Anyone Out There Been TTC for Over 2 Years??
133 Replies
Jaqi - April 2

Cloe - I didn't know I had a problem. I skipped AF for the first time in 12/04. I got it at the end of January (when I went down to Mardi Gras....worse possible timing ever), then it's been off track since then. I was every 28days like clockwork. It lasts for 7 days. Since then, it's been 25-31 days. They suspect PCOS now. I went to the doctor in July 2005. They did the first dye test 9/05, lap done 2/06, and another dye test 3/06. All the docs before always told me I was fine and there was nothing to worry about. I could kill them!! I started trying when I was 21, and I will be 30 this year. I wish I would have known about all this earlier. The lap showed that I have endo.


Jaqi - April 2

I meant worst, not worse


vanessa - April 2

hi cloe i had no signs of pregnancy, i have had a few aches like af pains. still in shock, not sunck in yet. i will do another test mon morning then ring up the doc. i will be thinking of you friday


Cloe - April 2

Thank you Vanessa, let me know how it goes tomorow! I imagine it will take a little while to sink in! Have you told your DH yet, or your parents?


Cloe - April 2

Jaqi, are you going to try the IVF?


Jaqi - April 2

I want to do IVF but it costs 8-9K! So, we might try IUI first, then save money to do IVF at the first of next year.


Kriste - April 2

I am 26 and have been TTC for four years. I have done all of the tubes are clear, my husbands sperm have good counts and mobility, I did the laparoscopy two years ago and I do have mild endometriosis (Had to do the Lupron thing post op.). I have the best fertility monitors and have tried everything from baby asprin to couph syrup to the natural remedies. Nothing worked. I did two sets of three months of clomid and FINALLY I was referred to a specialist. I am just about to do my first IUI w/ injectibles on 05/2-4/06. I am VERY excited but very nervous. It is definitely frusterating. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that when I went to the fertility specialist who is very well known in CA, I was informed that you shouldn't take Clomid for more than three cycles. 85% of the people that it works for get pregnant within the first three cycles and after that the succuess rate dramatically drops. It also can mess up your ovaries. I had to get my hormones tested because I took 7 cycles of clomid and some lupron and the doctor was VERY concerned.
I would recommend asking to be transfered from your regular RE/OBGYN to a fertility clinic so that you can get more specific treatment.
Hang in there....alot of people do find succuess on the road of infertility. :)


Kriste - April 2

I just wanted to add that your doctor should do a FSH on CD 3 to test your hormones after three cycles of clomid. That is what the fertility clinic told me and that is the testing that I had. Also, even though you may ovulate w/ Clomid it causes poor cervical mucous. I did the post-coital while I was on Clomid and it came back bad. My mucous was hostile. Then I re-did the test a few months after I took the clomid and the doctor had seen the ferning. The first time I took the Clomid I was given estrogen to try and help my CM but now the doctors are finding that that doesn't work very well. Maybe you should drink lots of Robutussin to try and get your mucous thinned out. Just FYI!! Good luck and praying for BFP's for all of us. :)


Cloe - April 3

Actually Kriste, the recommended cutoff for Clomid is 6 months, not 3. Furthermore, what makes you think I, or anyone else here is not already going to a fertility clinic or that we have not had our FSH tested? I am a technician at a medical diagnostics company, so I am pretty sure that I would be aware of any diagnostic testing I would require. I am using this discussion board as a way for me to talk to people who have the same fertility problems to make me feel not so alone.


Kriste - April 3

I cant believe how mean you are. Are you the owner of the board? Why cant I post my information? yeah- I'll be wishing you tons o luck on your BFN.


Kriste - April 3

Cloe, I didn't post that information to be mean. Also, I didn't post the message above this one. Someone else must have used my name. I WISH EVERYONE HERE A BFP!!! The only reason I posted the information that I did about Clomid is because I PERSONALLY WAS SO SHOCKED.....and this information was news to me as of this last month. I am VERY sorry if I offended anyone. Again, I don't know who posted the message at 20:46....but I pray for a BFP for each of you.


Cloe - April 3

Kriste (23:07); I am very sorry. Your message just really shocked me too! I reacted by being upset and I really didn't want to believe it. All the research I did pointed towards 6 months, so I had felt okay with the 6 month prescription I was given. So when I saw your message, at first it startled me, so I did more reading online. When I couldn't find anything about 3 months being the magic number then I became upset. The information your doctor provided you with could be "new information". It starts somewhere :) Considering I have just about completed (waiting for af) 5 cycles of Clomid I was scared that my fertility had been compromised. I do hope that you will forgive me and give me another chance.


Cloe - April 3

Kriste, when you say your doctor was very concerned because you had taken 7 cycles of Clomid, and that you needed your hormones tested, is it just that the Clomid is not as useful after 3 months, or does it actually compromise future fertility? I thought that the reason for not taking Clomid too long is because it makes your body release more eggs than if you were to ovulate on your own, so if you take it too long, then you could go into premature menopause. Sounds like your doctor has more concerns than that.


Jaqi - April 3

Hey ladies, try to remember to register and use sign-in to use your name, so we know it's you. I had this problem on another board and people were saying some nasty things using my name......


Cloe - April 3

That's a good idea, Jaqi. I think I will do that. If my name is bold and red you will know it is me. :)


KristRye - April 3

Jaqi.....Can you please put the steps on how to get to the settings of "Automatically entering my name on my posts". I would really appreciate it.



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