263 Replies
maknyle - December 5

I am now a 19 weeks and 3 days. I am due April 28th. The doctor said that my due date won't change. We had a much easier time picking out a boy's name because we picked it out when my son was born. We both really thought that we were going to have another boy. Yes, thank goodness the morning sickness is gone. I am feeling much, much better. They should be able to tell the sex at your appointment. My aunt is pregnant also and is due at the same time as me. Her baby had his/her legs closed and would not cooperate. I bet that was really disappointing. Glad to hear that things are going well for you. Good luck with the name thing. My poor son didn't have a name until 2 days after he was born. It seems weird to me to already have a name picked out this early.


Lynn - December 6

hi, stopping by for a quick chat. Lori, sorry about Zach but some people just do not look at the whole picture and what might be best for a child. I hope you find some piece. EMM, a girl....congrats. glad the morning sickness has gone. are you still planning on a VBAC? Tracy, nice to hear your doing well. so you are moving right along in your pregnancy. good luck on the level 2 and hope you find out. as for me....7 weeks left. it has flown by and has been a good experience for me. i am not sure if i have shared but we are having a girl also. she did not cooperate the first time around for level 2 and had to go back 2 weeks later. it was during the 2nd level 2 that she opened her legs for all to see. we are naming her Sydney Nicole. hope everyone else is doing well.


Tracy88 - December 6

Lynn, the next seven weeks will fly by since we have the holidays and such. It's hard to believe that so much time has already passed. Congratulations! My niece has another friend named Sydney and I've always liked that name too. Will you email pics after the wee one is born please! Let's hope this kid cooperates on Monday. The suspense is driving me mad!


andalvy - December 9

Hi all! Emm & Lynn__ Congrats on the girls!!! Tracy__ I hope the little one cooperates for you!! As for me, my lap went well, but both of my tubes are tashed. I will be having another surgery soo to remove them completely. I asked the Doc if there was a chance of repairing either tube and he said it is remotely possible but even if they did not just close up again Id have a 80% chance that any pg would be ectopic, and the chances of even getting pg after a repair are only about 20% over 3 yrs. So it looks like IVF will be my only option. Now I just have to start saving for it!!! Later!


Tracy88 - December 9

Andrea, I am so glad you updated us/me on your surgery. I'm sorry it did not turn out to be something simple but at least now you have some answers. I'm excited by the prospect of you doing IVF. I think great things will come of it. Please continue to keep me updated and good luck.


maknyle - December 10

Hey ladies. Lynn, you are so close! Yes, I am still going for the VBAC. My doc obtained my operative report, but he said it was missing one sentence that he needs to see just to be 100% sure. So he is still getting records I guess. He did tell me that everything else looks like it should, and there shouldn't be any issue. I have thought about it a lot, and sometimes I am nervous. I really do think that it is the best decision though. Andalyv, I know that probably wasn't the the answer that you hoped for, but I think it must be comforting to have a plan. I hated being told different things all the time. Tracy, please post after the ultrasound! Lori, I have been reading your posts and I really don't know what to say. It sounds like a horrible situation, and I hope that you are finding the strength to handle everything. Happy Holidays!


Tracy88 - December 11

It's a girl! Hubby loves the name Savannah Skye, so I think that's final. Very excited to finally start looking around and picking up little outfits here and there.


maknyle - December 11

Congratulations, Tracy! We sure do have a lot of baby girls on this thread!


jcr - December 12

Hi everyone! Girls, girls girls!!! They are so much fun. I love the names you have all picked out. Too much fun, Lynn, I cannot believe you are almost due! Time is going to fly then you will be holding that little precious bundle in your arms. Lori, sorry you are going through so much, especially when you want to rescue a little soul. Sounds like Johnny is doing excellent. Andrea, I am so glad you are finally getting some answers and working on a solution. CC, I hope you are still around, think of you often and hope you are well. We are doing ok, seems like we can't get rid of the endless colds, Ryley and I keep exchanging them. We leave for Canada on Thursday to go see family. I am hoping we start to feel better soon, and really hoping that Maren doesn't get this one. It has been stressful with all this illness. But toddlers are just little germ magnets I guess. Maren is doing well, very big and strong. We are all happy and adjusting. I think of you all often, I just don't always have two hands. Take care and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you all.


