Clomid- BFN and period is a week late.
118 Replies
Amysince70 - December 14

Hubby is out of town until Friday and there is a chance I would surge by tomorrow. I'm also considering just finishing this cycle at the clinic just incase I change my mind and want to do the shared risk. Don't want to burn any fertility doc bridges, you know! I agree with Robyn, Boo...You should try to find a doc who doesn't fill your hands with clomid and push you out the door. My new doc explained why a lot of docs do that. She said it's n ot necessarily a bad thing since clomid seems to help about half the people. She said it takes a few months of stupidity for anyone to figure out what specific problems need to be targeted. I guess, try to be patient for now, take a deep breath and find a new doc. I'm day 14 now, the old clinic told me that if I'm not surging by tomorrow they are going to trigger me and then IUI on Sat. But...New doc said that's too early if I don't ovulate until day 16 naturally, let alone with clomid. I'm so confused and I have to decide this all by tomorrow.


Boo b do - December 14

Hi Ladies..Robyn your levels are fantastic, keep it coming. Can't wait to see what your next one is, that's tomorrow isn't it. I'm really excited about your scan...Wednesday can't come soon enough for us let alone the excitement you must be feeling. AMY, I think I've read on other threads, that you have to be scanned to see if the follicles are big enough? Are you being scanned before the shot. If the other doc thinks you should leave it a couple of days has she scanned you? I've read they have to be a certain size then you have the shot to help release them, is that right or is this something else? How are they detecting the surge? Good luck with it, I hope this will be your month. TONYA, have you tested again yet? How are you feeling? Do you still have the cramps? Let us know what is going on with you. I have everything crossed for you. Leah, I started by myself just like you. How's it going with you, what CD are you on now? Good luck you you this month. Ok so I started SPOTTING, CD50!! I was scared at first as it was pink mucus (sorry if tmi) , then this afternoon I had red blood and cramping like AF is here. I'm not sure what happens with the cysts at this stage, does anyone know? I hear the AF is supposed to help in making the cysts go away? I'm just happy that I am not going to be taking any meds for a little whileand I get to see what happens without them. I have pressed the M on my montior as CD1 :-) I also get a call from a lady from the surgery , this afternoon. She said the doctor I saw on Monday had her chasing me up yesterday (whilst I was at the hopital having the scan) and today!! How nice was has restored a little of my faith in the medical professsion here. She said he was really concerned and wanted to find out how my scan went. I told her what was said then said to thank him for his help. I had told him I felt really let down by the dr's I'd seen to date . She has booked me a follow up appointment to see him on Friday 22nd to discuss the results. I also told her about my previous dr's and how I wanted to be referred to someone else and she mentioned someone who she said would be ideal for things are looking up, I will mention this dr's name to the doc when I see him Friday. I feel so relieved!! I would not have got through this last three weeks without you ladies, so thank you so much. Sticky Baby Dust to you all.


ROBYN - December 14

Hey girls Amy I agree with Boo why would they trigger you if you hadnt gotten you surge thats the purpose of the trigger shot once you get the surge the trigger brings you to ovulation so to me personally that makes no sense. Like Boo said are they scanning you? I agree with you you definitely have some major decisions to make. The new doc seems to know more of whats going on and advising you correctly. In the end its ultimately your decision. The worst is you dont go thru with the IUI or the best is you go thru and you actually get pg this month but who knows if thats a long shot with the way they are handling the situation. I dont envy your decision. I dont know IVF is so expensive but its got such a higher sucess rate especially if you have the male factor issue they can do ICSI and that would really help you conceive but I am not a doctor and only went thru one month of it and yes alot of IVF 1st time is trial and error and I am pretty lucky but we did not have a lot of problems that people have. IVF does fail alot of people and as we know is extremely expensive. If you think your emotional with Clomid try all these fertility meds that you will be on with the IVF. Talk about emotional !! Anyway I hope you and hubby make the best decision for the both of you. <<HUGS>> Boo tomorrow is the beta i am hoping for the 1700's in levels. Anyway I just woke up I will check in later. CYAS


tonyaandjoe - December 14

i took another test this morning it was really faint but it was negative. i go back to the dr. on mon. and do another u/s to see if i am and if not why i didn't.


