April/May IVFers...
571 Replies
ROBYN - April 1

Barzee - honestly thats a good question but the supplements for progesterone or progesterone injections are to mainly prevent m/c in early pregnancy. Have they had you do injections or is it just supplements? I do understand your concern but they are the experts and they dont seem concerned by what you are saying. Have you asked them how are they going to check the levels if they are doing blood work? Call them tomorrow I am sure they will give you the answer you need to hear.


ROBYN - April 1

Chele ask all the questions you need to I asked tons my self and am still asking questions.


MsMonet - April 1

GIRLS-Hope all is well. Just wanted to let you know that I have 2 tests, left. Yippee! The Post Coital and the Endo Biopsy (Ugghh). I had the Hystereosonography on Friday. Can we all say HSG part2! Remember, that Part 2 is never as good as part 1.... Lol! The part that hurts is the dye when it goes into the body... Oh, well. It's over! BTW, I was told that my FSH level is 8... And that my ovaries and follicles look great! 2 Fibroids. One golf ball size and a tiny one that is attached to my uterus... Question-I hear that some many women are giving themselves injections? Why? Is that the hormone injections? Where do you give the injection? Still learning... ROBYN- I thought about you when I was at my last appt. I was still spotting. Yes, I did tell the doctor... But he said its normal for some women after the HSG and that it would not interfer with the Hystereosonography. I was so glad because I didn't want to wait another month to do it. TINK-Hope you are feeling better... LEAH-I pray for multiples , also. Every since I was a little girl... I wouldn't even mind being a Rebel like Gogo and have triplets... Lol!


ROBYN - April 1

Ms Monet glad the FSH level is a good level means good egg reserve/quality. In reference to your injection question yes we give ourselves injections when you get to the stimulation cycle and after the transfer progesterone injections (yuck) The stims are done in the stomach or leg area i only did mine in the stimach and the progesterone (PIO) shot is in the butt and thats intramuscular. ( I think i told Leah or Chele when you get to that point i will give you pointers that you will want).


MsMonet - April 1

Robyn-Stomach? Butt? Wow!!! I can see doing it in the leg but Wow!!! OK. Anything for a child... Geez!!!


baby1234 - April 1

Hi ladies. Hope you all are well. Af should arrive on Friday. I can't wait to get this show on the road. It looks like all of the bloodwork but the chromosome analysis is back. They originally told me it would take 3 weeks to get the results. Now the drs office is saying 21 working days. Every place I've checked online has said it takes 1-2 weeks for the results so I don't know what is up. They won't tell me the results from any of the other tests until everything is in. Well, I guess they'll have to tell me when af arrives. On another note, my stomach has been feeling strange for the last few days. Yesterday, I had this weird pulling sensation at my belly button...it would be nice if I was able to get pg on my own, but for my sanity, I am not counting on it. It is just one of those strange things going on with me. Anyway, sorry I've not posted much. I will post again later. Stacie


chele - April 1

Thanks ROBYN.... my 1st one for everyone is...... how many of you did a lap before moving on to IVF?


ROBYN - April 2

Hey Staci glad your checking in and your AF is due this Friday and you can get started again. Hope you get the results soon on the testing keep us posted. CHELE - no lap for me so count me out LOL.


JB0405 - April 2

DCL-tell my dad what? He knows everything! Are you losing it, preggo? LOL!! Yes the pains are gone, I do get some "feelings" here and there but other than that, I am feeling pretty good! It ooks like your baby is growing nicely! I have 2 u/s pics and I have them up on the fridge, side by side, it is truly AMAZING to see the growth!! TINK, $900, is my portion in the mail?! LOL!! That's
cool! MsMonet, those shots are no joke! I am still getting the "butt" shots, LOL! Those will be over by the end of next week, WOO HOO!!! I also did the stomach shots but like you said, anything for a baby! In other news, Friday, I have taken the day off;
I have my 1st OB appt. and will most likely have an u/s and then my last RE appt is on Wednesday, the 11th, it's pretty cool that I will have 2 u/s within a week of each other. HI STACIE!!!


