Belly Bumps
535 Replies
CC - February 8

jcr, you are too sweet! I will research it myself but thank you for offering..I am not too far away from Long Beach but would try to find someone closer like in Huntington Beach or so..thank you for the info! Lori-both of your posts made me smile..I liked the one kid saying as soon as he was done w/ kindergarten he was going to find a wife, and the other about telling your wife they are pretty even if they look like a truck. Too cute! I was laughing so hard about being mistaken for a guy. There are days I feel the same way and probably look not too far off! I so get where you are coming from! Sorry about AF, that goes without saying though. So you are going to take a month off from it all it sounds ? Never a bad idea..As for me, nothing planned this cycle, will start IUI next month and pray. I already know I wont get a bfp this month w/o help, so I am ok w/ that.


CC - February 8

Lynn is the only one still waiting for AF right ? Once jcr confirmes her bfp and Lynn gets one too, lets change the thread..Its nice to wait it out for everyone, and so far, it looks like each thread has had one BFP (Deby last thread, jcr this one!) Yeah!!


Lynn - February 8

Okay all your hairy (kidding). I cannot give my dh a run for his money on a beard but I do have some hairy legs a HATE shaving. Here is my QVC secret. I saw it one morning on the beauty segment. It is called the Emjoi EpiSlim and here is a little info on it: "Discreetly compact, the Emjoi EpiSlim cosmetic hair remover can be taken practically anywhere. It's specifically designed for delicate, sensitive areas and features a narrow strip of tweezer discs for gentle epilation. Use it to quickly and easily remove hair above the upper lip, on cheeks and chin, along bikini line, or from underarms. Requires 2 AA batteries, not included." The number you need to order it is: V20501 and it is $19.75 + $3.97 for S/H. I does wonders and it hurts during the first coupld of uses but then there is not as much hair and it is good. I use it once a week now for major hair growth on my face and in between I only have to "pluck" a couple of hairs from my chin. I only use it on my face but tears flow when I try my mustache. Hope the info helps. Tracy...sorry AF showed and on a lighter note...just think, a clean fresh body and mind to begin a new month. We are all pulling for you with the patch. Gosh how there was a patch for weight loss. I would surely give that a shot. Hmmmm, maybe something else for us to market along with the detox for advice...BD as much as you can. You never know. You said when you were in Vermont you did it 3x in 24 hours so maybe some swimmers stayed behind to cause a little trouble with an egg. Just keep an open mind and you never know. CC....I am sorry no one seems to buy into the PCOS thing. It is a shame of they are really missing the boat and you have it. Positive thoughts and IUI will work. Lori....Did the B**** find you? I hope not but if she did, new month and we get through it together again. jcr....gosh girl, I am so hoping you are BFP. It would give me so much hope to have talked to someone who took femara, metformin and a HcG shot to get pregnant. Girls...keep hope, I have 1 strong ovary and it is my right side. In September, I lost the tube for that ovary so now I am hoping the left steps up to the plate and gets working. If femara does not do the trick, RE think follistim will. Sorry so long but sharing my hairless secret took up space. check back later.


d - February 8

Alright so i know i said I wouldn't test and then said maybe one today. well i took a opk today and sure shitten it is +++ and dh doesn't feel good. So i guess this month will most likely be a big bust. last night we couldn't finish and well tonight well it doesn't look like it will happen. He doesn't know I am o'ing as i said i wouldn't tell him. I don't want him to know, but i think he does. Hope everyone is well. Baby Dust and Happy Thoughts.


