****NEW THREAD***** waiting for NO AF Oct 23....anybody like
132 Replies
Kristi - November 24

Hi ladies...no Shawna your not the only one on today...I am taking a break from my cake making as I wanted to see if you had posted yet about your Dr. appt. You will have to let us know how the hpt turns out and hope you get over your sinus infection soon!! Well, I did get to dr yesterday for a blood test.....its a ++!!! I still cannot believe it! It just seems so unreal to me! The stupid old ladies who did my blood test got me all stressed though, they came back and said "well, there are two lines, so it is positive, it is just not very dark lines, and maybe you are not as far along as you think, but we have to call it a "positive" - and they actually used the little finger signs for quotation marks with positive - since there are two lines but we want the Dr to see it and see what she has to say..." Oh my god, I was about in tears, I am thinking Hello, what are you trying to say to me??? Well, my Dr told me, Yes I am definetly pg, and it is really still early, and that is why it was not a real dark line... those women should learn a little tact, they totally ruined my excitement since they had me so upset!! But they are going to do a quantative test to see how high my levels are but since it is still early, i may have to go back again next week for another blood test to test the quantities again as they should double every week. So now I get to stress all weekend about weather or not my levels are normal!!!! However, like a friend of mine pointed out, I tested Monday and it was neg and two days later I got a + so that means my hcg levels have to be going up or i would never had the ++ yet ya know. I bought more tests to use this weekend to see if the line gets darker.. i know everyone including my dh thinks im crazy for testing more seeing how the blood test came back ++!! Oh well, its just sooo hard for me to believe that I just want to keep making sure!! Sooo...will test agian tomorrow morn!! ;-) Geez, if it isnt one thing its another! My breasts are really starting to hurt more today and the last few days sweets just about do me in...just the smell of chocolate is awful and everything sweet tastes REALLY sweet to me....maybe that is a good thing, at least I wont be craving sweets!! My appetite has actually decreased the last week instead if increasing, so dont know what that means. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and Shawna you have a great weekend!! Will be heading out of town to my sisters house in a little, but will try to get back this evening or at least some time this weekend seeing as I dont have to go back to work till Monday!!


Shawna - November 25

Hey Kristi, I knew it!!!! Don't let those crazy old cows ruin it for you! A word of advice: start a journal as sson as possible. I never did one and now I can't remember how I was feeling my first trimester. Also, please do not stress out. That is the worst thing for you right now. Have you told your family yet? I think we need to start a new thread. Everytime we start a new thread one of us gets pregnant. With the original it was Stevie, now you with this one and the next who knows?!!! I think we should change the name though. What do you think of "One down, three to go!" I'm praying for my bfp tomorrow morning, but I'm really doubtful. Have a good one!


Kristi - November 25

Shawna, let us know as soon as you test!! I'm all for a new thread too, but maybe we should wait till Monica and Nic get back on so we all know what we are doing....??? My temps are still up and tested again this morn - it was still just a really light line, was hoping it would be darker this time....am I just crazy or what?? Its all those old ladies fault!! I think I am not going to test again unless I feel there is a reason too ya know. I may just keep taking my temps and if they stay up I will not worry about it...but then I guess I am still worrying about it arent I?? Geez. Yesterday I temped but no test and felt pretty good about, now I will be all freaking again....I will not test anymore. Hope your feeling better and cant wait to hear the results....we are going to my folks today to help them move, but I will check back when I can!! Hope everyone else is doing well!!