Amysince70 - December 14

Thanks for the advice, girls. So let me get this straight....You surge first? Then trigger? Then IUI? I was under the impressiion that the trigger shot is kind of in lieu of the surge because it makes you surge and thereby ovulate? I thought that it makes you ovulate with or without a surge? And that the biggest concern for me would be whether or not the eggs were mature? So you guys are saying that the surge is necessary FIRST...Before you can even get the trigger?


Boo b do - December 14

Amy, I think (only from reading other threads) that you are scanned and your follicles are measured and if big enough a shot is given to you to induce ovualtion...I've read that a LH surge is what helps in releasing the egg, so I assume when this is detected, you are given a shot at that time to help in the releasing of the egg. I'm only guessing, maybe one of the other ladies can help? Good luck


thayward7 - December 14

I hope you don't mind me jumping in... if you surge before you trigger, the trigger is too late - at least that's what I was told by my RE - if you surge, you should release the egg on your own. The trigger acts like LH to help you release your egg between 36 - 40 hours after the trigger. Hope that helps... Smiles and Babydust... T


ROBYN - December 14

Amy hang on I am going to go thru all my notes when I was on Clomid with the trigger shot I just asked my husband he said we surged and then did the trigger. But let me check my notes before I tell you exactly. TONyANDJOE - are you doing Clomid ? And you said you got a faint line and its negative did you take an HPT and got a faint line? I am a little confused LOL. Anyway let me check my notes I will be back.


Amysince70 - December 14

Ok, thanks! I think clomid makes me ovulate later...But they never waited for my natural ovulation to find out. I normally ovulate on day 16. I was told that if you wait too long they eggs are no good and that the trigger is to help with the timing and getting them out when they are big enough but not too big. Yes, they did a US on me last month and I had 4 follies. I don't know how many this month. Also, I'm a little concerned because the IUI is supposed to be 36 hours after the triger....But they do it in 24, which my new doc said is especially a problem when there are problems with sperm motility. I'm wondering if I should do another one 48 hours later...Or maybe that's too late! Ahhhhh.....The 2WW is approaching and I'm already freaking out!!!! :)


ROBYN - December 14

Hey Amy went thru all my notes ok... i had a follie check, i got the positive surge, went back the day of the positive surge they would do u/s and b/w and decide when to trigger. So its positive surge, check the follies again then trigger.


Amysince70 - December 14

Wow....That's good to know. I thought the trigger shot created the surge. So now what the &%*# am I supposed to do tomorrow? New doc says wait until TUESDAY (CD 19) and old doc says, "If you don't surge by day 15, come in for a trigger." My usual ovulation is day 16....But on clomid it's probably later. Who knows. But, new doc wants me to come in Tuesday but my husband will be out of town so it would have to be Sunday for the trigger at the latest. So I called her to tell her that and she never called me back today. Husband is out of town for work and might not get back until tomorrow now which would make getting that HIV test in sort of difficult. Soooo.....I'm thinking I might finish this cycle out with my old doc. By the way, I spotted briefly yesterday....Isn't that a sign that ovulation is coming? Or just that I'm that much more screwed up? ha


ROBYN - December 14

Go thru with the IUI I think you will have regrets or wonder if you didnt do it. I think all the wondering is going to bother you. I would continue this procedure with this doctor and then go to the other one or find one that seems to be better suited for you. Me personally I would do the IUI then take the next step if it doesnt work, because if you wind up pregnant you will be so thankful that you followed thru with it if you dont do it you will wonder if you would have gotten pregnant. Just my opinion plus I have no patience and wouldnt want to wait another month. Hey just like you said your not going to rule out Shared Risk at least you have that option to fall back on. <<HUGS>>


Amysince70 - December 14

Thanks, Robyn! Yeah, I was planning on doing the IUI regardless but it was a question of doing it with the current dog or waiting until my own surge and doing it with the new one. But, the question was that the old doc wants to trigger me tomorrow (day 15) and IUI the following day. New doc wanted to wait for my own surge, which might be too late since I'm leaving town on Tuesday for the holidays. I think I will stay with the old doc and go through with it tomorrow. I wonder if back to back IUI's will make a difference?


Amysince70 - December 14

My current "dog" ha ha.....That was supposed to be "doc". Either works!


Amysince70 - December 14

Why would my doc be in such a hurry to trigger me if I DIDNT ovulate by tomorrow?


ROBYN - December 15

Good question anyone know the answer? Do me a favor go back to the IVF thread and ask Mega or some of the other girls. Mega by far has the most knowledge to all of this and more than likely she can answer your question.



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