Tracy - February 9

D--Dh needs to get on the ball. He should get over his sickness for about a half hour for the good of your relationship! You are about to ovulate for God sake......DO THE DIRTY DEED!!!!!!!!!! Well, today was/is cd2 and nsd1 (non-smoking day). My biggest complaint has to be the cramps and having to face my husband's brother's wife (who is also TTC). She was staring at me intently because I knew she thought I was PG. You know how I knew? Because I look PG!!!!! Having gone from 122 pounds to 134 in two months, I look like I could be in the first stage of pregnancy. REALLY. I have the pooch and all. All tewlve punds have settled in the mid-section of my body. She kept staring at my belly and when she asked how the medication was going I just said, I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to jinx anything. She said she has cramps and that her cycle was 8 days late this month. HAH! This is the person who grinned the last time I told her i got my period, so this time I said nothing except that I've gained some weight. JCR-------bring on the BFP PLEASE!!!!!!!! Lori, recap for me what meds you have taken. On the hair issue, I have a mustache that I take off with cream. I always thought it was from something I did as a kid. When I was about 9, I played softball on a co-ed team, and this little boy that I had a crush on walked up to me and goes, "Nice mustache!". Well at the time I didn't realize he was talking about my sweat mustache, so I went home and shaved my upper lip!!!!!! I only did it that one time, but as I came into my late twenties I noticed darker hair there so I started removing it with the cream. I didn't think anything of it because I have dark brown hair and was living in the midst of cubans in Miami, who commonly have mustaches. Oh well!!!!!


CC - February 9

Lynn-Your hair removal secret is now revealed!! Im getting it!! Without a doubt! Thanks for the info, it sounds perfect for what I need on my chin. I have been saying forever I am going to get it lasered off but it hasnt happened yet.


CC - February 9

Well that little post of mine was interupted by a call from my step mom, my Dad is really sick. They live in NJ and being from CA, I have the helpless feeling. Such long stories but bottom line he has been a alcoholic my whole life, and I think he is trying to throw in the towel. Started with a cold, went into his chest, and he is now so weak he spent 4 hours on the floor on Monday because he couldnt get up and couldnt get up from the toilet yesterday. He refuses to go to the dr and told my step mom if she calls 911 he wont go.He is 77 years old and I think he just wants this to be it. Dont know if we will be going out there soon..Lots of thoughts, but my 1st selfish thought came when I figured now was better then next month before we start the IUI process. How horrible does that make me?..Anyway..will try to check in tomorrow.


Lynn - February 9

CC...sorry to hear about your dad. Let us knwo what you decide to do. I hope you get the hair removal secret. I love it. Dh thought he would try it out and.....he said what the hell...I cannot believe you run that over the haor on your face and can tolerate that. I laughed and told him I don't have the kind of hair he does. So typical male...could not stand a little let me know when you get it and try it out.


jcr - February 9

CC, so sorry about your Dad. I hope you are doing ok. It is so stressful watching our parents get older and go through so much. Lori, has the hag come yet? Tracy congrats on the ns day. That is a huge thing and keep up the excellent work! D, just jump him when he least expects it! BIG HUGS! I'll keep everyone posted about tomorrow fingers crossed and bellyrubs.


Lori - February 9

CC - Sorry to hear about your dad. It's so hard to watch the people we love go down hill with age. Don't feel bad about thinking of your cycle in regards to other situations that are happening. I remember when my dad passed away, we were just about to close on our house. I kept thinking that we were going to miss the closing and lose the house. Point being - Life doesn't stop just because we have the unexpected thrown in our path. Although it is tough with all the detours and pit stops involved. Lynn - Thanks for the info about the hair removal gadget. I am definately going to check that out!! Tracy - So happy to hear that you had a smoke free day!! You WILL succeed!! D - Hope your DH was up for the task at hand (you know what I mean, wink, wink). EMM - how are you doing?? JCR - As for me, yes AF has officially arrived. What more can I say about her. I am sure you are holding your breath until after your appointment. We are all right there with you!! Take care ladies!!


