Celiac Disease & Infertility
6 Replies
rrc - August 22

Hey, I've been researching celiac disease because it runs in my family and I discovered that there's a link between this and infertility, and also to unexplained miscarriages. I found this very fascinating, and thought I'd share. Celiac Disease in where you have to eat everything gluten-free. It's kind of a pain in the butt. Anyhow, if anyone has any questions, let me know, or do a google search for 'celiac disease infertility miscarriage' It's pretty interesting. I'm 6 weeks pregnant now, and I've been eating gluten-free since I read about this 3 weeks ago.


rrc - August 22

I should also add, that I'm been ttc for almost two years.


yasmine - August 23

Hi there
I have celiac disease and I have been trying to fall pregnant for about 8 months now, without much success. Although I stick to a gluten free diet there are occasions where I find it really hard to avoid a bit of gluten. Its funny I actually asked my doctor recently if being celiac and eating gluten could cause infertility and she told me she hadn't heard of that before, but I had read it somewhere.


rrc - August 23

I read it too, and was very interested! Just goes to show that sometimes we can educate the doctors! :) How long have you known that you have it?


seven - August 24

hi, i have celiac disease too, i just found out recently and have started on my gluten free diet. it really is a pain. me and my boyfriend just decided to start ttc and i did some research and i read allot about it affecting fertility. my mother has it also, the first time she became pregnant she miscarried but 2 months later she was pregnat again. and at the time she didn't know she had celiac disease and was eating gluten.


yasmine - August 24

My parents found out that I had it when I was 3, so I have grown up with it. As a teenager I wasn't strick at all with my diet so am hoping that it hasn't affected me too much. Having a gluten free diet isn't very difficult. My partner eats the same as I do even though he hasn't got it, and is fine with it. We were contemplating making up a gluten free reciepe e-book with the reciepes we often use.


Tenk - August 24

It's strange to me that you can eat gluten when you want to and it doesn't make you sick? I too have Celiac. With my first 3 children there was no affect. With our 4th child I got very sick at 7 months and stayed sick and in and out of the hospital. The doctors just couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Why on earth would they think celiac right...stupid doctors. Anyway, our 4th child was still born at 38 weeks, and I have since read of other women that have had stillborn babies and have celiac. The doctors still think it's just a coincidence. I did eliminate gluten at 9 months right before she passed away. I've now been gluten free for a year and a half. Since then I've been pregnant 2 times and have miscarried both times. I am 100% gluten free now tho and if I slip up I get extremely sick. Our 6 year old daughter has it too and we found out right after we discovered mine. But I've yet to carry another pregnancy to result in live birth since I started getting sick. If I were you, I would eliminate gluten and NOT slip up. It's not hard to keep it out if your sick all the time. Good Luck ladies!!!



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