Alycia's Angels 2006
786 Replies
BeccaR - November 4

Hey all! Sorry I didn't get on here the last while. Life has just been so hectic. We got a BFN. But it is okay. We are breaking for the Holidays and then when the new year comes we will talk about what we want to do at that point. There is also the chance we may be able to do a private adoption with the gal thru my church leaders. Mainly because she is sure she does not want to keep the baby but doesn't want the baby to go to some random couple and wants it to go to someone who is not able to get pg on their own. She was also not just someone who was being careless with sex and got pg. It is a long and personal story that I won't share but she really is trying to turn a bad situation good for not just her and the baby but for an infertile couple. We are also getting to know her personally. She wants to be able to get pics of the baby once in a while and send the baby gifts but not be the mom. Be like a family friend. As I have family that did the same thing with a child they adopted and it worked out great I am very open to it. We will see what happens. If it is a private adoption we do not have to meet the same financial criteria as she is wanting to do it as being more of a suragate (spell) mother. Anyways- Rachel that is great that the baby is doing so well. Just remember that all the sickness is well worth it.


EDY - November 6

Hey everyone! Steph and Alycia- The pictures of the babies are so cute. I have been so busy since being back at work. I will try to e-mail yall some pictures of the girls this week. Rachel- that is a great hb. Becca- Sorry for yout BFN. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope everyone else is doing good!


AMY KA - November 9

Hi ladies!

I MUST apologize -- I really can't believe it's been two months since I checked the thread. I know I've been self-absorbed with the baby, but this is really embarrassing. So much has happened! Edy, I am so glad to hear you and your girls are doing well. And Rachel, congratulations! Reading your "story" brought a huge smile to my face.

Everything is going fine here, although you can tell by my lack of participation on the thread that I feel utterly swamped! Sometimes a week goes by and I don't even check my home email. I'm back at work since the 14th of September, which makes everything that much more complicated. But I'm actually enjoying the work-family balance -- it keeps me from getting frustrated or bored with either. I'm going to go watch "Lost" now with my one hour of free time now that Maya is in bed, but I'll write more later!


Rachel5 - November 11

Hello Ladies, Glad to see everyone is doing well. Becca, keep us posted on the adoption possibility. I'm finally starting to feel a bit better. I had one dry heave episode last night when I tried to take my prenatal vitamin but my appetite seems to be growing a wee bit. The insomnia is still here so I'm still tired but feel a little more energized if that makes any sense. I've been getting a lot of stretching pains these last couple days which I guess is good as means baby is growing. I get my next u/s on Nov. 22nd for the IPS testing. I hope all goes well there. I CAN"T WAIT TO STOP TAKING THESE $&*# PROGESTERONE SUPPS. God, I have come to hate taking them. LOL


Alycia - November 16

Hi everybody! I've hardly had a free moment since dh is gone and Gareth sleeps so little, but I do check in while I'm nursing him sometimes. I just find it so hard to type then. He is still little because of the reflux (15 pounds and in 3-6 month clothes), but he is SO much happier, and the spitting up and screaming episodes continue to decrease in frequency. He is crawling backwards now and he cut two teeth last week. Rachel - I had terrible insomnia all throughout my pregnancy. It's horrible! It hasn't gotten better, either. Sometimes I think that the more tired I am the more severe my insomnia gets, ironically. Gareth is still waking up three times a night to eat (and he needs it), and each time it takes me FOREVER to fall back to sleep. Sometimes I don't fall asleep at all before he wakes up again. It's horrible! I can't explain how tired I still am. Hopefully you'll be able to kick the sleeplessness soon, though. Becca - What a blessing it would be if you could adopt that woman's baby! I hope and pray that works out for you... that means you could be a mommy very soon! Please keep us posted on this.


StephanieK - November 17

Alycia- That's great your son is crawling. My son can sit on his own but cannot crawl yet, it might still be awhile and still no teeth. He's 17.5lbs and in 6-9 month clothes. Big boy..... Do you have any new pictures of him? Rachel- glad all is well with you and your pregnancy. The first 12 weeks or so drag then it flys by. Any gut feelings about what your having?


Alycia - November 17

Rachel - I'm curious to see if you have a feeling about what you're having, too. Well, ladies, it's official. Dh is leaving for Iraq in February. It was crummy to get the news while he is away and I can't even talk to him on the phone, but that's the way it goes. The other guys in the unit are in California doing training right now, but they'll all be back before Thanksgiving (dh won't be back until Christmas). Because they're gone, we had to use the Family Readiness Group for notification. I'm a key caller, which means that after I got the call about the deployment at 8 PM, I had six other ladies to notify. It was so much harder that way - one of them is a young wife whose baby is due on January 31. I had to tell her that her husband wouldn't be around for the whole first year of her son's life. I don't actually know any of the women I had to call, which made it even worse. Hearing them cry made everything harder for me than it already was. It's so strange to think that Gareth and I will only have about six weeks with dh before he leaves and that Gareth will be 21 months when he gets home. It's unreal.


