*********** AFTER CLOMID FAILS 2 *************
415 Replies
cmelissa - September 7

Hey guys, Ann - well my Mil is moving in hopefully only for a few months until she finds a place - she was supposed to move to FL and then changed her mind and had already sold her place, etc.. so she will be with us until she finds a new place. Tracy we will miss you - be sure to post as soon as you find out on Tuesday - i will be sending you tons of baby dust! Also i may wait on the hot tub until you find out just to be safe - you definitely dont want to overheat! Well have a great time!


Tracy88 - September 7

Thanks for the info on the hot tub. I also meant to say 10dpo not cd10. I'll miss you all but it will be great to get away and spend time with my nieces. Talk to you on Monday!


Ann1 - September 7

Tracy, have a great time on your trip and I will miss you!! About the hpts, I trust the early testing, name brand ones. They are very sensitive and accurate. However, if it will ruin your trip, I definitely don't think you should take any while you are gone. I know everyone feels differently about testing. It would ruin my trip to not know, because I would be obsessing about the answer!! But, I am a self-confessed testaholic for sure. Hopefully you will be busy and won't even think about it while you are gone and can relax a bit. Have fun!


cmelissa - September 7

Tracy have fun ion your trip - how old are your nieces?? I have 2 and also 2 nephews and another 2 on the way soon!! Yeah i hate hpt's b/c i have never gotten a positive one - i would maybe wait to until you get back!! Well have a great day!!


cmelissa - September 8

Hey ladies - Happy Friday!! Hope everyone is having a great day!!


cmelissa - September 10

bumping us up!


Tracy88 - September 11

Hey guys....back in town. Have held off from testing. I have had so many BFN's, I'm scared of yet another one. I have been having horrible AF cramps for the last four days. Keep going to the bathroom expecting her to have shown, but nothing yet. I suspect that could be due to the progesterone suppositories keeping her away, but who knows. Beta is first thing in the morning and will have the results around 4:30 or so. I don't know why I'm so nervous this month. I think I'm scared to face the devastation this time since finding out SIL is PG and getting depressed over that. To answer your question, my nieces are 14 and almost 4. My 14 year old niece made homecoming court at her new high school, so I went up there to offer her some support and help her get ready for her dance and football game. My 4 year old niece is a clomid baby. She is such a stinker-pie. I love them both so much. The crazy thing is they will be down here on Thursday, so I will be gone again this weekend because we are throwing a huge party for my mom's birthday at her house in the Key's. Catch me up on how you guys are doing.


Ann1 - September 11

Hi Tracy! It is good to have you back. I am excited to hear your beta results tomorrow!! I had af cramps too before the bfp, so it may or may not mean something. There is not much new w/me. I had a pretty uneventful weekend. My dss had his first football game. Unfortunately, they lost by one point. I watched the nfl all day yday. It is so great to have football season back! My team is in deep trouble, but it is still nice. I also worked on our house a little. I finished grouting and caulking our master shower. Glad that is over! I have 4 nieces and 1 nephew. They are all older, though--range from 20-27. Two of them actually have kids. How was your trip?


Tracy88 - September 11

My trip was awesome. Being with my family really made me feel better about being in the TWW. I have a bit of news.........DH got home from work and said, "Let's go, we are going to get some pregnancy tests." and I said "No I'm too scared." but of course we went anyway. I tested with FR and Clearblue digital and both came up POSITIVE!!!! My mom is scared that it's the HCG from the shot she gave me to ovulate, but I know for a fact that is out of my system. I'm in disbelief right now. I'm scared too that it's not real, but two different tests show ++++++++right now, so......... I am going to ride this wave.


Ann1 - September 11

OMG, Tracy. That is awesome!!! Trust me, I went through the same denial thinking there was no way I had a bfp. But you do!! Congrats! The beta will only confirm.


Tracy88 - September 12

Thanks Ann.....you gave me goosebumps!


cmelissa - September 12

Hey Ladies - Tracy can't wait to hear the beta results -let us know!! Wishing you that BFP!!! I know how you feel about sil being pregnant mine is too and also my sister too! Ann what football team do you like?? My dh is a giants fan and i'm a redskin fan! TRACY CONGRATS 0 i just read firther down the post and saw your good news - how exciting!! Wow i can't wait until the day i get a BFP - i will probably be is disbelief too!! So happy for you!!!


Ann1 - September 12

cmelissa, I love the Chiefs. As if losing wasn't enough, I hated seeing their starting QB taken off in a stretcher, especially considering how bad his backup is...I know both you and your dh feel my pain in losing! Have you started anything in the ttc process? Still slated for the supression on Sept 13? Tracy, any updates???


Tracy88 - September 12

Here is the update: I am officially PG!!!!! My HCG came back as 1477 and my progesterone is 114.9!!! YAY!!!!! Sticky vibes++++sticky vibes.......


Ann1 - September 12

Tracy, do you mind if I say I TOLD YOU SO??!! BIG congrats to you!! How many dpo are you?


Ann1 - September 12

Tracy, I just looked and I think you are at 15dpo today. With an hcg of 1477, I would bet money that you have more than one in your tummy!!



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