anyone know how to contact cheri for a prediction part 3
153 Replies
tynadu - August 25

diem, that should work for you!


waiting-4-my-angle - August 26

Hey ladies I was reading all your post and I sent cheri an email in july and I was just wondering how long it took to get a answer. I guess you can say I am not patient at all. Well I hope all of your predictions are true and good luck to you all!!!!


slowpoke01 - August 26

sometimes it takes awhile because she is backed up on predictions. sometimes if you put a subject with the number 3 in it like 3 times a charm or something like that she will get back to you sooner. or you could do the pay option and pay 6 dollars and get a reading the next day. i think the last time that i looked at her website she was doing august or june predictions so it may take a little while for her to get back to you`


tynadu - August 26

I think Cheri is on May 4 right now. I did the bypass again Friday to ask her what she think about the new meds I am taking. I'll let you know as soon as I get it.


waiting-4-my-angle - August 27

Thank you ladies and good luck to you all!!!!!


slowpoke01 - August 28

hey girls how is everyone doing?


JB0405 - August 28

WOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Can you tell how thrilled I am for you?!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! WOW!!! When is your dr appt? How's dh doing? Are you 2 beside yourselves?!!!


slowpoke01 - August 29

jb he told everyone before i had a chance to get the beta results back. it is a definite + hcg 102.9 and progesterone 37.35. good luck to all of you i will not leave you though i will check back in as much as possible


slowpoke01 - August 29

where is everyone? how are you all doing?


thayward7 - August 29

That's great Slow! Congratulations! Has anyone gotten a new prediciton from Cheri lately? This thread has been pretty quiet these days. Smiles... T


tynadu - August 29

hello all, I hope everyone is doing fine. Thayw, I just wrote cheri a few days ago, I did the by pass one but, I think something was wrong because it took her a long time to answer me. When she did write me she said she would give me my prediction sunday. Sunday came and left and I just got it today. She mixed it with someone else with my same last name and first letter was same as mine as well. So she said she would write back later on today.


Bless - August 30

Hey everyone... i was just wondering what you do after you pay for the prediction... do u sit back and wait for a reply, or have to ask her questions through email?


thayward7 - August 30

Tynadu, what a mix-up! Let us know what she says. Bless, did you give her any information when you asked for your prediction? I didn't give much and she gave me lots of detail in my prediction, then I asked a couple of questions later. So, yes, I think you should just wait for a day or two and see what she says. Smiles and babydust! T


Bless - August 30

Thanks... any truth to your prediction?


thayward7 - August 30

Not sure yet... she predicted September and Boy. I know it won't be conceive month because I am on a 2 cycle break so likely won't try again until end of October, but maybe delivery date? We'll see.... Smiles... T


slowpoke01 - August 30

hey all BLESS-i gave cheri a little info not alot though.and she gave me a very in depth reading. TYNADU-that was a big mix up.yes this thread has been really quiet lately



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