StephanieK - November 17

alycia- i don't know how you can do it. I would lose it if i found out bf was going away for that long. It would make me nervous b/c he's not just going on a trip he's out fighting. Of coarse you have to have faith. Hopefully your son will adj just fine between when he's home and when he's not. I only get to see bf for 1 1/2 hrs a day and somtimes on the weekend. Cause of his job he's gone alot but i do cherish the time we have together. I'm wishing you luck.


Rachel5 - November 18

Hi Ladies,
Oh Alycia, I am so sorry to hear DH will be going to Iraq. That is a long time to be away. DH was talking about taking a specialty police officer course in January 2008 to be an accident reconstructionist and he's be away for a month, only home on weekends and I thought that would be tough. But I guess being an "army wife" (pardon the expression) you know that this will happen but I can imagine you are never truly prepared for it. As for what I think...I think it is a boy. DH thinks it is a girl. There is a bedding set at Pottery Barn Kids (polka dot sateen) that I love for a boy and it is on sale right now so I may go out and buy it today just in case. You have a year to return items with a full refund so no harm in buying it now. With PBK, you can only afford to buy things when they are on sale too! The sleigh crib I like in espresso is on sale too but we need to wait to know the gender before buying that. We want dark wood for a boy and cream/white for a girl.


Alycia - November 19

Rachel - I got all my PBK stuff for Gareth's room brand new on ebay. It cost about 1/3 what it would have new, and it was all really great. A lot of SAHMs even make really cute lampshades, nightlights, lightswitch plates, drawer knobs, and more using various PBK fabrics. I got a great lampshade and nightlight that somebody made, and they really complete the room. It's worth a look!


rays mom - November 19

Thak you for the baby dust. I have that hope also for all trying to be mommies
Dh and I are ttc second child. My cycle is pretty regular but I am sure I ovulated on day 23 . Is that odd?


Rachel5 - November 20

Thanks Alycia. The problem with ebay and PBK items for me is that many do not ship to Canada (even doesn't). And if they do ship I have to pay $USD, lots of shipping and duty. PBK is not as popular here as is in the US, only select malls have it, we have Sears and that is where most register. I ended up buying the polka dot sateen items today, the crib bumper, 2 sets of sheets and the crib skirt for $250.00 CDN. It was all on sale and would have cost about $450.00 at regular price. I have a year to return it with full refund. DH likes it but doesn't love it, he wants farm animals or something, he finds this one conservative. But that's what I like, simple bedding so that we can add any fun, bold, accessories we like to compliment the room. Plus we can really decorate the walls with this neutral bedding. That is just my 2 cents though. For a girl I want butterflies and flowers but I have seen so many I like that I can wait till we find out the sex.....but I really think this is a boy. You should go to PBK, they have these bath robes on sale for $19.99 and you can get a lion, alligator, etc....they are so cute. I may get one of each (boy/girl) as they are on sale right now and return the one I won't need. I don't want to over do it before we find out the sex(e) but I'm getting excited. I bought more maternity clothes today as I had a coupon and I sure look pg with certain outfits, especially thin skirts that don't have the tight 3 in 1 band. My next u/s is on Wednesday and I'll be 12 weeks. Hope everyone is well!


Alycia - November 20

Rachel - You'll have to start sending us pictures soon! As for bedding, I got Farmyard Friends... your dh would probably love it! We painted the walls a pretty bright apricot color. Subtle it ain't, but I like it anyway!


Rachel5 - November 26

Hi Ladies,
Alycia - I saw your bedding on the website and you are right, DH would love it. It is very cute.
Our 12 week appt on Wednesday went well. Baby was measuring 12 week, 1 day. They took the nuchal measurements for the IPS testing and the fold was 1.3mm. Not that that means much without the blood tests. I go back on the 12th for the 2nd IPS blood test. The RE has now officially released us from the clinic and is sending us back to the referring OB. I will very much miss that doctor and clinic. When we left she said, "make sure you bring back the baby", my god that felt so weird to hear. She gave us the thumbs up to share our news as well. I've been getting a lot of pains these last few days, not quite cramps but pains, and some even spreading to the (sorry TMI) anal area. I think it might be GI issues as your bowels really slow down when pg. as long as it is normal I won't worry about it? Did this happen to any of youladies? Our next appt isn't until December 19th which will be 16 weeks. Take Care everyone.


BeccaR - November 27

Hope everyone had a good holiday. Not much going on here. We are not really trying right now. We may try again after the holidays but we are not sure. Rachel- I am so excited for you. I will check in later to see how everyone is doing.


Alycia - November 28

Rachel - That's great! I didn't have the pains you are talking about, but there are so many weird little pains that people get that I wouldn't worry too much. You can always mention it to your doc at your next checkup.



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