2ww driving you Crazy? Part 18
143 Replies
JB0405 - February 22

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL!!!! I hope you have a GREAT day! As for me, I am trying to hold on! FOUR more days! Then next 3 days are critical...at least I will be busy tomorrow. I am going to call out sick from work...I have my fsmily coming over for dinner tomorrow night... so I have lots to do... I also have to attend the wake for my sisters' father. I want to get my hair done... I have an appt to get my nails done already and I NEED to get my eyebrows done, buy fish to cook, clean up my apt a bit...not much cleaning to do since we did it last weekend but you know how everyday living is. My best friend's birthday is this weekend and I believe she is doing ssomething so I am going to call her to find out...


Crmardock - February 22

Hi all, I have been reading the forums forever but never joined in. But I just had to. I am 36 had first loss when I was 22 weeks along water just broke, after that 3 m/cs at 8wk, 14wks, 13wks. Jan29th 2006 gave birth to dd (Madalyn) after they stiched my cervix (cerclage). They never saw any issues with my cervix but did it as a precaution. Then Oct 2006 got pregnant 1st time we tried. We were so happy since it happened so quickly but m/c at 10 weeks. Every pregnancy we saw the heartbeats Only problem I have is low progesterone levels. I have had every test possibly and everything is normal. I am in the 2ww. I am so nervous. I had a 1/2 dose of HCG on the morning of 14th as a booster, I am 14dpo, I tested today and got a faint line with 2nd pee not 1st. Do you all think this is still residual HCG from the booster? Any advice would be appreciated, Chris


TTC#3@35 - February 22

Angelkitty!!!!!!! I don't think so!!! + is a +!!
I'm thinking your pg!
I did the same thing YEEEAARSS ago & the same thing happen & i was pg!!!!
Did you have 2 lines ... which pg test you take?
Ohhh i so excited for you.. You didnt test this morning??


pmblake - February 22

Hi Chris, I'm in and out of this forum. I keep up w/ everyone but tend to stay quiet. There's alot of really nice and knowledgable women here to help...I am so sorry about all of your m/c's. They suck! I've had many myself and the nagging pain that it's something I did or didn't do is always there. Has your Dr. been able to keep your progesterone elevated? Suppositories I guess. Do you take B6? Natural way to increase progesterone. Sounds like you could have a BFP in your future. What's 1/2 dose of HcG - is that 5,000 iu or less? So, if you had it 8 days ago?? i would think it would be out of your system by now. Let's see what someone else says. I would say a small amount of HcG would be gone by now. ANGELKITTY, I'm sorry about your negative. I would try testing again. Good luck. How's the weather in Asheville? We were there last weekend and it snowed a little. It was nice.


TTC#3@35 - February 22

JB you got a busy day ahead... that'll keep your mind off of testing!
Thanks pmblake.. was going to test if af didn't show by Saturday but pretty sure she is. Got some major cramps & real icky feeling today.. it sucks!
Chris -- Sorry I cant help you.. i dont know anything about what the booster is. good luck tho!
TTC 14dpo


JB0405 - February 22

WELCOME aboard CHRIS!!! HCG is a tricky thing and you usually have to wait for 14 days after the shot itself to test. I am in NO WAY saying that you're not pg, I am just very cautious... I truly hope that you are! Angel, a +... hmmmm


TTC#3@35 - February 22

Oh geez... one more... my mind is mush today...LM3 - how you feeling? I hope you get the + cause im pretty sure im not.


Crmardock - February 22

pmblake, when i was pregnant with my daughter my progesterone always remained low even on suppositories, and 400mg of prometrium, but luckily everything worked out with her and the highest my progesterone ever made it was 19. I am currently on 400 mg of prometrium and Crinone gel inserts. And yes 5000iu HCG was my booster shot. Like I said i have been reading all the posts and you all are just so supportive. Chris


pmblake - February 22

Hi Chris, Did you take the booster on Feb 14 or CD14? I think I got confused. If you took it CD14 and you're now 14DPO then I would say take another in 4 hours and pray for a BFP! Sounds like it's going to happen for you! Let us know what happens!


Crmardock - February 22

pmblake, took the HCG shot on Feb 14th. I know I being very wishful. I just need to wait til Monday to retest. It is just so hard. Everyone around me is getting pregnant and no one has idea what I have been going thru. They are all only aware of my 1ft loss at 22weeks. Oh and they did all the genetic testing and everything came back normal. Thansk for responding, Chris


pmblake - February 22

Hi Chris, Well, if it were me! and I'm kind of a wacko about it.. I would test again. The slight pink would turn completely negative in a few days and if it doesn't then you're surely pregnant. My mantra is 'well there's always next month...' I'm 39 1/2 so I know that's a cruel thing for me to say but it keeps me sane. And I know about everyone else getting pregnant! It's hard! but that's what this forum is for. Realizing we're not alone in our struggles. Hang in there and let me know if you test again!


linds99 - February 22

Happy B-Day Angel!! I agree with TTC, you know, I bet your HCG numbers are a little above the 50 mlu...maybe that is why it didn't come up right away. I remember when I took my HPT last December at 16 dpo, I TOTALLY didn't get a dark line...and it showed up only several minutes later I had to check back a few times before it even came apparent. And I used First REsponse, which detects 50 mlu HCG. So, I totally think you are pregnant. I don't want to cause hopes to go up, but seriously, I totally think this is the case.


Crmardock - February 22

pmblake, I called DH and asked him to pick up more tests on his way home from work. I will test again tomorrow. I will probably do it tonight, I can't wait. Thanks.


pmblake - February 22

Chris, Let us know how your testing goes. I can't blame you one bit. I order OPK's and HPT's by the bulk. Linds! How are you doing? I'm so MIA most of the time but I have been keeping up w/ you and thinking of you often. I hope you're doing good.


linds99 - February 22

Hi Pam, I'm doing alright. Thanks so much for asking. Just healing, ya know? I stopped bleeding at least on Sunday, and my HCG numbers were down to 109 yesterday, so they should be at zero by next week. I think I am going to take off of TTC for a month after this, maybe start in April or so. I just need to grieve my loss and regroup I guess. But I am still here waiting for you gals to bring good news, we haven't had one darn positive on this thread so far this year! Anyway, how are you doing Pam with your ttc attempts? Where are you at in your cycle?


pmblake - February 22

Hey Linds, I know taking a month off is probably a good idea for you. I've never been through it but the IVF process in itself sounds like it can just wear you down and then for it to fail you .. i'm so sorry for you. This is going to happen for you - I hope you know that. Or should I say - I hope you believe in that! And I'm doing good this month. I just started working out again - well long power walks - which is helping tremendously. I'm focusing on something else. I'm on CD17 and I took a trigger shot yesterday. We're going to bd tonite and Saturday am/pm and pray for a miracle. I only had 1 follicle again this month but hopefully it's a healthy one. My dr. thinks I'm O'ing in the 48th hour that's why we're stretching out our bding. Thanks for asking about me! and take care of yourself. Get out there and walk for a few miles. Rid your mind of things for a few minutes at least. It really does help.



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