@@@IUI and Sperm Donor 6@@@
118 Replies
montie75 - November 16

Hey gals!! T-do you normally spot for so long? I sure do hope today is your day 1….that would be wonderful news. Then you can join in my up coming tww. Hey Slow!! I love chicken and dumplings. Can you send me over some? I haven’t quite mastered the process yet. LOL!! Whynotme, hey toots. Are you starting to feel better today? I hope so, although…..a sick pregnant woman means a healthy pregnancy from what I hear. I am getting excited you guys and so is dh. I will take the trigger tonight!!! You know, the nice thing about Femara only giving you one follicle is I will have no chance for twins. (although I kinda wanted twins after all this hard work) Let’s end the year right ladies. Let’s all have our + between now and the end of the year!! Wouldn’t that just be wonderful? BABY DUST!!!


whynotme - November 16

Mon, that so exciting that you will be doing the IUI on Sat. I just know that this one will be the one!!! Oh, and don't say that there is "no" chance for twins, because one egg can split for no reason and there you have twins. I secretly wished for twins so that I would never have to go through this process again. But once I got pregnant and was so sick, I was thanking GOD that there was only one. LOL! Twins would be such hard work and how would I work? Pay for daycare, etc.??? Yikes! I'm already stressing about finding child care for just 3 days out of the week when the baby comes. My mom has offered to watch the baby on Mondays and Wednsdays. I just don't like the idea of daycare centers. My babysitter that I was hoping would be able to watch the baby is due with her 2nd baby 1 month before me. Just my luck! I am feeling much better lately (((knock on wood)))....Knock, knock, knock...... I still have no appetite, but just eat because I know I have to. I have lost 5 lbs. since I went to my last drs appt. on Nov. 1st. Trust me, I eat, just not alot at one time. I hate snacking and sweets are out of the question for me. I have been eating a salad with lunch and dinner which is helping out alot with getting the old bowels moving. The constipation is terrible when you are pregnant. Enough about me. Jamie, the weeks are just flying by until Dec. aren't they. Have you ordered your samples yet for when you are ready to try?? Are you sticking with the same donor? T, wow, you spotting has been going on forever. It must be the break that you were on maybe. Or the new drugs. Hmmmm...I hope that today is day one! See ya girls!


montie75 - November 16

Whynotme, I really want this to be the one, but I don’t want to get so high with hope to only be dropped to the ground with a negative. Yet, in my heart I have to think positive. This roller coaster of emotion just doesn’t get easier. UGH!! I just hope that I don’t ovulate before Saturday on my own. I am hoping since the doctor did the u/s and bloodwork that they would have the timing down to a “T”….right? Glad to hear that you are feeling better and to secretly hope for twins……that’s alright. I tell everyone that I want twins. Yeah, the work would be doubled but just think….so more of this up and down rollercoaster ride!! I think it’s a trade off…. Okay, I am trying to get thru the day without thinking about my injection tonight. Question. If I take the injection tonight…..would my body ovulate as scheduled to the trigger??? I am such a worry wart. (I think this way before EVERY IUI) LOL…….


whynotme - November 16

Yes, it's all down to a science now! Don't worry, I'm sure that your dr. knows what he's doing. For me I would take my shot betweent 9-10pm at night and on the 2nd day after I would get the IUI between 9-9:30 am that morning. I think that's 36 hours.


montie75 - November 16

I was told to take the shot between 7 and 8 at night then I go the 2nd day after for IUI at 9:00a.m. I usually take it closer to 8 than 7.


whynotme - November 16

I think that sounds good. UGH, I still remember my trigger shot nightmare! LOL!


thayward7 - November 16

Hey Gals... a lot of chit-chat today! Well, I officially called to report my day 1 - I wouldn't say it's FULL flow, but I wouldn't call it spotting either. But yes, I do usually spot for a day or two before AF. It seems like it has been longer, but only 2 days. SOOOOO.... I head to Ottawa next Friday and have my ultrasound on the Saturday! BUT - interesting - my RE has stopped me taking the injections - I guess because they didn't work last time and I had that hormone drop - but increased my Clomid to 75mgs instead of 50. So, we'll see. My follow-up appointment with the RE (for last cycle ) is on the day that I travel. So, I'll be doing that on the bus via cell phone! Anyway, I am officially on the roller coaster. MON - what a fantastic plan! It would be so amazing if we all got our BFPs by the end of this year! Try not to worry about your ovulation (easier said than done - I know), but it is timed with that trigger - pretty amazing when you think about it. WHYNOT - glad you're feeling a bit better. It's so great to have you gals to chat with! Hope everyone had a great day! Smiles and Babydust... T


slowpoke01 - November 16

hey girls. looks like everyone is doing good. i plan on using the same donor i just havent gotten around to buying the vial. dh hasnt been working much because of the rain so i am hoping that after thanksgiving i can go ahead and order that way it will be there when i am ready for it. i sure hope that we are all bf pregnant by the first of the year that would be so awesome. ok girls i have to tell ya'll this, it is too funny. my 5 year old neice asked me today if my nephews wife was going to come over so that she could play with their 2 kids ages 2 and 8 months and i told her i didnt think so. she said does she not feel like it and i just said no she doesnt and i told her that they were having another baby. her mouth flew open and she said what they are going to have 3 and i said yeah she said i think that she eats too much (meaning my nephews wife) i cracked up cause even a 5 year old can have the mentallity to think that they are having too many too quick. what really cracked me up was that she thinks you get pregnant by eating too much because she sees pregnant women with big bellies she thinks it is from eating too much. i was laughing so hard. it was too funny.i would love to have twins too by the way..lol..dh and i both have twins in our families so it would be really neat to have twins. good luck you girls i know that you all have procedures coming up and whynot i am glad that you are feeling better. ihave heard that it is normal 2 lose some weight at first. take care all and good luck i am thinking of you all.


