Amnio quandary
5 Replies
cromwell - February 21

Hi all. I am 39, pregnant with my first at age 39 via IVF cycle and trying to decide whether or not to do amnio. I have had something that passed for a nuchal translucency test --he didn't measure anything, just said it looked good--and had a normal triple screen. I am having a tough time deciding on the amnio, although those other things were encouraging. Thanks for your help. Laurie


JND - February 22

Well I guess it depends on what you would do with the information. If they told you that you were having a "sick" baby would you still keep it? If the answer is yes then if it were me I wouldn't do the amnio because there is no reason to put you or baby through the possible complications. And if your answer is no then you need to get the amnio done. Just a little side note my cousin had 3 tests through out her pregnancy(not an amino though, just some blood work and US) and they told her that her baby was going to be down syndrome. She didn't care either way because she was keeping her baby. Long story short she delivered her baby and she is a 100% healthy little girl. I hope I was able to help. Good Luck!


K - February 22

You should do what is best for you, but as for me, I didn't do it. I got pregnant with my 1st at 38 after 4 years of trying and had her at 39. She is 100% healthy. My Dr. told me she sees people our age have healthy babies all the time and even recommended against an amnio barring some abnormal finding on a level 2 ultrasound. You have been through so much to get this baby, if it were me I wouldn't do anything that had any chance of complications or risk however small, especially with you already having good results on the other tests.


cromwell - February 22

I was told that a bigger u/s would be coming up at 22 weeks, which would be too late to do an amnio. So, not sure what to do. Thanks for the input. Laurie


lisnel - February 22

If you found out that something was wrong would you abort the baby? If your answer is no, then I would not bother with the amnio. If I was in your shoes I would not have the amnio because even if something was wrong I don't think that I could abort the baby or give it up after it was born either. Like JND said, some times the dr's are wrong any way. You just need to sit down and pray about it and ask God to help you make the right decision for you and dh. Try to stop stressing about it. I know it's hard to do but the stress is not helping you or your baby. Good luck and I hope you have a healthy normal baby. I'm still trying for my first too and I'll be 42 next month.


Blakey - February 23

Hi laurie!!! It sounds like your other tests came back with awesome results! I would be happy with that! It is a personal decision. Follow your heart, with it. Again, they seems to think everything looks good, so I think your fine! Your being watched over hon! I have never been in your position, (still trying, and started my IVF cycle on Wed)- and I am not sure what i would do. All the excited for you!! Your doing great, and so is your little one!!!!



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