2ww driving you crazy? Part 16
68 Replies
lovemy3 - February 6

Lyric. your fhs was 1.1 or dh's sa was 1.1?


lovemy3 - February 6

Heard back from my dr by message machine. He just said the estradiol was normal range and to lose 50 lbs and he would rerun bloods and see what changes there are.


lyric - February 7

FSH was one. S/A doc would not tell him over the phone so he is going to try to get there tomorrow. Can you believe this. so frustrating. He asked the nurse whether he should read anything into the fact that she will not tell him over the phone-she said no not at all. I am not sure if I believe that. Well the saga continues.. I guess, hopefully tomorrow..


lovemy3 - February 7

Lyric, hang in there tonight and try and sleep well. Tomorrow you will get the results and you can take it fom there. Is 1.1 for FSH good? I'm feeling down tonight too with the high E2 score. I feel that it has falsly surpressed my 7.7 FSH reading and its probably really higher than that after reading the other posts on the other thread. Anyhow, it is what it is right. Post tomorrow as soon as you can, sleep tight.


angelkitty - February 7

Hi there ladies...it is almost time for bed....I am so excited about tomorrow. So is my DH. Lyric - I would not read too much into the fact that they would not give the results over the phone - my doctors office in my hometown was the same way and so was my doctors office in Raleigh when I lived there. It may be HIPAA related. I am speaking he has olympic swimmers!!!!! Gosh Lovemy3 I wish I knew more about hormone levels and such so I could reassure you. I feel so uninformed on that topic. I will have to do some studying and learn more so I will be more helpful. I think everything is just fine. I am wondering what the IUI will be like. I laughed at DH tonight - he was like what do I have to do? I said remember when you were 15 - do that!! He did not think that was very funny. Oh well. LOL!!!!!! He wants to be right there when the procedure is done. I am so blessed to have such a good Godly man. I think we are all so blessed. I hope we end up with twins - I do. But I have to ask - b/c I have never known anyone with twins - we would have to buy two cribbs right? Boy don't I sound silly. :o) I know I am getting my hopes up about all of this but hey - hope is what it is all about right? :o) I will talk to you ladies tomorrow.


lovemy3 - February 7

Good luck today Angelkitty! I am praying for you guys! This is it!


omkslb - February 7

Hello all - haven't been on in a while... but I i went in for my US yesterday and I had 3 GREAT follicles. The best I have had yet actually. so I got my HCG shot. So basically after tonight i will be back in the 2ww. :) Prayers and blessings to all.


lyric - February 7

'morning ladies. well DH left for the doctors office... i tried to sleep well but that didn't happen. I was up at 2:30 ughh..lovemy- I am going to research levels today and see what I find...be back soon


lyric - February 7

I found this wesite which breaks down the results for the b/t we all seem to get. here it is pinelandpress .com/faq/hormonelevels .html It also lists info on the E2.. LOVE MY from what it says 7.7 is good


lyric - February 7

well i heard back and it's not good. not good at all. the doc said that the only way we would be able to concieve would be to surgically go in & get the sperm. it would be a miracle to concieve naturally. i am still in shock. we both are actually. Doc said that the sperm he does have is fine but it is the amount he has that is the issue. she wants to have another s/a done & b/t to confirm. I am still trying to hold out a bit of hope until we see the RE. I want to see what an infertility specialist has to say as well as my ob. pls keep me in your prayers. You are all in mine daily. If anyone has had the same problem pls let me know. any info would be great. ttys ladies and I really appreciate the support you have all given. it really does make a difference.


