Anyone starting tww at beginning of July?
82 Replies
whynotme - July 15

So today I was shopping with my mom at the outlets malls and I had a "gushing" of mucus come out down there. It look really long and stringy like they say you get when you ovulate. I don't what to think. I am going to take an OPK when I get home just to see what's going on. I have never had anything like that before. What do you guys think???


Tammy276 - July 15

Thanks for the support, I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I just have this feeling that this is our month....I guess we will see in less than a week! I think I am going to test on Thurs or Frid. cuz if this is implantation that I am feeling, I think a test would be positive by then. I wish all of us positives this month!! Are you going to test early, or just wait for AF to show up (or not show up?)


cspears99 - July 15

whynotme I had that happen to me around the 5th day after my IUI, and I was wondering the same thing if I was ovulating or not, I didn't know what to think because I was hoping I wasn't ovualating that late after the IUI, this month was the first time it happened for me too, maybe thats a good thing?? but taking a test to check ovualtion won't be accurate if you were on the clomid and had the trigger shot, at least that is what I was told?? let me know if you here anything different, thanks, good luck!!


whynotme - July 17

I just don't know what to think about it. I have never even had this discharge when I naturally "O". It didn't happen last cycle of IUI. Hmmm....


Tammy276 - July 17

maybe it is a sign that you are preggers?


wantbaby - July 17

Whynotbe, you know what, you probably are pregnant. From what I've heard mucuos starts to get heavier as you progress through pregnancy. Hope this month is yours. I have mucous discharges too but I think its all to do the the prometrium I'm taking vaginally. Its a whole lot messy and am just waiting to finish taking these caps. Crossing my fingers for you !


wantbaby - July 17

Today is Day 8 past IUI. I have another good week of wait. Next Monday around this time I would've known either way. As of today - my tummy is so bloated, its the same bloaty feeling as AF time. The problem is I have had these while I was on clomid as well. So I am not sure. My bbs also hurt. No cramps though.


wantbaby - July 17

Sorry I am hogging up the post. I want to know if any of you have had diarhea?


whynotme - July 17

Yes, I did for a few days after IUI. Isn't that the weirdest thing? Hopefully it's a good sign. Who knows?


cspears99 - July 17

whynotme, its so strange I have had all the same symptons as you, the diarrahea for a few day and the white stuff, but I am 10 days past my IUI now and still BFN, I feel like it would be positive by now if I were pregnant, I wish something would happen either way either get a/f or see a BFP, I still feel like my period is coming, my boobs are very sore and I still have cramps, so I don't know its killing me this month I just want it to happen as I am sure you all do too, let me know, thanks Cheryl


Tammy276 - July 18

hi ladies. just checking in before I am off to bed! One more day of work and then I am off for a week! I can't wait! 4 more days until I will test, I can't wait....well I can because I'm sure I will see a BFN, but I don't know......I just have this feeling.....I guess we'll just all have to wait and see! My bb's are starting to get a little sore, but that always happens the week before AF. I will see how they are in a few days...If they are the same as now, I know I am not preggers....If they get worse, I will think I am....That is how I knew I was the other times b/c my bb's hurt so bad, it hurt to take a shower, and I didn't even want to walk down the stairs because if they moved, they hurt!! I hope this is a month of BFP's for all of us!!


whynotme - July 18

Tammy, that's so crazy about not wanting to walk down the stairs because your bb's hurt so bad. I was just noticing that I can't sleep on my stomach right now and walking down the stairs hurts my bb's so bad. This is also really weird because I had a breat reduction about 6 years ago and hardly have any feeling in either of my bb's. I don't want to start getting my hopes up, but my mind won't quit making up reasons that I "could" be pregnant. Ahhhhhh....


cspears99 - July 18

My boobs are also extremely sore, I also can feel lots of cysts in them, which very painful, but my boobs are always sore, so I don't think that is one of my signs, I have been very mean to everyone, and I don't know if its because I think my period is coming or not??


diem - July 18

Hi everyone, I have been lurking for a while and thought i'd actually say hello. My husband and I have been trying for 5 months now....obviously no luck yet. We have been married for about 9 months. I always thought it would be easy to get PG. Anyway.... I have just started charting everything. I am not real sure when I ovulated because my temp was high on the day of my lh surge....then lowered and gradually raised again. This temp thing is confusing to me and doesn't seem to follow a pattern., DH and I only Bd'd the day before the surge and 3 and 6 days afterward. I'm pretty sure I missed my ovulation day...but oh well. I guess there's always next month. It's kinda hard cause DH is a firefighter and we cant bd every day or every other day sometimes with his schedule.
Anyway...I just wanted to say hello!



whynotme - July 18

(diem) So you are using OPK's right? If so, then you start testing per the instructions in the kits and test every morning until you get a + surge (which is usually a line just as dark as the control line. Once you have a surge then you are going to ovulate within 24 hours. If this helps any, you can go onto and chart everything and it will tell you when your most fertile days are. I also downloaded an interactive ovulation calender that is pretty great, but I don't remember how I got it. Maybe you could google "ovulation calender." Oh and as for your dh being a fireman, you could always just run up to the firehouse and get a quickie in if you have a surge and he is at work. LOL!


diem - July 18

Yeah...I am using OPK's....charting temps and looking for cm. Yet....My temps aren't very reliable because the day I was supposed to Ovulate and the two days after were pretty low. I thought that it was supposed to get higher after ovulating. Ålso, the past two months I haven't had the normal cm that I experience. I didn't see it at all this month. I wonder why. I usually get a pretty noticeable wetness. (sorry if graphic:)



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