28. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? the wickerman.. it was gay lol...29. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? brown an white... 30. SUMMER OR WINTER? Definitely summer!.... i live in alaska haha.. common now...31. HUGS OR KISSES? Kisses...32. Four jobs I have had in my life: pizza place, taco del mar.. another pizza place an a gas station..33. Four TV shows I love to watch: still standing.. nanny 911.. simpsons.. southpark... 34. Four places I have been on vacation: uhh.. no where lol... 35. Four of my favorite foods: fried chicken.. Chinese food.. french fries.. rice an mushroom soup lol... there you go guys... my myspce is lol.. who knew haha.. imma add u both to my friends.. im on there all the damn time.. the weiredest thing is happening.. i have hated steak.. for like 10 years.. till a few days ago.. i love it.. an if i ever did eat it it hadda be no pink at all.. but now i like it medium well.. with a bit of pink in the middle lol.. weired huh?.. an im craving it all the time.. ne-ways.. ttyl


tk07 - February 5

so i am completely freaking out today and as soon as my Dr opens i am calling. i think there is something wrong.. all my symptoms are gone now and they were gone yesterday too. that scares me and really upsets me. they better let me in today and not make me wait until tomorrow. i can't wait another day. i don't want to go to work and have something bad happen there...wish me luck today.


Mindy1 - February 5

awee so sorry ot hear about that TK :( Ill keep you in my prayers. Let us know what happens


o0fuk_authority0o - February 5

omg tk.. i hope everythings ok.. im wishing you all my luck... let us know what happens... right now im about to head to my appointment.. wish me luck everyone!!!. i'll let u all know when i get back.. ttyl


mother2Bsoon - February 5

TK, I hope everything went well today. Please let us know what's up... Sticky baby dust to all


o0fuk_authority0o - February 6

so.. i went to my appointment. an the pegesterone test came back negative.. saying that i didnt ovulate.. which is weired cause ive been having all the signs of ovulating.. she said that maybe i ovulated after the test was taken.. sence i took the pills on day 6 of my period.. so that i shuld home test around the 12th when im suposed ta start my period.. before i start the clomid agian.. she also gave me provera.. just incase the test comes back negative.. and if i dont start my period till the 13th.. and she uped my clomid to 100mg to take on days 5-9 but i heard that most woman get results if they take it 3-7??.. so im confused.. what days do u all take it?.. when i got home i had ta pee.. an when ilooked at the toilet paper there was a glob of clear strechy stuff.. is that normal?.. ne-ways.. ttyl an i hope i have better luck this month!.. and same to all of you!! BABY DUST!!


o0fuk_authority0o - February 6

by the way..i found this cute lil ovulation monitor that has stars an says baby dust on it lol.. i posted it on my live journal profile.. check it out.. an if u wana make one.. click on the lil thingy.. heres the link..


Mindy1 - February 6

You girls are too cute :)


tk07 - February 6

so as of the moment everything is apparently ok. i went to the Dr and they did an u/s and the baby was in there with a good heartbeat and the size was good. but i am getting my blood results back today and that will be the definitive. i hope they are good...thanks for nice thoughts!!
i took mine cd3-7 and it worked, and i have heard of better results with that but maybe there is a reason for it, because i think mindy is 5-9 too. they probably do it by your circumstances. ask what the different days are next time you go!
that is a really cute ticker!!
baby dust to you guys!!!!


caribangell - February 6

Hi Ladies!! I too am starting clomid soon, this is my first post on this board and i was wondering what was the best time to take clomid? and do you gain weight on it? my Dh an i have been ttc for 8mts now, I have 2 sons from a failed relationship. DH has been in their lives since they were toddlers, ( 7 & 8 ) yrs now. so Its important for this to work for us,Dh is looking forward to having a baby cry in our home since he never experienced having one so new and tiny and.. well you know. its really good to have this borad for support, you women inspire us.thanks!!!


o0fuk_authority0o - February 6

TK thats great.. im glad everything was ok.. and i will defenitly ask my Dr. about that.. i wont have another appintment till 11-13 days after my last clomid pill.. to check my progesterone.. so i might try to call her before i start it.. im just hoping that my af comes on its own this month.. so i dont have to use the provera.. and welcome cari.. this board has been a huge help to me with the clomid.. ive heard that its best to use clomis days 3-7 of your period.. but my dr told me to take it from 5-9.. so im going to call an ask my dr about that.. cause if TK got pregnant with taking it days 3-7 then obviously it worked like that lol.. good luck everyone.. baby dust!


tk07 - February 7

kaytee, i just looked at your myspace and your dog is so cute! is she a shitzu? i think my dog and your dog could be bf/gf!
my test results won't be back until tomorrow, are they trying to kill me???


o0fuk_authority0o - February 7

LOL.. thanx Tk.. shes my lil baby.. an yeah.. shes a sihtzu.. shes probly like 4 or 5 months.. still a baby.. she can just now jump on the couch by herself lol.. an my DH is talking about geting another one lol.. i think hes having baby withdrawls.. ne-ways.. i hope everythings ok.. let us know!


mother2Bsoon - February 7

Welcome Cari! TK- I'm glad that your u/s went well today and I know that your blood work will come back just fine. Kaytee, AF will come right on time. Many blessings to all!!



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