Tracy - February 9

CC-- I know about the helpless feeling and so does my mother. Recently my grandpa was rushed to the hospital and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. We felt helpless because he lives in Finland and it was difficult to know whether we should all hop on a plane or stay home and wait to see what they find out. Grandpa used to live here 6 months and in Finland 6 months, so we know and love him very much. Stay strong and please don't feel selfish about worrying about your IUI. This has been an overwhelming struggle for you and of course, you are bound to think of the "what ifs" when something threatens to disrupt your timing, etc.... D---did you get down and dirty with that sick man last night or what????? JCR-- I have to go to work, but when I come home and check in, I hope I hear good news from you! Have a great day everybody. By the way, what happened to Lulu???


d - February 9

CC, sorry to hear about your dad. I hope that things will turn around. You have got all my get well wishes i could possibly give. CC where in NJ u from? We are finally getting snow.
Ladies, well we tried but dh didn't feel good so nothing would work and this morning he still don't feel good so it is without a doubt a lost cause this month. It really ticks me off. Sorry but it does. I hope everyone is well. Tracy how are you doing on the not smoking? Any BFP's from anyone yet? YEah what did happen to Lulu she hasn't been around. Baby Dust and Happy Thoughts. CC again I hope your dad will have a good turn around and thinking about the things you want in your life is not being selfish. If anything this is going to make your needs for wanting a baby come out more. Baby Dust and Happy Thoughts


jcr - February 9

Lori, I am soo sorry the hag raised her ugly head. I guess she just won't take NO for an answer. Lynn I am going to look into the hair remover too!! How great would it be to have! Do you use it on you legs too?? CC, How are you holding up today? How is your Dad? I think sometimes people get old and tires and are ready for the next world. It is hard to understand, but you can't give someone the will to live. I know how you feel about iui. My father-in Law had a heartache and dh and family had to head to Equidor-I was so upset that I might ovulate while he was gone! It is normal. Lynn how are you doing any symptoms? As for me another darker bfp! Definately having symptoms of something. I am so scared to go today, I am still trying to be prepared for bfn just in case! I'll keep you all posted. Belly rubs and big hugs.


jcr - February 9

D, missed your post, but my acupuncturist said to keep bding up to a couple days after-sometimes it takes a while for the egg to get where it needs to so don't give up! Give dh some vit C and airborne(works great!) and jump him in a football jersey when he gets home!!!! Emm and Lulu where are you?


CC - February 9

JCR-CONGRATULATIONS!! Even though I know its not confirmed -yet- I know the news will be good. I am just elated for you, really! Thanks for all of your well wishes and thoughts about my Dad. What you all said made me feel better, not just about him, but about the thoughts I had about the IUI. Its hard not to feel selfish, but like you said Lori, life doesnt stop, although it really feels like it does in that instant. This morning he finally agreed to go to the hospital, there is blood in his urine, and things dont sound good. My step mom called 911 (this all was w/in the last hour) so I am waiting for an update. DH and I are flying out sometime this weekend, I fear the worst, and if nothing else, I need to be there for my step mom who has her own health issues, and to see my Dad. I think it will make me feel better and less powerless if I am there, even if there is nothing I can do. At this point we are thinking we will be gone about a week. I will miss you guys!! We wont leave until the weekend and will keep posting until I go. (jcr-I am soo excited for you!!). Frustrated w/ RE, dh did a SA and they should have called yesterday w/ results, and havent, and got a call today that they sent the request for the meds to the wrong place and will need to start over! I have called them today..waiting for a call back. Phew..Its been a long day and a half, no sleep, pounding headache from the tears and the sniffles. I feel beat up today. Lynn, any word ? d, just keep bd'ing, like jcr said, even after o for a few days. Tracy how is your day 2 of no smoking going ? Keep strong. EMM-still thinking about you and wondering how you are? Lori, sorry about AF. Im right there with you.UGH!


EMM - February 9

Hello everyone. Sorry to have just disappeared. I have been busy doing my taxes. I hate doing taxes. I hate having to deal with people who don't cooperate about my 1099s. But, things are quiet in ttc land. AF showed up on Tuesday. Of course after the two tests and the news that we received on Friday. I was counting on it. The urologist is supposed to be checking DH's hormone levels and then scheduling followup. So far he has not called or sent the order for the ultrasound that he said DH needed as well. Slow going. Does anyone know a good site for really in depth info on IVF...especially the pricing part? My insurance covered my DH's first visit to the fertility specialist, so I am going to check and see if they cover anything at all. I haven't read any of the posts that I have missed. I will try to do it when the little one takes a nap. Best wishes!



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