montie75 - November 17

Slow, that is a funny story. Don’t you just love the thought process of small children? So innocent yet so true? Thayward, I am happy that you started your journey and I am also happy that you aren’t doing the injectables again. I mean if it’s not broke, don’t fix it right? I was taking clomid 100mg, so you should be fine with your new dosage. Just prepare for increases hot flashes!! LOL……..I took the trigger last night and ouch, my side hurts today. It doesn’t usually hurt for so long, I hope my DH did it correctly. LOL!!! Tomorrow morning I will have my IUI and start the TWW. OMG, I can’t believe it’s here already. I am nervous….hahahahahha. Okay, only happy baby thoughts!!! You guys have a good afternoon and I will catch up later. Hey, where did our newbie girls go??? I was hoping that they would stick around.


whynotme - November 17

Yay T!! I'm excited that you will be beginning the process again soon! Mon, that's so crazy how everything comes up so fast, isn't it??? I mean it's already time for you to have the IUI. YAY! I am sending you lots of baby dust and baby wishes! I don't what happened to the new girls, but hopefully they will come back. I would really like hear how flgirl is doing. Jamie, that was a funny story about your niece. Kids say the darndest things.


thayward7 - November 17

Hey Gals... so I'm a bit worried. My period has been VERY light. Not "normal" for me at all. I am wondering if it's related to cancelling the cycle and taking the progesterone pills? There isn't much I can do about it - I just worry that the lining won't be healthy if the old stuff hasn't been shed properly? ANY THOUGHTS? I know we, in the TTC mode, worry a lot... I am trying not to worry. How is everyone else today? OMG MON! The IUI tomorrow! That is so exciting! I am thinking positive and fertile thoughts for you. Yahoo MON!!! Smiles and Babydust... T


slowpoke01 - November 18

montie i am sending you tons of sticky dust for this cycle and i am praying that it works for you.~~~~~~~********~~~~~*****hope the dust helps..lol..good luck tomorrow. Yeah too bad it isnt as easy as eating too much or i would have done had a housefull..lol..my neice cracks me up she is so funny sometimes without even trying to. her moms car broke down last night and i had to go to town and pick them up. i went this morning and got my car legal to drive and let us use it. i have been driving it for a few months so i didnt get it tagged or inspected so i did that today. i still had full coverage insurance on it so i just had to get the tags and inspection sticker put on it. my sister knows how i dont loan my vehicles out and it shocked her that i loaned it to her without her asking..lol..she said i will guard it with my life..lol..she is crazy sometimes. i just figured it was setting up no since in letting it go to waste it needed to be drove anyway. i have 3 vehicles and cant drive all of them and most of the time i am hauling stuff for dh's log truck (like tires)and horse feed so i have been using the 2 trucks we have instead of the car. THAY good luck this cycle to you 2 girl u so desere it. WHYNOT are you starting to feel better? i too wish the new girls would come back and update us on how they are doing.


slowpoke01 - November 18

hey girls hope that you all have a great weekend. how is everyone?


Tammy_R - November 19

Hi everyone. I am new to the site and on my 3rd day of clomid, 1st round trying ttc w/IUI, using a sperm donor. I am single, and going at this alone, (but I have great family support). Good luck to everyone.


slowpoke01 - November 19

TAMMY-these girls are a great support system.Thayward is also doing this alone she may be able to help more than me, but i am here to give support to all who need it and i truly hope that you stay with this thread, they are a wonderful group of girls and they know alot of stuff about this ttc stuff. you girls have a great weekend.


thayward7 - November 19

Where ARE those other ladies that had joined us? I would love an update too! SLOW - thanks for all your words of encouragement. It is such a roller coaster isn't it. I know I am stressing because I had CRAZY dreams last night. It will happen when it is suppose to - I believe that timing is perfect - so if this is THE cycle, it'll work - regardless of the weird light AF. I am just trying to keep telling myself that anyway! LOL! TAMMY - WELCOME girl! You will get a lot of support from the ladies on this site! I count on them and they always help me through the ups and downs of the roller coaster of TTC. I know how you feel because I am doing this on my own too. I have a tremendous support system of friends and family. My parents are extrememly supportive and excited for me. I am 31 and have been ready to be a Mom for several years. I too, hoped for the "whole package" - but as time went on I figure, when the time is right - my "Mr. Right" will be there - in the meantime, I am ready to bring a little soul into the world. Hope you hang-around and chat with us. Smiles and Babydust... T



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