*********** AFTER CLOMID FAILS 2 *************
415 Replies
Tracy88 - February 11

Cmelissa......glad to hear they got so many. I would not doubt if you hyperstimmed. I just did injectables at the lowest dose and hyperstimmed, so................be very careful and drink lots of water and gatorade. Get rest in case your ovaries are enlarged, so they don't rupture or anything until you know for sure. Good luck and keep me posted. I have been in such a foul mood since yesterday. The baby was moving like crazy and then yesterday slowed down substantially, so whenever she does that, I freak out. It puts me in the worst mood. She has been very quiet again today too, so I'm not a very happy camper. I have times that I feel her move, just not as strongly and as often as I was while I was in Cleveland this week. Anyway, I just want to get through the next three months without losing my mind. I'm huge, my back hurts, and I'm sick of worrying. Sorry, just had to get some things off my chest.


Ann1 - February 11

cmel, glad you got some many eggs! That is such a great improvement. I hope this is the cycle where everything works out for you!! Tracy, don't worry too much about movements yet. Until 28 weeks or so, you can't always feel when they move. If the baby is laying towards your spine, you can't feel the movements very well if at all when they are so small. I know it is stressful, but it is totally normal. The internals just hurt sometimes. Some people have no problems w/them, but w/my baby being big and transverse, I have a lot of pressure "down there" which has made me really swollen. So, it is difficult to get up there to check my cervix. I am really almost scared to go to my appt on Wednesday, because I know I will have worked a ton by then and will be at a swollen point. No, I really don't have any place at work to lay down and take a break. I am just trying to focus on the fact that I will only be at work for one more week. Also, the glucose test is not bad at all. It is just like drinking a small amount of orange pop. My instructions said you can take 5 minutes to drink it, and it only took me about half that. Of all the things you tolerate while pg, that was a mild one! It wasn't as sweet as I thought it would be either.


Tracy88 - February 11

Ann, thanks for comforting me as far as movements are concerned. I guess I just feel scared because I have to take the occasional pain pill for my back, and if it coincides with a "no movement" time, I freak out wondering what the hell I did to my child. I have wanted this so bad, so to think I could have sabotaged this child's life because I couldn't deal with some pain, scares the crap out of me. I hate admitting that I have to take something for this back pain, because the object is to take the pain no matter what. I feel guilty. I could never forgive myself. Ann, I cannot believe how close you are to giving birth. Please don't lose touch with us. I realize you are going to be busier than ever, but I want updates damnit!!!! And a picture would be nice too. Let me know if you need my email address. Well, we have been looking at houses all day, so I am going to take a break and chill out. TTYL


cmelissa - February 11

I did my pio shot last night - not too bad but the pain gets worse each day - ugh! i think i was a bit overstimmed - but feeling much better today not as bloated! I go in tomorrow so they can check me out..i My ET is Wednesday - so i'm taking wed-Friday off work so that gives me 3 days to rest!! We are doing a day 5 transfer! i told the nurse to call my dh with the embie reports daily as they stress me out, haha! Oh my dad lost all his hair already from the chemo - so sad..he's trying to keep his spirits up though!! His 2nd treatment is tomorrow!!!
Well you all have a great night!!! Tracy i'm sure everything with the baby is fine - they do sleep a lot in the womb!! Ann when is your due date again?? And yes you better email us pics!!


Tracy88 - February 13

Chemo must be a bitch to go through. Did you give your dad that kiss on his forehead? I know if that were my mom I would be hugging her a lot. Good luck tomorrow. I will be keeping you in my thoughts. Let us know what happens as soon as possible.


cmelissa - February 13

Well the nurse called me today by accident so i found out about my embie report - to say the least i'm very upset and disappointed right now. I have 1 morula, 1 -10cell, 1-8cell, 1 6 cell and a few others but since they are under 6cell they arent that good. So basically the morula should be a blast by tomorrow and i'm hoping to the 8 and 10 cell catch up today!! I just feel like i have some problem with my embryos like they arent growing how they should be?? Some are slower it seems. I just wish now i did a day 3 transfer so they could have put more in! I just feel so hopeless now like its never going to happen for me. Its just weird b/c we are both healthy and young still. ugh - please give me some hope...I mean statisically if you had 10 embryos you'd be lucky to have 2 blasts to transfer, i'm just so frustrated right now - i'm beginning to lose hope already!!