Shawna - November 25

Well it was a bfn, but I knew it was going to be. I'm a bit disappointed, but not really upset. Like I said, I had a feeling it would be negative. I have to wait until 9 then I'll call the dr to make an appt. Kristy, please don't worry so much. You are pregnant. All those tests would not give a false positive. Go get some prenatal vitamins. I would get the brand name kind instead of a generic brand. I found the generic had a bad after taste. I took Materna and like those a lot better. Please keep in mind than prenatal vitamins are horse pills. I had to cut them in half to take them! How many times since you first positive have you touched, rubbed or patted your tummy? It's such a great feeling isn't it? We heard Alexander's heart beat at around the 8 week mark if I remember correctly. Also, I felt him move around the 17 week mark. It was just little flutters, but it was amazing. It was so special knowing that I was the only one that could feel it at that time. Later on, everyone wanted to touch or feel my belly. I gained 47lbs with Alexander. He was 8lbs, 2oz and was 22 3/4 inches long. So he was pretty big! In my last month he gained approximately 2lbs. See what you have to look forward to! If you haven't noticed I'm trying to get you excited about your next 40 weeks instead of worrying so much about it. I understand that there is always a level of concern (it's part of parenthood and never goes away!) but don't let it overshadow the happiness and excitement you should be feeling right now. What did your husband say when you showed him the positive test? When you go to the dr, ask him about getting an ultrasound done. that way you will be able to see the sac and you will definitely feel better then. It is so nice to actually know what I'm talking about for a change. I have so many questions about fertility and such, I'm glad I can finally be useful!!! LOL!


alexander - November 25

hi my mommy said i could say some words here. i don't have school today. my mom is helping with the spelling and i am pushing the keys. i am 6. my mom is helping me read too.


Shawna - November 25

Sorry Girls, Alexander wanted to be included as well. What a goof ball! We have parent teacher interviews today so there is no school. Anyway, I was thinking last night. We share with one another some really personal information, but still keep a certain level of anonimity (sp?) It feels weird talking about dh when I'm referring to my hubby. I know that you all know what that means, but it sounds so unnatural to me. I will use his name from now on. Here is some information about me that has nothing to do with all the gross stuff coming out of me or what's going on with my plumbing! My husbands name is Taylor, we have a 6 year old son named Alexander. We have been married 5.5 years and will celebrate our next anniversary on May 27. We aare highschool sweethearts and have been together for 11 years. We had Alexander when we were 22 and in our second year of university. Taylor is a chartered accountant and I am a teacher, but I'm just subbing right now. Alexander is in grade1 at the Saskatoon French School. We spent this past summer in Australia (July-September) for Taylor's work. We really started trying in August while away. We thought it would be pretty neat to conceive on another continent, but obviously that didn't work out! Well that is a bit about me. Kristy if you want to talk some more about your pregnancy or have some questions, please post them. I don't know everything, but I remember a bit! If anything, please start a journal right away. Write down everything. You can look back and laugh at all the silly things your doing and feeling and saying!!! Good luck! We have 2 big parties this weekend, now I know I'm free to enjoy some spirits!!


Shawna - November 25

Sorry Kristi I spelled your name wrong on my second last post! Next dr appt is Dec 2 @11:20. Monica, how are you doing? Nic, did you ovulate? Have you started your 2ww yet?


