Alycia's Angels 2006
786 Replies
Rachel5 - October 18

Oh Becca, you sound so happy. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time.
Not much new here. I still haven't heard back from the clinic as to when the doc wants me to come in next. Guess they aren't all that concerned now that I am a pg client.


Alycia - October 19

Becca - I'm glad you had such a good time. And - wow - that is a LOT of bd! I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for you! Rachel - How are you feeling?


Rachel5 - October 19

I'm okay. Really starting to get the nausea now. I come close to throwing up but nothing comes out. I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow. I won't complain about m/s cuz I've been hoping to get it to make me feel better about this pg. I'm having a really hard time with insomnia which makes my day at work really long and hard to keep my eyes open come mid-afternoon. I used a body pillow yesterday and it helped a bit but I didn't grab it out of the closet till 4:00am. I look like I'm 5 months pg, I'm soooooo very bloated. I can still wear my regular clothes but they are tight so I did buy some maternity pants to be more comfortable. I needed some fall/winter clothes and thought it silly to spend money on regular clothes as this point.


BeccaR - October 20

Hey all! I feel some tightening around my lower stomach but it could be because I have been doing crunches lately because the fertility drugs have given me a tummy and the RE said that crunches would be fine. I have learned not to try and guess what things are. I should be getting my test results by next week and if I don't I will call them to see what is going on. Rachel- I would take the ms as a good sign that this pg is in full swing. Time will sure fly I am sure. Keep us updated.


EDY - October 20

Hey everyone! I am so sorry it has been so long since I posted. I have been really busy lately with the girls! Speaking of them I know I never told you about them and our really bad experience. I went in to PTL at 32 weeks right after I posted my last post. I was in the hospital for 4 days and on MAG and still dialating so I was shipped to another hospital that has a great NICU. I was then in labor there for 38 hours. No pain medicine because they gave me 1 shot of Morphine and it lowered the girls heart rate. I was really sick and had been vomitting x 3 days they thought it was from the Mag. I told them I had a bowel obstruction because I had onlty been sick 6 years prior when I had my gastric bypass. Anyway, they finally did a c-section on June 19 at 11:39 in the morning because I had dialated to 3cm. I was 33wks 5 days pregnant and had been given all the steroids and antibiotics. Jocie was born at 11:39am weighing 3#14oz and Allie was born at 11:40am and weighed 4#9oz. Jocie was fine but Allie was not breathing. They put feeding tubes in both of them and Allie on the vent and took them to the NICU. I did not even get to see them. Allie had apparently been in distress all night but they did not leave me on the monitor because I had so much pain and did not bother to do an u/s and MD resident(student) chose to ignore my pleading to call in the atteding MD and she only came in my rm once that night. When I got to my room after leaving recovery I was still vomitting and my nurse felt a mass on my left side. She called in a GI specialst and he called in a surgeon to look at me and they did a CT scan. Well i did have a bowel obstruction and later found that it was intussception which is very rare for adult and very dangerous.. The surgeon said he did not know how I was still alive and did not lose the babies. GOD was with us. I was taken into surgery 12 hours after my c-section and had another very long incision made because they could not go in where I had just had c-section. I had still not seen the girls, only pictures at this time and the surgeon could not tell me if I was going to live or not. I made it through surgery and woke up on the vent and then was taken to ICU for 2 days. When they took me to the reg ob floor they took me though the NICU so that I could see my beatiful girls for the 1st time and they were already 3 days old. Apprantley they never do this, but I was so sick they wanted me to be able to see the girls incase something happened to me. Allie had started breathing on her own now and Jocie was doing good, just tiny. I was now off the vent and had an NG tube. I did not get to eat for approximatley 15 days b/c I was on the Mag to stop ctx and then b/c of the surgery. THe girls started getting better by day 4 and moved to level2 nursery Allie was now off the vent and they both only had feeding tubes and IV's. All of us finally got to come home on JUly 1st. 2 days shy of 2 weeks. They are doing really good now. Allie had problems with breathing at 1st, but is all better now. They are both on apnea monitors. If yall want to see some pictures I will e-mail them to you. Just send me your e-mail address because I lost them before when Alycia was showing pictures. My e-mail is [email protected]. I have not read all the post but a few. Kahlindi and Rachel- I am sorry for your loss, but so happy this pregnancy is going well for you. Becca- I am glad everythinbg is looking up for you. Alycia and Steph, Amy- how are the babies? I would love to see pictures. All of you are still in my thoughts and prayers. I am back at work now so maybe I will have more time to check in and my post will not have to be so long next time!!


StephanieK - October 20

Eddy- I emailed you with some pictures of jacob, i hope you enjoy. I'm really glad you and your babies are okay. How are you enjoying motherhood? Your girls were born on my birthday. That's neat. Becca- you seem excited, i'm praying for you this month. Cramping is a good sign. Rachel- how is everything going? Do you like maternity clothes? I always felt like there were on backwards. I guess as you get bigger they fit better. I don't have either email address for you or becca. I sent alycia updated pictures of jacob, if you want i can forward them to you. I need both email address though. Mine is [email protected]