lovemy3 - February 7

Lyric....Hugs, try not to get down. Speak to the next specialist and see what they say. A friend of mines dh had sperm issues. They tiold them it was not possible to concieve on their own cuz of his issues, so the had 3 beautiful kids thru invitro. They had 1 embryo left to transfer in may and it failed. they were really sad and gace their baby stuff away and moved on. 3 months later, moving onward, pregnant on their own, no idea how or nothing was even thought of, just having regular old sex at regular old times and no baby thoughts and wham, pregnant and due soon. The drs couldn't believe it and had told them, they had a higher chance of winning the lottery. They aren't church goers and were not praying either, and we have prayer power! Vhin and and charge the \mountain as I tell my kids each day. Don't despair, there is still lots of avenues to take. hang tough, I am praying for you, and I am a prayer warrior!!LOLOLOL. Let us know what happens next. As for the hormone chart, thanks, I had bookmarked that one and I do often feel like i have a cyst on my left ovary and that could explain the 201 E2 result. Although I spoke to my dr and he remains its fine and calls it in the "normal range". I see my family dr, regular MD on Feb 14 and am going to ask for a requistion and do cd3 test over, and for once and for all see the reading them. Last night I tossed and turned and this morning am feeling ok with being done if my ovarian reserve is crappy. 2 girls and 1 boy, very blessed and it is what iit is, I can't make my eggs any younger! Hugs, hang in there. Angelkitty, how bout you today, you go girl!! Dying to here the details!


JB0405 - February 7

OMG- I have missed so much! Ok, forgive me as I will answer piece by piece as I read along. ANGEL- no worries, you are not required to remember everything! I am on estrace and I go to my RE tomorrow for an u/s and to hopefully find out the exact date of my FET, which should be next week or earlier. I will update you all tomorrow after the appt.


JB0405 - February 7

ANGEL, HILARIOUS!!! I LOVE what you told DH he had to do, remember when you were 15, LMAO!!!!! PRICELESS!!!! LOVEMY3-50lbs sounds like a lot to me BUT this is about you, how're you feeling about having to lose that amount of weight?!


JB0405 - February 7

LYRIC- that's not great news BUT it's not bad news either! You have so many options available to you. IVF is a GREAT option! I hope you & DH consider other options! Trust me, it was hard at first to deal with the fact that I couldn't give my DH a baby naturally due to my own issues BUT at the same time, I had to realize that there are so many other ooptions out there! You are by NO means out of the game!


angelkitty - February 7

Hi there ladies - the appt went well - went longer than I thought it was going to take. Found out that i had a polyp on my cervix - they will need to remove that for sure. DH's sperm count was fine - over 100 million BUT I guess b/c it has been a while since BD they were clumping together so they had to wash/spin them like 3 times I think. I burst into laughter at DH and said you have clumpy sperm. Again he just gave me that look that my cats give me like -whatever!!!! We were told to have sex again tonight or tomorrow. One follicle had released an egg and she said the other was probably right behind the first one. I have to say I have had some pain during this ovulation. I woke up this morning at 4:15 with pain. Strange. Lyric - you are in my prayers!! But like JB said it is not bad news either. You may have to go another route but hey it is doable and we are right here by your side. You will have babies!!!! And that stuff is so much harder for our men than it is for us - their egos are so fragile - they are still little boys at heart and we have to remember that. I say ok retreive the sperm and do whatever they need to do. He has good sperm but just a limited amount - no problem. I think you are right to get a second opinion and see the RE.


lovemy3 - February 7

hey everybody, JB, sounds like you are almost ready as well. What does FET mean? As far as the weight goes, ya it'll be tough. When I had my first dd, I was this heavy and my pregnancy was very scary. I had severe preeclampsia,, seizures, hospitalized for 2 months at the end, etc. Pretty horrid.. they told me to lose 50 for my next one, I did, lost 55 and was way better. then gained it back and for my third lost 60, had him and gained 74 backj. and am now starting from scratch. really crummy, i can't keep it off. to lose it, I have to exercise 5/week and eat like weight watchwers I suppose. My exercise is the downfall after i lose it I guess. Anyhow, tough, but boy do I notice a difference when I am lighter. My knees don't hurt, I can run, jump, ride my bike. My kids love it as I can do way more stuff with them. Just feel better over all, more comfortable in general I guess. So, thats my story of my ups and downs. Angelkitty, happy implanting and all that. make sure to BD again tonight or tomorrow. I am really excited to see your results. Lyric, like everyone has said, it will get done, try not to stress. Has anyone heard a word from Linds, on or off the board?



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