Tink - April 2

Chele- i did a lap before IVF- actually I did it after 2 IUIs (clomid) then after the lap, i did 2 more IUIs but this time with injectables. I have always had irregular periods and extremely painful cramps and PMS. so i suspected i had endo. My doc offered a lap at our first consult as one of our options, based on my history of irregular and pain. I passed and wanted to do IUIs first, but after 6 months of clomid and 2 IUIs, i decided it was time to give the lap a chance and they did find 5 mild spots of endo, a swollen ovary (from clomid) and a cyst. all was cleaned up. and i started my 3rd IUI just the week after my lap when AF arrived. I would only recommend doing it if you or your doc suspect you have endo. they can't know for sure until they go in and look during the lap, but based on your symptoms and history, you can guess that you might or might not. if you don't have endo symptoms, i don't see a real need to do one. Baby- hope AF shows up soon for you. so glad to see you post. MsMonet- yes, you give yourself injections or have DH or your partner give them. I was on 3 shots per night during my stim part of the IVF cycle. all my shots were in my stomach area. They were not that bad. then there is the PIO (progesterone) shot you will have to give in the butt after retrieval- every night- possibly up until you are 10 weeks pregnant- so that is 8 weeks or so of that shot every single night. most folks get to stop it before then. I got to stop the shot after my beta actually since my progesterone was sky high at 110. Janae- so glad your pain stopped.....and yeah, the check is in the mail....lol Robyn- it would be so cool if you pulled a mega!! ;) well at work, but miserable. the flight back was awful since i felt so sick. ugh. got home about 8pm last night. and used my last zofran last night. i called in a refill (i have 5 and have only used 2). go to pick it up this am and the pharmacy says the insurance won't let me have it- that it is too soon. apparently the insurance only lets you have 20 zofran tablets every 30 days. i am taking 2 per day, so i already used those 20 in these past two weeks. they say i can't refill until april 25th. i'll die without them and won't be able to make it to work otherwise. so i had to call the doc, leave a message and have her call to authorize it, even though she wrote the original prescription. insurance just kills me sometimes. i know they are putting up a fight cuz the zofran is so expensive. i am even using an 'off brand', but it is still $300 for 10 pills normal cost. my cost wtih the ins copay is just $20. ugh. so i am suffering today with no meds. i am still so so sick. i barely made it through the week and threw up a few times and had to sit in the booth instead of stand. my boss is getting frustrated now, which is not fun. i am supposed to leave next monday for a week in orlando for another show and i am seriously doubting if i can manage it- it is longer hours and less help, so i just don't know. my boss said she would go in my place, but got all pissy about it and asked when i was going to start feeling better. ugh. i only wish i knew.


ROBYN - April 2

JANAE - congrats on finally graduating to the OB. I hated saying goodbye to the RE but i knew it was time. But i missed him so much that i had to go back and see him early LOL. (that was not nice humor on myself) but hell thats my wacko personality anyway. I also was excited when i was getting all those u/s i think i had like 3 in a little over a week so thats exciting. MICHELLE - i am so sorry you are feeling this way I swear i feel like i am talking with my sister because she went thru the exact same thing with the insurance co and Zofran which was her life saver. She is almost 7 months pregnant and is still throwing up. Pregnancy does not agree with her. But those pills are so damn expensive and she needed them desperately to make it thru the day and night as for your job i would tell your boss Ummm... i dont have a crystal ball as to when i will be feeling better because i am friggin PREGNANT so how the hell will i know when i will be better (sorry people can be so inconsiderate of other people and what they are going thru). Anyway 10 days till the RE and to start the cycle to bring on the witch and finally to get the show on the road YEA!!! (unless i pulled a mega) LOL


GoGo Trigger - April 2

Hi guys! Michelle--that really sucks. Everone was being so understanding up until this point, and it's not like you can predict when you'll be sick and when you won't be. That comes with the uncharted territory :D And it certainly doesn't get easier when people get pissy about it! Chele--I didn't have a lap and no doc ever talked to me about it--guess I didnt' have the symptoms plus what started my unexplained infertility was a natural chemical pregnancy. Ms. Monet--don't worry, the first shots are nothing to worry about; they get very easy very quick. The Progesterone I hear is painful (I was on the gel instead of the injection) but there's lots of good advice here on how to manage those. Robyn--good luck on the bding! We're hoping for a Mega! KB--A girl! Wow--that's wonderful! Well guys I was a bit bummed after getting back from Lake George. My sister-in-law and her family is thrilled for us but DH"s mother had a very subdued reaction and basically retreated for about half the weekend to another room and just sat. We think she was angry because we also told them that we'd be moving to Indiana and I'd be starting to work, so it could be a combo of those two factors too. It was much better towards the end of the weekend, but still hurt esp. since we were hoping that they'd come up to help out a bit after the babies were born and home from the hospital. Guess it's good to know now that that probably won't happen so we can make alternative plans. At any rate, it's good to be home and the weekend was good--always great to see family again.


