Anyone on Metformin or Glucophage to Regulate periods?
3 Replies
Kris - August 23

Is anyone on Metformin or Glucophage to regulate your periods due to PCOS? I conceived last time with chlomid, but this time trying metformin alone. Any one had success?


Sara - August 23

Hi Kris, I'm currently on Metformin to regulate my periods. I'm irregular but I don't have PCOS. I'm on 100mg of Clomid too. So far nothing has worked for me. I do know someonw that was just on Metformin to regulate her periods and she did conceive within 3 months on the Metformin. They say it really helps. Some people swear by it.


Heather - August 24

Hi Kris! I've been on Metformin since May 31st and have had no luck so I'm on Clomid right now as well. However, 3 years ago I conceived after being on Metformin for 6 weeks (no Clomid then). I do have PCOS. Good Luck!


Suzan - August 24

I am on clomid 50 and metformin 1500 and still no luck, my doctor just upped my clomid to 100mg. I am hoping that this will help. why does my body have to be so uncooperative??? I am so annoyed by this, we have only been on meds for 2 months but I am very impatient, i find myself shopping and planning now and I am not even preggu. I torture myself each and every month!!! !~~~~ baby dust to us all~~~



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