Clomid success story - it does work!
2151 Replies
Tiffers - June 20

Taz: Sorry about your doctor. How rude!

LAM: We are EXACTLY on the same cycle. I have never had a cycle buddy before. Are you on clomid? If so how many mg and what days?helps

Jac- I hope a month off is exactly what you need. Sometimes less stress!

Bostonmommy- Your f-sizes sounds very promising. I hope this is your month!

Ashely- maybe your BFP will come soon. I asked my dr and he said even if I ovulate late my period should start on the same day it normally should. So maybe you are late and indeed preggers!

Sarah: I feel your pain. It seems like we have to do so much waiting.... wait to ovulate, wait to implant, 2 ww, wait for a BFP! Ahhhh I am not this patient!

AFM: My dr decided to go ahead this month after all. But, we have decided this is our last month of trying it's just too hard on us. I am currently on my fourth day of clomid. I take mine at 10pm so to lesson side effects. I've been so blah and icky feeling lately. I hope things start looking up soon.


LAM - June 20

Tiffers- I am supposed to start clomid today, but I'm too nervous, I want to wait another month. :$


Tiffers - June 20

LAM: It's not bad. I have noticed when I take it at night I don't feel any side effects so far. Last month I took it in the morning and I had horrible headaches.


Bostonmommy - June 21

Lam- I think all of us on here take clomid... for me i havent had any side effects other the mild hot flashs but i to take it at night before bed. I think it works... try one at night n c how u feel


Chocolate Lady - June 21

Hi everyone!!!!!

Sorry I haven't been on here lately I've been busy and not feeling well :( how is everyone doing. I have been reading all the posts.

Bostonmommy, HI my friend!!!!!!!! Sounds like u have some good news coming :) I am praying for u that this is your month. How have u been? I've been thinking about u and I wish u luck this cycle!!!!!!!!! Have fun bd'ing ;)

Taz, ur dr is a jerk!!!!!! Don't let him steal ur shine. Please be happy and celebrate the miracle in ur belly :) good Luck to u and the little one!!!!!!

Afm, well I have bloodwork done last Friday to confirm and to find out what my hcg baseline is b/c tomorrow I have blood work done again to make sure my hcg levels are doubling. I thought they were going to call me today to tell me yes I'm preggo but they didn't :) I'll see tomorrow when I go. I know I am but just want them to confirm!!!!!!!!!! Is that too mu h to ask for?

Baby dust to everyone!!!!!!!


@ngel - June 21

Good Morning.

Chocolate lady – so good to hear from you again, you should just call your doctors offices and ask about the blood work.

Bostonmommy – wow have fun bd’ing!!! Sounds good, I’m sure this is your month. I’m also opk’ing but no positive yet and I don’t have trigger shots. So not sure I’ll ovulate this month without clomid.

Tazynsmommy – why don’t you feel happy? Maybe its just hormones. Wow I’m so excited for you!

Jac1019 – you sound like this clomid was terrible, I know how it feels I really don’t like clomid. I am supposed to be on a break, well I am from clomid – but I do temp, I’ve always taken temps, otherwise I don’t know if I ovulate or not since I don’t get u/s or triggers etc. Although if this month does nothing I’m not temping next month, I’m going to take time out from everything until Dec and travel the 300km’s to a fertility specialist… and hope that something happens in the meantime naturally, you never know.

I’m feeling ok I guess, on CD15 now, but still very negative opk’s… not gonna get my hopes up for ovulating without clomid. Also my temps are very low, lower than any other cycles at the moment so not sure why but then again it is winter here at the moment and a bit chilly at night. DH and I aren’t bd’ing much at all but I think after all the arguing we need a bit of time out, things seem a bit better now but I’ll take it easy, if I see a positive on the opk I’ll make use of that ;-) Even if its just once sometimes that’s all it takes right! Have a great day all!


Tiffers - June 21

Boston mommy I am praying for you to have a sweet healthy baby....or two!

chocolate lady: You can sign a release any time your blood work whenever you want. I sign it when they drawl my blood and call back an hour later for the results! It takes my dr office forever to call and tell me...well about a week which feels like forever!

angel good morning to you too :) Hopefully you will o this month on your own. Sometimes everyone needs a break.

Lam: Are you the one who said you were from UT? Did you take your clomid?

AFM: I took my 4th day of clomid for this month and I have to say I think it isn't working! No side effects at ALL. Not moody, headaches, or depression. I have a feeling this month is going to be a bust and since I'm on my highest dosage I don't know where we are going to go from here. I just feel BLAH!


@ngel - June 21

Tiffers - Hi :) I hope I ovulate. I'm sure the clomid is working, the month I thought it wasn't for me I still ovulated (according to my temperatures), maybe you're just lucky and not having hectic side effects this month.

I'm feeling pretty upset as we worked with a girl that had a baby very prem that was in ICU for months, and we are all very close to this girl, even though she stopped working here. Now she's turning 1 and it seems most ppl in our office are invited to her party as they have little kids, and i'm not :( Feeling very left out!


Babymoon - June 21

Hi girls, sorry I haven't been on for a while. This weekend I discovered my sister inlaw is pregnant after two months of trying, that's 5x less than me and it really got to me. I've been trying since 6 months before her wedding. I'm very happy for them, but very sad that it's so easy for everyone except me. Then I feel guilty for feeling sad. Bleh.
Two weeks until my next doc appt, I'm going into hibernation until then.


@ngel - June 21

Babymoon - I'm really sorry :( We all seem to be in that situation, everyone around us falls pregnant soooo easily!!! A girl here has a child and just got married and wanted another, so she got upset that she did not fall pregnant the first month of trying, well now she is, her second month... DH told me yesterday and I got very upset so he just went quiet and ignored me, he seems to do that whenever I hear someone gets pregnant and I get upset!


@ngel - June 21

mmm another girl that was in school with me and has a child already is pregnant again... tell me how are these people doing it! I cant even count how many people are pregnant on my facebook right now! and out of all of them there's only one other I know of that's struggling like me...


Babymoon - June 21

And the worst thing is when these women tell you it will happen when you relax! As if they'd know!!


@ngel - June 21

Mmm dunno where my last post went ?

Also if people keep telling me it will happen when its meant to be and the time is right... the time is right now! I know it is.


LAM - June 21

Tiffers- in live in Canada :) I didn't take the clomid. I am going to wait for next round.

AFM: I got blood results back everything was normal, except my estradiol was low, is this normal for PCOS? The nurse said my Dr would talk to me about it...


Tiffers - June 22

angel: I'm sorry. People can have tunnel vision sometimes. You still should have been invited to the partay!

Babymoon: AHHHHHHH Thats the worst. My brother in laws girlfriend got pregnant for the fourth time...4 kids 3 dads, no marriages. She's 24. So annoying. The last three haven been taken from her and WE are the ones with trouble getting pregnant.

I love when people say just relax or don't stress about it. I feel like screaming.

Well, I still have NO side effects. I have a feeling I'm not going to ovulate on this round either. We have made a decision as a couple to quit trying for a baby after this month and move on. It's been a hard decision to make but since we aren't able to pay for ivf and we are getting older it's just time to move on. So, I will have to wait and see if I'm right and I don't ovulate this month. I feel so blah.


TazynsMommy - June 22

Angel, I agree just cause you'r not a mother yet, you should still be invited to the birthday party. sounds like u all had a rough time and u where a good friend...



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