Shauna - December 12

Hi all. I am still around. Some of you have probably gotten the odd email forwarded to you when I get a good joke or poem. LORI...I am so sorry that this is happening to you. I can totally understand about workers not doing their jobs. I have been working as a foster parent for 3 years now and having to deal with the workers is the hardest part. I agree that you should not let Johnny go to that woman's house if she is making negative comments about your son. EVERYBODY ELSE....I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas/Holiday Season. I will probably check back in in January to find out more news on the new baby LYNN.


Tracy88 - December 14

Hey ladies, so nice to hear from you both!!!! Shauna, have a great holiday and hope to hear from you again soon. JCR, it must be so hard having a toddler bringing home germs. I worked in a preschool for a month and swore that if I got sick too many times, I was leaving. Well, I got sick twice that month. I had just left teaching second grade too and was constantly sick the whole 3 years I taught. It will pass, I just hope Maren can avoid it all too. I am so happy that you are happy with your precious new one. It seems like it will be forever before I give birth. It's the times that I'm either constipated, have bad gas, or diahrea (sp ?) that I don't know if I'll make it 5 more months! Check in when you can. It's always awesome to hear from you.


Tracy88 - December 15

I got my new car!!!!! It smells so good inside!


LoriB43 - December 15

JCR - so glad to hear from you and that things are going so well (despite the germs!). Hope that by the time you are reading this that you and Ryley are past allt he sickness!! SHAUNA - glad to hear from you too!! We have a couple of caseworkers coming out to the house next week... I can't wait until the adoption is finalized and we can just move on! Our lawyer is just waiting for our caseworkers report, then the date can be set. TRACY - a girl! Congratulations! I like the name too! I am just so glad to hear that everyone is doing so well!!!!! I have a question to ask... My MIL wants us to come down Christmas eve. She has gifts for Johnny which will be under her tree for him to open Christmas eve. I want the first gifts that that Johnny opens to be from under "our" tree on Christmas day. It is, after all, his first Christmas with us. And, he does have some concept of who Santa Claus is. Am I being too selfish? How can I tell her that I want it this way? HELP!! Thanks!


Tracy88 - December 15

Is there any way your MIL can drive to see you for Christmas morning? or can you tell her that you already made plans for that evening? If not, then tell Johnny he can open one gift on Christmas eve regardless of who it's from, and the rest he has to save for the next morning. That was the tradition we had in our home, and let me tell you, I always have memories of Christmas morning and not that present from the night before! I think if he is allowed to open one gift only, there's no way his memory of his first holiday with you guys will be trumped by her gift, unless she buys him a car or something ginormous! Just make sure he opens something small and that he can choose but he can only open one. Hope this helps a little. Good luck with that and let me know what you decide, I'm curious now. Thank you for the compliment on Savannah's name. I guess I'm partial but I like it too:)))


Tracy88 - December 19

OK, so instead of doing the amnio which is recommeded at my age, I opted for the NT and Quad Screen. First round of testing a month ago came back great, second round of testing was nerve wracking!!!!!! The ultrasound showed a spot on the fetus' heart, which the doc said was a "soft" marker for Down's, so I waited a week for the blood work to come back before deciding if amnio was necessary after all. Well, the blood came back normal after all, so I am not going to worry about anything else. All that genetic testing crap is soooooooo stressful. Thinking of you all. Hope the holidays are fun, fun, fun, and that all of you are well and happy!


Tracy88 - December 25

Merry Christmas peeps and homies!!!!



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