Monica - November 25

Hey girls!! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! –Shawna, I know you celebrated in October but hey… I hope that we all took a moment to reflect & be happy for our lives, marriages, relationships, careers, family etc… With that said, yes -my inability to conceive brought be down for a minute but, I was able to bounce back with a phone call from my mom & family, they were all celebrating & wanted to play pass the phone around – which in turn bummed me out a bit as they are across the country in AZ… & with DH being gone (he was in S. Dakota yesterday of all places!) –I got lonely... It was an emotional day of ups & downs… Thank god it’s over!! All in all, I did some baking, made some wine & tea-set holiday gift baskets for his family & some of my co-workers… It was great as I made x-mas candles & scented lotions to include as well -This always relaxes me! Oh & of course the eating!! Anyhwho –like I said, thank god it’s over –now onto the x-mas fiasco! Time to star shopping! With my family growing by leaps & bounds thanks to my siblings –Toys R Us will be a nightmare for sure this year!! I am headed out to get a tree & decorate the house today. I love the smell of pine tree & the glimmer of the lights & the “warmth” of x-mas spirit in general! DH thinks it’s “another government conspiracy to sucker the US people in to spending frenzies to economic replenishment”…. Blablabla – he is like the grinch @ x-mas time! His outlook is “whatever floats your boat honey” – soooo -I always make sure to add an extra pizzaz to irk him – lol, like a snowman / santa winter scene set on his nightstand for instance! Hahha –good times!! Ah, as you can see. I miss him!! 24 days apart feels like forever! I’m trying to keep myself busy -I’m trying to work out our Hawaii itinerary & figure out what to do with the new pooch for our cabin x-mas in the Grand Canyon trip as I’ve never flown a dog anywhere & DH insists we take him – so, I’m dealing with this dog as check baggage policy ordeal –needless to say it’s the holiday hustle & bustle starting up!! What a fiasco! Anyway – 11/25 No AF cd 29.. Stay away!! I am down for a new thread - we should change the title - I agree! Hmm, but it wouldnt be one down - it'd be two b/c last thread - Stevie got a BFP & now Kristi so - "2 down, 3 to go" - "The NO AF Series, Part 3" -something along those lines. My superstitious mind tells me that we need to keep the "NO AF" part fto keep our good luck... So, like I said, making it "2 down, 3 to go - the NO AF saga" might be a good guideline!! BABY DUST TO ALL!!! :)


Monica - November 25

Alexander: Hello sweetie! How are you?! Woah - 6?! A big boy huh?! Your mommy loves you! Be good!!!


Monica - November 25

Kristi – stop worrying! To hell with the old ladies! Lol -you are PG! Things are going to be just fine! We are all here for you! I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we want you to stay with us throughout your pregnancy!!! After all we are in this together & with one another’s support can help until each of us is PG & thereafter… RELAX &take Shawna’s advice!! Enjoy your weekend w/ family! Hugs -


Monica - November 25

Shawna. I am sorry about the BFN. Any word on AF or still dealing with the brownish discharge? What did the Dr say about the lag in cycles? Please do keep us posted with that… On another note; I love your outlook on things. The coding has got to go – lol, my husbands name is Christian, I will to from now on refer to him as Chris instead of DH! Great idea!! I will w/b more in a bit – I have to get the hell out of the office. TTYL, * baby dust to you my dear! Hugs –


Monica - November 25

Nic, Enquiring minds must know darling!? How goes it?!


Shawna - November 26

Just bumping us up. Can't stay on too long, still recovering from a hangover!


Kristi - November 27

Hey ladies!! I think a new thread sounds pretty good...whoever ends up doing it make sure to post a last thread on this one letting everyone know the new thread title! Shawna, your right, I have rubbed my belly many times...and talked to it... ;-) It is still very hard for me to believe... dh is very excited! he keeps telling everyone...including the neighbors we just met a couple weeks ago!!! i came into the office yesterday morn and he was at the computer looking up baby names!! He has a list started and everything... I want to stick with the group and I know you are all excited about my bfp, but i dont want to upset anyone by talking about it too much, and I want to be here to help all of you out, so if I dont gush on about it please done think I dont want to share, I just know how hard it is to hear other people talk about being pg when you are trying your hardest to get pg and that is why we are all here right! But if you want to know anything at all, dont hesitate to ask!! By the way, my dh is David or Dave, depends on my mood ;-)...this is my second marriage and we just celebrated our 3rd anniversary Sept 7. He is in the Air National Guard, and no, thank God, he has not been called up to go overseas and pray he does not! He works out at the Air Force base full time. This will be our first child - and probably only one seeing as I will be almost 35 by the time he/she is born! But we do have two fabulous miniature schnauzers that are the two most spoiled dogs you have ever seen! We just bought our first house last January and are enjoying decorating for the holidays...we spend all morning putting up two Christmas trees and decorations around the house. Im glad thats done!! Loved hearing from Alexander, that was so cute! Well, better go check on dinner...will check back later or tomorrow!


