2ww driving you crazy? Part 14
72 Replies
Tink - January 22

Linds- try not to stress- you are defniitely in my thoughts and prayers. please keep us posted on your appt! Angelkitty- glad you got your appt in. I would give IUI a try once or twice at least. I gave it four attempts. keep in mind, you can try IUI with clomid, but then also with injectables- it really makes a difference- something to think about. I did 4 mos clomid and timed bd, then 2 IUIs with clomid, then 2 IUIs with injectables.....and a lap. now onto IVF. i don't regret trying all of that- it helped the RE know how i was responding to meds and shots....so now going into IVF, they have a better idea of what doses to give me etc. I think my history of doing the IUIs will help better tailor my IVF protocol for me. Lovemy three- hope you are doing well!! Lyric, sorry about AF- just pick your chin up and focus on the future. what did you do this cycle, i forgot- just clomid? best of luck to you guys. i start my lupron shots tonight. i go in for my u/s next week and start my stim shots next week for the IVF. i am very excited, but very scared. since this is out of pocket for us (with grandpa's help), i just worry if it is a BFN, i don't konw what we will be able to do or try next. it could be the end of the line. or mean years of saving up for adoption. we'll see. i just stress myself out about. i do have acupuncture this friday to help me relax! lol


linds99 - January 22

Thanks girls. I am reminded that we all in the same infertility boat, and to get this type of encouragement from women who are going through the same tough situation is just extraordinary. thanks very much again for your prayers, i actually do feel better reading what you both wrote to me. I just called my brother and read what you ladies wrote and he was like "those girls have God talking through them." thanks so much.


pmblake - January 22

Oh Linds! I just found out what's going on. I've been so wrapped up in my situation I didn't stop to look around me. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Have faith and please let us know how your appt goes.


lovemy3 - January 22

Praying for you Linds, right now at your 5pm appt. xoxo


pmblake - January 22

Hi Lovemy3, You are so sweet.....I believe Linds' time zone is 2 hours earlier so she's probably not at the doctor yet. It breaks my heart that she's going through this. Linds, If you read this please know that we're all thinking about you!


lovemy3 - January 22

Thanks pam, I didn't know about the time change stuff. I hope all is ok. How is your surge going? I know what you mean about the DARK< DARK purpleness. I had actually never seen anything as dark before. maybe before I never really truly surged. My lines are always equal, never that crazy dark before. It was strange and looking back it was almost 5 days long! I know what you mean about being obsessed with the OPks. I tested up to 5 times a day when I was surging. They are really cheap in the US versus Canada so when I was away over Christmas I bought tons of them. I bought Answer 20 pack strips. I have in the past bought online but they take so darn long to get here I have twice almost missed my surge altogether. xox


pmblake - January 23

Hi Lovemy3, I'M STILL SURGING. argh.... I'm growing very tired of this. How's Linds?? Anyone have any news?


lovemy3 - January 23

Good morning All, Linds hope all is well. Pam, try not to stress, I know its hard I did. hang in there. Angelkitty, did af arrive yesterday? I am cd31, nothing yet, haven't retested. Figuring from when I had my surges, I think cd32, cd33, cd34 should be here is shes coming. For some reason I am very hopeful this month...keep praying girls. JB..how about you and Tink and Lyric how is everything? Hugs.


angelkitty - January 23

Good morning ladies. Lovemy3, yep AF is here. It would have been nice if she could have taken a 10 month vacation but oh well at least now I can get my show on the road and move forward. I have an appt on Thursday to have all hormone levels checked and an u/s. I am thinking they will probably give me the clomid this cycle as well but I am not sure if they have to have the results back first or what. We will see. I am excited to be moving on if that makes sense. This is the first time in a long long long time that i have not cried when af showed her ugly face. :o) Pam, how long have you been surging? Love, I am hopeful this cycle for you as well. We have been praying so hard and I just keep waiting for God to show up. :o) Tink, how did the Lupron shot go? Is that a shot that hurts? Tink, do you think I should do the IUI w/ injectables or start with the clomid first? JB, how are you? Lyric - did the results come back yet? Linds, how are you girl? You have been on all of our minds - you know that right? DH and I prayed for you and your family last night...please check in when you can and let us know what is going on.


JB0405 - January 23

Hey ladies, sorry I have been so absent, I am going read all posts and get back to you!


linds99 - January 23

Hi Pam, thanks for your prayers last night. And angelkitty, and lovemy3. This sucks. I went to the OBGYN yesterday and they measured the baby, which still had a heartbeat but it was hard for him to know what the timing was (his machine is old and sucks compared with me RE's) but he thought he saw an irregular heart beat. Then he measured the baby at 6 weeks and 4 days (give or take 2 days). So, it grew about 3 days out of the 4 days since being last measured. I am supposed to be 8 weeks, so again, I'm about 11 days off. But again, he thinks, based on what he has seen for the last 20 years, there is a 50-50 chance. Isn't it awful? I just can't stand all this. My husband is so sad, I'm sad, everyone is sad. I just want to know why this is happening? I go to my RE tomorrow again, maybe she will give me a better measurements of the heart and crown to rump. I read somewhere that IVF babies endure a level of slower growth rate, probably because of spending their early days in a petrie dish. But really, 11 days is kinda unacceptable.


pmblake - January 23

Hi everyone! Hi Linds! You sound better today. I wish you could get to your RE today, but I guess tomorrow will give the baby a chance to grow more right? What's the heartbeat rate? Is it still in the 90 somethings?


linds99 - January 23

I don't know what the heart beat was yesterday because the OB's transvaginal ultrasound is so ghetto old. Really, he told me "We'll be spending a few weeks of nail biting." When I heard that, i was like OMG. My husband doesn't have much faith either, which, with the both of us, is not a very great combo. But ya, tomorrow, the RE will give me her assessment again and then we will see what happens.


pmblake - January 23

Men are like that I think... They become negative to keep us from being so positive. Just in case.... I've gotten really p'oed at my dh many times. Wanting him to be positive w/ me. To think and pray for good things. I remember one time you told me that when I'm hurting so much over a m/c or a failed cycle to remember Rob. That he's hurting just as much. I fail to do that most times b/c he's being so damn negative!! I've learned alot from you Linds. You deserve this. Please don't get discouraged and don't go negative on me!


linds99 - January 23

Thanks Pam, I actually have never seen my husband follow my cue like this before. He tends to be "come on Linds, don't say that", but yesterday he said my previous words I uttered last week on several occasions "we're not lucky people I guess." For him to say those words, I know for sure he is in the same dark and gloomy spot I am in. And I brought him there. And it's also weird, he keeps telling me, ever since we got the discerning news last Friday, that "I love you so much," and when I hear him say it so often to me, I feel like he's wanting me to say it back as often, it is like he needs to hear it too from me, like some reassurance. Maybe we are both afraid of the toll all this horror of infertility can take on both of us. But, We're so committed to this, that really, if I have a m/c, then I know for sure we can make it through another IVF cycle, I have total trust in that. Hey Pam, I never asked you, did you ovulate yet? I saw you told lovemy3 that you are having surging...has that ended yet?? Angelkitty, I read AF came, hooray for you, the cycle begins of testing. I hope a first round of clomid works for you, and you just needed a jumpstart. I also hope you get pregnant before then :) (and that God was just testing you !)


Tink - January 23

oh linds, i am so sorry. i don't know what else to say but to hang in there, try and think positive and pray. i'm praying harder for you. i know this is 10x worse than the 2ww for the ivf. i am really hoping and praying for you and your little bean. Please let us know how it goes at the RE's.



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