CJB - are you out there?
93 Replies
CJB - November 18

Ok, I'm starting a new thread: "After the BFP's"


Krissy68 - November 19

Kimmer23 - I must agree it is taking forever to load this thread. I am so happy for you and all the baby showers you are being bless with having. What else do you need to get? You were right I have been bding away I bd on cd 7, 11-12, 14-18 and according to fertility friend I ovulated on cd 17 and today I am on cd 19 2dpo and also fertility friend said the my chances this cycle is high because I bd 0-3 before o day, 0-2 before o day,
0-1 before o day, O day and 0+1 after O day. So I am in the 2ww and will update you. Krissy68


Kimmer23 - November 19

krissy - come join the new thread..."After the BFPs" CJB started it. Yeah, the showers have been great. I still need a few big things - a travel system (car seat and stroller), a pack and play, and a crib mattress...otherwise I have the big items. I actually still have one shower left - my work one...so I'll wait until after that to buy at least a few things...



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