monica - November 27

Ladies – I desperately need your advice here…. DH & I have been TTC this next cycle marks 16mos…. After extensive RE tests to include HSG, hormone blood panel, semen analysis etc.. & a full ultrasound monitoring cycle - The diagnosis was made = “unexplained infertility” – great. So I saw my Dr. about 2 weeks ago to discuss options. Here is my current problem, DH is traveling – has been for a month now so this last cycle was shot. We have only two small windows of time in the next 3 months due to his schedule. We will see each other 12/09-12/12 then again 12/21 -01/05. I explained this to my Dr in our consult... She is an IVF specialist & spend most of her time immersed in that realm of things – DH & I are far from that step at this point -so her immediate thoughts were “well, let’s put you on Clomid & start IUI”… We’d not be able to start that until well lint February / March as DH will be in Europe from Jan – mid Feb… Currently my cycles have been fluctuating 30-36 days in length & I confirm O around the cd 22-24 marks… My Dr said okay – here’s a prescription for Clomid 50mg. Take it days 5-9 of the next cycle & BD BD BD… Call me in January to see if we were lucky…. So I left there, prescription in hand waiting for AF’s next arrival. Well – She showed up TODAY!! This makes it AF today day 1 @ cd 31…. -----With me so far?!? Okay – so I have some QUESTIONS; I read that a lot of you take clomid days 3-7 & a lot of you take clomid days 5-9… When I spoke to my Dr who has been more than knowledgeable from the get go – but she did not mention anything about O coming earlier while on clomid…. Many of you claim to O earlier – I think I read about 10 days after last pill?!? Anyway – with that said, if I follow the plan & take it days 5-9 – I will not see DH until 12/21 – this will be on cd 24, which is pushing it as it is… Again, as I usually O cd 22-24 & if the clomid brings it even sooner then this will be a total wash as I will most likely O before he & I meet up for our out of state x-mas… In my opinion my Dr gave me the clomid to appease me as I have a great insurance plan that has paid out $1000’s to her practice, Yes, she is the Chairman to the practice… I hate to look at it realistically but, if I go with IUI’s she will make more money than if I’m lucky with a few months of natural trying on Clomid… Problem is DH’s travel! ---Ahh, he just had a full 13 months home with me & we have been trying & trying – after a full 3&1/2 years of trying but not trying (no protection), then 4 months of really “trying’ I went to see a Dr, after 3 obgyn’s & the run around for 6 months in telling us to “keep trying” - I came to my RE, underwent as full diagnostic cycle & sit where I am today…. I truly feel that as great as my RE is, she just blew me off into a plan that will not work & figures we’ll get the IUI in March…. DH & I would really like to conceive naturally –well & with clomid, lol… I’ve been here on this forum for the past 4/5 months & am on the NO AF series of threads… TO MY POINT & WHY I NEED YOUR HELP -So, here I sit looking at the calendar, counting cd’s - & I’m thinking well, why not chance it & take the clomid on 3-7 cycle as I’d take my last pill on the 12/03 & be on cd 13, 14 & 15 when I see DH… But this will only be days 6,7 & 8 after last clomid pill….. Will this even work? Are they both crapshoots?! What should I do!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kristi - November 27

Monica, I think if you read up on Clomid that is says you should O about 5-8 days after you last pill....I think you would have a better chance with cd 5-9 seeing as if you do not see dh till 12/21 and IF you do O 5-8 days after last pill than that would put you Oing closer to the time you see dh....I O'd 8days after and 7 days after the last pill on my two round of clomid which for me were cd 16 the first month and cd15 the second month and before I started Clomid I O'd around the 16th as well....so it may or may not make a difference in when you O...you may still O on your usual schedule.... Geez...its going to be a tough call for this next cycle.... I wish I could be of more help....but I think if you take it cd 3-7 you may O too early.... Let me see if I can find a website about Clomid that might help you......



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