Tracy88 - February 13

Hang in there girl and NEVER give up hope!!!! I have to leave right ow, but I will check on you later. Stay strong and try not to stress. Do things that will preoccupy you.


Tracy88 - February 15

Cmel-----anything to report man? I hope you are well and had your ET today!!! Rest up! Ann---are you busy with work, or did you pop that little sucker out already? Thinking of you!


Ann1 - February 15

Hi guys. I got bombarded with work again. I may have told you already, but I decided to take off after this Friday instead of working next Monday and Tuesday (so glad I did after this week!). I had a dr's appt yday. Not progressing at all/not dilating, and w/o seeing an u/s, she thinks he is in the low 8lb range. She said he would likely be 10ish if she let me go into labor on my own. Glad I won't be going that route!! Mid 8lbs sounds perfect to me. He is still transverse, and the exam didn’t hurt like last week (yea!), so all is on as scheduled--u/s next Tuesday and c-section on Wednesday. cmel, sorry that you didn't get as good of results as you would like on your embie report. I hope they got to transfer more than you thought this week! Tracy, don't beat yourself up on the meds. Your dr wouldn't give them to you if they weren't safe. I hope you feel better!


Tracy88 - February 16

Oh, my gosh Ann! So this means that you will have your C-section on the 21st??? I'm so excited for you. You must be getting anxious and excited to meet the little guy. I know that now all I want is to meet this precious child and I have 3 months to go! I'm in so much discomfort I keep asking myself how I am going to make it 3 more months! Cmelissa, hope you are doing ok!!!!


Ann1 - February 16

Tracy, I wish I could tell you that the discomfort gets better, but it gets much, MUCH worse...cmel, thinking about you and hope all is well!!!


Tracy88 - February 16

I had an U/S this morning and well, I am on modified bed rest. My cervix is shorter than they'd like it to be. It's 1.8 and they want it to be like a 3 or 4. It's not dialated, but they will do a test on Monday morning to see if this is a sign of pre-term labor. The baby is healthy and strong. She is weighing about 2.8 pounds and measuring a week ahead. So, it's back to the couch for me!


Ann1 - February 16

Tracy, I am glad they were checking you just in case they need to stitch your cervix or something!! I hope eveyrthing goes ok and keep us posted.


Tracy88 - February 16

I asked about the stitching of the cervix thing, and the doc said they do that earlier in pregnancy, but not usually this far along. I'll find out more on Monday. I'm seeing a different doc then I think, so I like to ask each of them the same questions to see if I get a uniformed response or if each has their own opinion. TTYL


cmelissa - February 17

Hey Ladies - i'm back - i took 3 days off work to relax after the ET! It went well - they transferred 1 blastocyst and 1 morula so hoping for the best now. I took it easy and laid around a lot the last 3 days. Still taking the pio shots - not too bad so far!! Had a b/w appt today to check my progesteron and estradiol levels!! Please pray these embies stick!!! Ann the 21st wow thats coming up quickly!! So exciting!! The baby sounds nice and healthy too!!! Tracy sorry to hear you are bed rested - how long is that for??


Tracy88 - February 18

I have NO idea how long, but I get the feeling that if my cervix doesn't start to lengthen again, I will be on bed rest for the rest of this pregnancy. However much longer it lasts. I'm happy to hear the ET is done and that you have been resting. If I weren't restless then resting wouldn't be so bad, but I am ready to run marathons! Damn I have a lot of energy lately.



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