JB0405 - April 2

Ok TINK, as long as you sharing! LOL! Your boss is being a bitch and a half! If you're sick, you're sick, wtf? Do I need to call her? I will, just say the word and I'll pretend to be some outside agency calling about the rights of pregnant women at work, etc. LOL! I can be very convincing. How dare her? I hope you get those pills soon, I know it helps you trememndously! That sucks! ROBYN, yes I have moved on and I will miss my RE BUT they told me I would be coming back periodically, which is cool! The nurses are excited that they get to
see me grow & GROW! The RE is still my endocrin, so I guess I will have to see her BUT the frequency will be far less! Is it wierd that I still feel as if this is all surreal?! JODY, sorry you didn't get the reaction you were hoping for. Do you think that she is in shock or something?


Mega - April 2

Hi ladies, I'm still alive. Sorry for the MIA, busy last week at work. Still barely made it under the deadline, but I did. Then I get burned out on computers from the week, so I hardly touch them on weekends. Jody--I'm so sorry your MIL had a less than warm reaction to the triplet news & the news of your new job. I'm sure though by the time the babies are born nothing could keep her away from you guys. I hope it doesn't take her long to come around though. And that's awesome about the full pay! :) Glad you're finally off the gel, no more egg laying. That part cracked me up! Barzee--Congrats on the BFP! Awesome beta #2 #'s. Which 2 prog. supplements are you on? Are they having you come in again after a few more days of supplements to re-check the prog? I hope it's rising now as I'm writing this. DCL--Wow, nice strong h/b. So glad your 8 wk u/s went well. KB--Congrats on the girl! How exciting. Sorry the amniocintisis hurt so bad, it sounds very painful from what I've read about it. Janae--Glad you're not hurting anymore. Darn round ligament pain! Did you ladies know when your pg your uterous grows 1000 times it's normal size?! Yikes. No wonder we get growing pains. That's funny what you said about thinking now you're having a boy but before you got pg you were thinking girl. I'm the exact opposite. I was so sure pre-pg I was meant to have a son, now that I pulled a mega & am pg I am thinking more girl. But I still have boy moments too. I should find out in a couple of weeks. How wild! Tink--YAY on the $900 windfall, how awesome! Viva Las Vegas! Sorry you were so sick for most of the trip though. Not fun! Good luck in your battles with the ins. company on the Zofran. Isa--Good luck in your 2 WW! The addtional IUI should definitely give you increased chances even if the numbers went down a bit. And I love your DH's promise to God to send the IVF $ to help the poor in Africa if you get pg this cycle. Here's hoping you get to feed a lot of the poor in Africa! Robyn--Yikes, that's a long time for Anthony to be away from you. I can see how you wouldn't love that idea, though I like your idea on taking him on a nice trip when he gets back from Calif. with his dad. Jason definitely sounds like more of a dad to Anthony than your ex that's for sure. Stacie--That sucks that not all your tests have come back yet, & it doubly sucks that they won't tell you any results yet. Hopefully the results will be in soon. My OB office told me at the NT appt. my b/w results would be ready in a week, & so I called a week & 2 days later for the results & then they told me "oh gee it takes 2 weeks." Grrr! Wish they'd over estimate rather than under estimate the timeframe of b/w! Update us when you know more. I see a few new names. Yay! Welcome! Hope all is well. I tried to catch up best I could, not an easy feat though on this thread! Bad Mega for staying away so long. :)


ROBYN - April 2

Yea Mega is back we feel whole again LOL. JANAE i am glad you still will see your RE again periodically. I know it feels surreal but it very real you are actually knocked up !!! And guess what you didnt have to have sex to do it !!! Jason and I constantly made jokes about it that we never had to have sex to get pregnant and that my RE knocked me up. JODY - sorry about the MIL's reaction to the trips. I am sure its a mixture of the moving and the babies all at once. I am sure she will come around its overwhelming but you are right to make alternate plans. Anyway Anthony is home all week its spring break so i am taking him out for a while. Will be back later.


chele - April 2

Tink, thanks.... I don't have terrible periods, always regualar, sometimes bleed more then others but I've noticed it more since being on meds.... think it's when I get the cysts. Sorry about the shortage in pills... sounds like these are your survival for now, so hopefully the dr can get this cleared up soon. GOGO, I guess I don't understand... how could she not be happy for you and her son! Thanks everyone for your help! Baby Dust to All!



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