2ww driving you Crazy? Part 18
143 Replies
JB0405 - February 21

Sorry Ladies, correction... Tink is a little down today. So when she does come around, she'll need some boosting!


lovemy3 - February 21

thanks so much for your guys advice, it means alot too me! As far as my oldest dd, the timings of bothnschools don't mess, drop ff etc, and I'm thinking 7th and 8th grade is not the time when I want my oldest home alone while I'm driving around, plus she does know some kids in the private class so it wouldn't be really horrible. I just don't know. I'm hoping over the next months God will makre the direction clear. So, wow, lots of testing coming up!! I hope you guys get your BFP's, I feel like my af is coming, but not here yet. I don't have any tests here to check. Do you have any in your possession? What dpo are you both? More than 13? If more than 13 go for it, the reading would be accurate I think. As far as the weight loss goes, its basically like Weight watchers and the first month you always lose lots, with water etc. So, I'm just keepin' on keepin' on ya know. m Keep us posted on your tests..I'll be checking to see! xoxxo


TTC#3@35 - February 21

Hey Lm3 - I wont test until Saturday if af don't show on Friday. That'll be 15dpo.. I usually dont have but 14 & under dpo. Last month it was only a 12 day dpo. But I expect af on Friday. But good too hear that you had af signs but were pg.. i cant remember what i felt like before.
Sorry that you feel that af is showing but we'll probably be cycle buds again this next cycle. CONGRATS on 12 lbs.. way to go!
I have no tests either.. sorry..

Whats wrong with Tink?.. i didnt see anything except her eggs maturing


lovemy3 - February 21

I'm not sure, I think Tinks transfer was yesterday. Tink, come check in, hope all is well xoxxo


JB0405 - February 21

I have 1 test in the house that calls out to me BUT I am being a trooper! I hope TINK doesn't kill me for mentioning that she is a bit down today, I'm just concerned about her.


TTC#3@35 - February 21

Yeah I read in another thread about her embryos that she wanted to freeze didnt make it.. I pray that her procedure will work for her.

JB - You said Af due for you on the 26th.. so what dpo are you now?


JB0405 - February 21

TTC, I test on 2/26... I am well into my 2ww right now! I had an egg retrieval on 1/15 and had a frozen embryo transfer on 2/12, they placed 2 embies in my uterus. I still have 17 eggs frozen. So I test on 2/26 if AF does not show! PLEASE don't show, please don't show!


TTC#3@35 - February 21

WOW 17! GOOD LUCK to them 2 embryos!
I'll chant with you AF DON'T SHOW, AF DON'T SHOW, AF DON'T SHOW!!!


JB0405 - February 21

Yes, let's chant... everyone chant along: AF don't show, AF don't show.... LOL!!! TTC, that was great! LOL!


lovemy3 - February 21

Thats funny! Angelkitty...still holding out till the big day tomorrow? I am at Bible Study in the a.m, so won't get to read your news till the afternoon. Good luck all.


lovemy3 - February 22

Hoping you all have great test results in the a.m!


lovemy3 - February 22

Good morning!! Was hoping to see some "first morning urine" test results....get up sleepy heads! I'm off now, I'll check back later. Nothing new here. cd30 , no af yet.


pmblake - February 22

all of this testing is making me nervous! AngelKitty! today I guess for you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! JB not much longer! I hope you're doing great! Lovemy3 - are you not going to test this time? LINDS, glad you're back ;)


pmblake - February 22

Oh and TTC I'm sorry, I guess you're up to bat also! Are you testing this Sat?


angelkitty - February 22

Well Ladies...no BFP yet and no AF either. I am a little confused - I took the hpt yesterday after work (yeah I caved in and did it) and it showed negative. I threw it in the trash and a few minutes later something told me to go look at it again. There was a faint pink line. Don't all tests show the faint pink after sitting there for a few minutes even if they are negative? I have made an appt with my doc - they will do a blood test tomorrow if af does not show and if she does I guess we will get more info on doing it again. DH and I have decided to take March off from ttc if we are not pg this month. We both just need a break. :o)


JB0405 - February 22

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL!!!! I hope you have a GREAT day! As for me, I am trying to hold on! FOUR more days! Then next 3 days are critical...at least I will be busy tomorrow. I am going to call out sick from work...I have my fsmily coming over for dinner tomorrow night... so I have lots to do... I also have to attend the wake for my sisters' father. I want to get my hair done... I have an appt to get my nails done already and I NEED to get my eyebrows done, buy fish to cook, clean up my apt a bit...not much cleaning to do since we did it last weekend but you know how everyday living is. My best friend's birthday is this weekend and I believe she is doing ssomething so I am going to call her to find out...



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