Bleeding during ovulation
255 Replies
Tracey - July 23

High estrogen levels can cause ovulatory bleeding and high progesterone levels can cause pregnancy-like symptoms. Its not uncommon for a particular cycle to have higher than regular hormonal levels.


On - July 27

why do my breast get sore during ovulation


Ali - August 1

Hi everyone. I've been reading your messages for a while but never posted before. I also have ovulatory bleeding and am ttc. It usually happens about a week after the end of my period and lasts 2-3 days. I discussed it with my doctor and she informs me that it is nothing to worry about, it is caused by hormonal levels and there is no reason to think I can't conceive. To anyone who has been ttc for over 1 yr, you should see your doctor and ask to be sent for tests (they won't do them before you've been trying for at least 1 yr). Good luck everyone who is ttc and to everyone else, try not to worry too much.


ruby - August 2

hi ladies. i see that i'm not alone...i finished my 1st cycle of clomid about 10 days ago, and started bleeding today on day 19 of my cycle. i am freaking out wondering what is wrong with me...and waiting for my dr to call me back. this was supposedly supposed to be my fertile time, but now i'm bleeding?! can anyone help? : )


b - August 2



Alison - August 3

Can anyone tell me exactly what Clomid does and how you got your Doctor to prescribe it to you. Mine just keeps telling me not to worry.


Karin - August 6

hi...i've had protected sex and my husband even 'pulled out' since we are not yet ready to conceive, and we did this on the last day of my period. But now, i've experienced a day of minor brown discharge or cervix mucus during my ovulation period....could this just be because I am ovulating...what is this darker discharge?


Sarah S - August 8

I had a miscarriage three months ago and have been trying to conceive since. This month around the time I would have expected to ovulate I have had brown/reddish brown blood with my discharge. I hoped that it was ovulation bleeding. However, at the same time I have been doing OPKs (which worked ok before my miscarriage), but I haven't had a surge. Starting to wonder if this means I am not ovulating.


Kristen - August 9

I am on my second month of Clomid and starting bleeding midcycle. I am ovulating will the blood have any effect on the sperm?


Michelle - August 11

hi, i was reading k's on april 16 and it's a lot like me. i'm 17 and after having sex with my boyfriend i took the morning after pill within 72 hours. fortuately for me i didn't feel side effects. my LMP was july 26 and the last time i had sex was august 2. today i got some bleeding and thinking it's too early for a period. so is there anyway i'm NOT pregnant? when should i take a test?

k, if you could respond that'd be great


Ashley - August 12

hello, me and my fiance were trying for a baby for almost a year and it finally happened im going into my 8th week and i experienced some brownish spotting i read that this was normal but i am still concerned,as for how long you should wait to take a test i waited almost 2 weeks just in case my cycle was gonna change and come alittle later but when there was only 3 days left to july i new i had to take a test and i took 2 test 4 hours apart and they were both positive the next day i still went for the blood test and then told me that most home test are usually accurate but its good to confirm your pregnancy with a blood test, also i just turned 19 and recently graduated as well as my fiance who is turning 19 in a couple of months i need some addvice for him, he hasnt told his parents that we are engaged and after we got engaged i found out i was pregnant and he hasnt told his parents that either those are 2 big things that they need to know but hes scared of how they will react especially after telling him to wait longer to propose does anyone have any advice ? sorry for the long babbling.


Michelle - August 12

getting married and having a baby should be 2 of the most exciting things to happen in your life. he should be happy and telling the whole world. maybe he's not ready for all the responsibily b/c you probably will face bigger things than announcing happy news. besides, the longer he waits to tell them, the worst the reaction will be.


Mimi - August 13

Lite spotting around the time of ovulation is that normal this is the first time that this has ever happen.


marisol - August 15

i am 2 wks late on getting my period i have taken 2 blood test and they came out negative also a urine test negative is there ant chances that i can still be preganant?


Celeste - August 15

I HAVE A SERIOUS QUESTION. Today (8/14/05) I noticed I had a spot of blood after I went to the bathroom. I also have lower stomach cramps. I started my period on 7/31/05, so my period shouldn't be till the end of this month. My boyfriend and I had sex 7/30/05, 8/6/05, and 8/10/05. We didn't use protection, but he did not cum in me. I don't think I am pregant but I want to know what can it be. I never had this before. Can anyone answer my question? Thanks!


bump - August 17




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