Clomid for 20 days
5 Replies
cjones - November 19

My new obgyn wants me to take clomid for 20 days has anyone heard of this before? I tried to google it and foung nothing!!!


Ren26 - November 19

I have never heard of anyone taking it longer than 5 days. Did your obgyn give a reason for taking it for that many days?


cjones - November 19

Not yet I will start it after I feel better from the side effects from the met. I will ask him before I actually start taking it!!


sd1976 - November 19

It's a stretch, but any chance it is 4 cycles x 5 days = 20 days. It just seems so strange to recommend taking it 20days straight.


RLR - November 22

I agree- very strange. I'd get some literature behind the supposed protocol. I think sd1976 might be on to something with the 4 cycles theory, but why wouldn't your dr just say 4 cycles? Weird. Good luck & dust to you!


cjones - November 22

I don't know but the nerse told me to call her when I feel better from the side effects from the met. I will give her a call next week to see!!! Then I will ask to speak to the Dr. to make sure the nerse wasn't missed informed.



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