Clomid success story - it does work!
2151 Replies
szeretlek - May 27

Hey Micha, sorry to hear about the bfn. Maybe you should retest in a couple of day or get a blood test?. Doesn't hurt to test again :)
I have pelvic pain-restless sleep because of the serious cramping. It is straight across my lower abdomen. Stomach is sensitive to touch and can't sleep on it. Feeling bloated and have a heavy feeling in my lower abdomen.
I called the clinic and the nurse said everything is normal so she would see me next week.
The last 2 days haven't been fun. I think if I get my period it wont be a good one. I don't know if others have experienced this.


Micha - May 28

Szeretlek what cd are you on? That cramping does not sound like fun! Ive had constant cramping last couple days but not as bad as yours!
Well im going CRAZY! Last night i got SHARP but quick pain on right side of my back. This morning 2 pink spots followed by light brown discharge, well, it was kinda weird. At the moment theres nothing. I dont know what to think. I was ready to pit it all behind me and move on when i got bfn yesterday but this is messing with my head! Dont know if its AF or some kinda implantation thing. Going MAD i think!


szeretlek - May 28

Micha, maybe your testing to early. The brown discharge sounds like implantation bleeding.
I've read on other forms people getting a bfn one or 2 days and then a positive.
I'm on CD 26 so Tues I go in for my blood test. I had some back pain today but no discharge. So hard to tell what if it's AF or not. All of this will be worth it in the end :)


Nikki101 - May 28

I understan how you all feel i recently thought i was going to have a bfp my cycle was late dnt cum until cycle day 38 then i notices i was having little pink discharged and then turned brown AF showed her face. I am hoping that this wud b my year i cant wait to start ivf. Gudluck ladies and baby dust to all.


Micha - May 28

Szeretlek good luck to you for the next few days, my fingers are tightly crossed for you.
Nikki101 its a cruel game isnt it! Well im sure this will be your year. So is ivf your next step?
As for me, my specialist couldnt tell me if it was implantation or not (understandably) so she sent me for a blood test, should know results in a couple days. When i got home there was (tmi warning): a tiny bit more light brownish on my liner but nothing when i wiped. Driving me crazy!
Anyway i asked her why my progesterone was so high (79) and she said either multiple eggs released or a chemical preg (where it fertilises but doesnt make it). Either way i think its promising for next time.
Baby dust to you both!


Nikki101 - May 28

Keep d faith micha, yes it is a crucial game its torture. Yes i plan on doing ivf this fall i pray to god the first try would be a charm. Hopefully the results would let you know something when they come back. Goodluck


szeretlek - May 30

Thanks everyone for the kind words and good luck wishes. It looks like I need to continue down this fertility journey. My period was due yesterday so I went right in for a blood test and they called me saying it was negative. . Now I just need to wait for AF to show. So far nothing only a day late. I don't know if Clomid is going to mess up my perfect 28 day cycle length?. I hope not.

My next round of Clomid they said would start on day 2 of my cycle and they want me to take half the dose. 25 instead of 50. We shall see. Can be so hard to stay positive
Good luck to everyone still trying. :)


Micha - May 31

Szetetlek Im so sorry. Looks like we are both at about the same point. Keep me updated on how things go.
Im confused. Last night my very mild spotting go a bit heavier & today its more than spotting but less than AF so I dont know if this is cd1 or not! Can anyone advise? Im meant to start clomid on cd5. Also Im extremely tired today which I normally am the day before AF. But as this was my first clomid Im so confused!


szeretlek - June 1

Micha- Thanks. I start my Clomid tomorrow night.
About your cycle day. Count CD1 today. I take mine at night time. I got my period in the afternoon and the nurse at the clinic told me i needed to count the next day because it has to start after 24 hours. Like if it has started in the morning then it would be CD1. Hope that helps


Micha - June 1

Thanks szeretlek. Well AF is WELL AND TRULY here now. I'll count yesterday as day 1 so only 3 more sleeps till I can take first tablet. I always take mine in the morning but if I do get any symptoms they are usually in the evening. And often later in the cycle (as in not the same days I take the tablets). Strange!
I wonder why some people have to start on day 2 and others on day 5. I guess we just have to trust our doctors know what they are doing! Mine never gives me much information, I learn more from the internet haha.
Wishing you heaps and heaps of luck and baby dust for this round! xx


szeretlek - June 1

No problem. I had no idea either, but the clinic said to me since I started my period in the afternoon I had to count the next day as CD1.
Are you doing monitoring with your Clomid?.
I think it is based on your cycle and maybe fertility history what cycle day they start you on. :)
Baby dust to you also :D


Micha - June 1

The only monitoring Im doing is progesterone blood test every cd21 then I see my doctor a week later to get the results and another prescription. How about you?


Josie12 - June 1

To all

Im an old member from last year but decided to check up on some peoples progress. I remember babymoon & Hope...babymoon, you will have had your baby by now so was the whole experience?? I bet your amazed by your small bundle of joy.

Well after 2 courses of clomid, i finally fell pregnant in October and i am now 34 weeks pregnant, expecting my first baby boy on 14th July. Its so exciting, everything we went through to get this far makes it all worth while. he is currently breach at the moment, but still time for him to move! I have another midwife appt on Thursday which i love going to, hearing his heartbeat is the most amazing sound.
Im sorry its been such a long time since ive been in contact, but its not to say i dont think about you all on this forum.
Hope - dont give up - your dream will come day. I pray for you xx


szeretlek - June 1

Micha- I have cycle monitoring with my fertility clinic. I go in on CD10 for blood work and 2 ultrasounds and then again CD11 from the same. Aside from that I don't see them again except for when I have my pregnancy blood test.
This months I am starting Clomid 25 and on day 2 instead of 3 so maybe I will go in on CD9 insteaad. We shall see.

Josie12- Congrats on expecting your first baby boy. :)


Micha - June 2

So sorry. I feel like all i ever do here is ask questions.
Well today i seem to be having ovarian pain. But 1 is only cd3 and i dont even start my second round of clomid for 2 more days! What on earth is going on?
Im sure its ov pain as is exact pain i had on around cd15 last time except this time its on my left not right. I have googled and googled and cant find anyone having this happen so early.
Really hoping its just my ovaries getting ready but why would they do that when i havent started clomid yet? I have pcos so do not ovulate without clomid. Heeeelpp!!!!


szeretlek - June 4

Micha- I get ovarian pain also. I don't believe you have anything to worry about, just your body getting ready.
How are you feeling now?



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