AF Showed 2 minutes After I took HPT Test :(
3 Replies
sherry - October 19

welp, it's over for this month ladies. af reared her ugly head on me this morning. over 3 days late!! this blows...anyone else in my boat? maybe we could be cycle buddies or somethin? hugs, sherry


Mega - October 19

That's always discouraging. I'm sorry AF reared her ugly head. And I'll never understand why it always seems like a - HPT brings her on! That's happened numerous times for me. Hang in there! I haven't even ovulated this cycle, but my follies aren't growing very fast at all even after the Clomid, so it's looking like we may cancel IUI, which I'm pretty bummed about. So I'm not exactly in your same boat yet, but I can certainly relate, I've been there numerous times.


nina - October 20

That has happened to me so many times.I am sorry i know how you feel.


MONICALIA - October 21

Sherry - I am so sorry! I too know the exact same feeling - here's to next month :) Cheers, Monica



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