Alycia - October 22

Edy - Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe you had to go through all that! I'm so glad that you and your darling babies are okay now. I'll send you some pics of Gareth, and I'd love to see some of your little ones, too. Rachel - It sounds crazy, but I'm really glad you're a bit sick now. I just hope it doesn't get much worse. I was the same way at first - I had tons of dry heaves, but it was a few more weeks before I would actually throw up. I couldn't even make a grocery list, take out the trash, rinse dirty plates, or even WALK into the kitchen without heaving! You're on my mind a lot, and I hope everything is going okay. Please check in from time to time to let us know. Becca - I'm praying very hard for you! Stef - I got the pics and loved them. Jacob is such a little cutie pie! Send more whenever you can. As for me, dh left last Sunday for Ranger school in Georgia, and he won't be back until Christmas. You guys probably remember when he left for Ranger school this time last year - it's where he messed his shoulder up so badly. I miss him so much, but he's out in the boonies being starved and sleep deprived, and he's completely incommunicado. We took some up close pictures and videos of him for Gareth to see on the computer, and it makes me so sad! Gareth just lights up with a huge smile, starts reaching for the screen and "talking" when he sees daddy. It takes him a few minutes to realize it's not really him. It almost makes me cry. The really bad news is that it looks like dh will be going to Iraq in the next few months for a twelve month tour. I hate thinking about how Gareth won't even know who he is when he gets back. Okay, now I'm getting depressed, so I'd better stop. I hope you all have a great Sunday!


BeccaR - October 24

Edy- So good to hear from you! I am sorry that you had to go through that but I am glad that everything turned our fine. Well, all my tests came back negative. It is good but at the same time you kind of hope there is something else that is easy to fix so you can fix it and get pg. I am still in a good mood. It is not hope so much as I know this is the last cycle we are doing for a while with the Holidays and everything coming up so I am looking forward to a break if I don't get my BFP this month. Hope all is well with everyone else!


Rachel5 - October 25

Edy - so great to hear from you. What an ordeal! I am so happy that YOU are okay! And of course that both babies are doing well.
Alycia - I'm so sorry to hear about DH's possible assignment. That's a long stint away from home.
Stef - any news on Jacob?
I can't put my email address on here as its for work so I'll most likely email you so that you have it.
I'm doing alright. Waiting patiently for my next u/s which is Monday. I'll be 8 weeks 3 days then. My insomnia is just awful and I now wake up 2 to 3 times a night to pee. I don't even drink or eat anything past 7pm. I've been trying to go to the gym everyday to at least walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes hoping the exercise will help me sleep better. The nausea was really bad yesterday morning, always around 10am it seems. I'm just hoping for good news on Monday.


Becky - October 26

Rachel I am glad to hear that you are doing great? They say that getting sick is a good sign for the pregnancy.


StephanieK - October 26

Rachel- getting sick although its not fun it is a good sign. I'm sure this time will turn out much better than last. I thought b/c i was so sick i was having a girl, i guess you can still get sick to your stomach and have a boy! If you e-mail me at [email protected] or [email protected] i'll send pictures to you. I just don't have them on hand. Alycia- i don't know how you can handle your hubby leaving so long. I would go nuts. I guess your just stronger than me. Please keep me updated on how everythings going. Is your son's getting ready to walk yet? I have a feeling its going to be awhile for mine. He likes to stand, lay or sit but no crawling. He hates his stomach.


Rachel5 - October 31

we had our 2nd u/s yesterday and baby is measuring ahead of schedule by 2 days which they said is great growth. So now I am 8 weeks 6 days. I was only supposed to be 9 weeks on Friday. We saw 2 arms and 2 legs which weren't developed last time. The heart was beating away at 171 bpm. And it was moving which was cool. Next one is at 10 weeks and we get our 1st picture. I've been getting a lot of pulling pains and stabbing like pains on the right, it is worse if I try to sleep on my back. It stops when I lay on my side. Doc didn't seem concerned, said it could just be ligament pain from uterus expanding especially since babe is growing fast.


StephanieK - October 31

Rachel that is great. 171 is great. Strong hb. I hope that makes you feel better. If your 9 weeks now or tomarrow then your almost out of the woods. The whole experience is cool. I can't put words to it. Good luck at your next apt. Don't worry about the pains its just you growing. They do go away. Plus if you were going to get really sick that part is almost over as well. I'm wishing you well.


Alycia - November 1

Rachel - I'm so glad everything looked good on the u/s!! Do you think you'll be able to breathe a sigh of relief when you hit the second trimester, or do you think your anxiety will continue?


Rachel5 - November 3

Hi Ladies, Hope everyone is well. I'm not on the net at home very much, just too tired and lazy right now. The insomnia is just killing me. I thought yesterday that I was about to start feeling better and this morning I was sick again, that's 5 times now since being pg. Not too bad I guess, I have heard of much worse. My stomach is getting bigger, mostly gas but starting to feel a bit harder and certainly no sucking it in anymore. I hope I can find some energy this weekend to do some Xmas shopping. I want to get it over with, especially buying cards. How is everyone else?


BeccaR - November 4

Hey all! Sorry I didn't get on here the last while. Life has just been so hectic. We got a BFN. But it is okay. We are breaking for the Holidays and then when the new year comes we will talk about what we want to do at that point. There is also the chance we may be able to do a private adoption with the gal thru my church leaders. Mainly because she is sure she does not want to keep the baby but doesn't want the baby to go to some random couple and wants it to go to someone who is not able to get pg on their own. She was also not just someone who was being careless with sex and got pg. It is a long and personal story that I won't share but she really is trying to turn a bad situation good for not just her and the baby but for an infertile couple. We are also getting to know her personally. She wants to be able to get pics of the baby once in a while and send the baby gifts but not be the mom. Be like a family friend. As I have family that did the same thing with a child they adopted and it worked out great I am very open to it. We will see what happens. If it is a private adoption we do not have to meet the same financial criteria as she is wanting to do it as being more of a suragate (spell) mother. Anyways- Rachel that is great that the baby is doing so well. Just remember that all the sickness is well worth it.



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