146 Replies
cmelissa - February 24

Hey ladies - sorry i have been mia - my sister and 2 nephews are in town so have had little time to check in. I have my beta in the morning at 900am, not to optimistic as i have never had a positive yet so we shall see!!! Wish me luck!!


Katt - February 24

Hi girls! I am sorry I have been MIA, I feel horrible but I have had so much on my mind and until it is cleared I don't feel right coming here and spilling over. Y'all have enough to deal with w/o my manic butt freaking on everything, lol! Ya did good Rhonda, thanks for starting part 3! I have much c/p to do along with reading. I have put in my unofficial notice to my employer allowing them 30 days to find a replacement. Well actually 3 weeks as my paid vacation begins March 23rd! I cannot wait. It'll be like a transitional period thingie unless my brother calls and begs me to help him lol. He is already so busy - which is a great sign. He is bidding 4 jobs. If hegets even one that is great. It's too funny because hislicense plate reads "LO BID" haha!! Okay well I am out. It is 11 and I am going to go to sleep. I'll probably sleep until noon! Nah the little rascal should pop up before then. Oh hey, would you believe that even after a bankruptcy (1 1/2yr ago) my credit score is 660! I know 660 is borderline fair from good, but damn, I am impressed!! I am hoping all of you are well and I shall catch up with reading in the near future. If there is some pressing news please email me. I may be out tomorrow. Mark, my brother is having a painting party they call it (new office) and/or I'll be buying my car. Nothing new as I cannot afford it but something that should last me until my Impala ispaid off in 2010. It is so wierd looking at that number man I am getting old!!! Ok well I love you girls! Sorry my glue is drying up... I swear I sent it in for fixing. B-back soon w/ bells!! BABYDUST! (ps. no IUI this cycle or next, no temping either! opk and cm charting - that's it)


kelley32 - February 24

Morning ... ROBYN, sounds like a really wonderful husband that you have, he seems so sensitive, a far cry from my DH, LOL ... mine uses humor to deal with things, or just shrugs, yup, he's a shrugger! So glad that you are feeling better. LESLIE, I have 0 sex drive as well, it's weird, it's like my mind wants to, but my body is like NO WAY! I am even still having a bit or perineal uncomfort, I notice it when I sneeze. Sorry to hear that Joey isn't sleeping well, Saydie sleeps a stretch of about 6 hours during the night (for the past 4 nights), I hope it continues. KATT, glad you posted, I was mising you ... good luck with everything. ERIN, don't worry, we've all done crazy things while TTC ... I always say that a woman can't be held responsible for her TTC actions, LOL. DID you check eBay for tests, I'm telling you, they are super cheap, you could test 5 times a day if you wanted. CARON, good luck at your beta, my fingers are crossed. Well, better go and shower, I'm going to buy a treadmill today, I've got to start getting back in shape, I have about 30 pounds to lose. Later!


slowpoke01 - February 24

RHONDA-good job starting the new thread. good luck with the c-section. i am thinking of you.let us know as soon as you post pics.ROBYN-you vent and get everything off your chest. i have been where you are when i had to terminate i kept thinking that i killed my baby. i know what you are going through and i am terribly sorry that this has happened to you. dont worry about bringing anyone down. we are here for each other no matter what. life isnt always good and we know that and sometimes it helps to get everything off your chest so that you can move on. take care.i didnt have a d&e, but i bled for a little over 2 weeks and then 2 weeks later i had a period so i cant help you with that. it looks like that you are coming to terms with everything and that you have a great dh who really knows what to say. i think that he said it better than i could have. i am like you and i think that things happen for a reason and sometimes we have no control over it and we just have to do what we think is best. i hope that everything works out for you and that you get pregnant fast when you decide to try again. take care.CMELISSA-i hope that the beta is a bfp for you. KATT-when you are ready to talk we are here. i know how you feel. i have so much to deal with sometimes that i dont want to get on here and rant to hi to everyone. hope that all is well and that you are all doing good. i have been super busy and havent had any time to come and check on anyone. today is the first day that i have been home all week. i am tired but at least i am busy right. anyway gl to all who are waiting a + and hope that you get it soon. JEN-how are you doing? havent talked to you in awhile. take care all and good luck.


1mom - February 24

Robyn--Yes i did have my milk come in too. I posted about it but it's been awhile. They told me to wrap my boobs in ace bandage or in a few sports bras. You have to make it as tight as you can stand. Then give it a few days to go away. Until then you might be a little uncomfy. Oh one more thing...after myne i would wake up everynight with night sweats. It was so bad that i would change my clothes int he middle of the night and then again when i woke up. So watch out for that. So what did you and your DH cook? Erin-- That's so funny. But i have to agree with the girls that it can't be a reliable result since your pee was mixed with water. LeslieK-- My Dh graduates in June. And yes he is quite the stud! Katt--i wish i had vacation comin up. Your lucky. Got any big plans? Rhonda--Hope to hear from you soon. Can't wait to see the pictures! Hello to all my ladies!


1mom - February 24

wow no one else has posted yet? I guess i'm the only one with no life on a saturday. Well i hope all you ladies are having a great saturday.


ROBYN - February 24

Hey gayle sorry I got your post we were out all day. I had a crying session in the car my own little pity party but i am sure its hormone related. Hope Rhonda is doing well and everyone else is too. The weekends on here are slow everyone is busy doing things. Anyway hope all is well with you. Thanks for the advice on the bras and banadages.


cmelissa - February 24

Hey gals - BFNNNNNN once again - i just dont know what do to anymore - i mean we are perfectly fine and just have unexplained it makes no sense whatsoever...i probably wont be checking in for awhile as i'm completely devastated - if anyone wants to email me personally my email is [email protected] I hope everyone else there gets good news!!


1mom - February 25

Robyn i forgot to tell you that they also told me to avoid hot showers because the warm water on your boobs makes the milk come in more


J.D. - February 25

hey girls! sorry about being mia. rhonda- good luck with the c-section. i hope you have a fast recovery. melissa- sorry about the BFN. i know seeing those damn things month after month is disappointing. katt- i hope you like your car. i'm supposed to be getting a used truck in a couple of months. i decided i had to get a truck because i go to garage sales and antique shops alot and i have to borrow my husbands truck,and thats aggravating.jamie -hey! i'm fine. how are you?how is dh's grandmother? well, i will talk to ya'll later.


LeslieK - February 25

hey- slow weekend here. Caron - I'm sorry about the bfn...I'm sure your frustration level is about maxxed out!!!
Keep going though, at least you know that it can still happen for you guys. Joey had a rough night last night, lots of spitting up and not eating well, so I'm typing one handed so I'm going to check in again later. Love to you all....


kelley32 - February 26

Hi girls ... CARON sweetheart, I am so very sorry, there are just no words ... I just hope that you won't give up on your dream. LESLIE, I hope that Joey feels better soon, it's so hard when they aren't well, maybe he has some sort of virus ... sounds like when Saydie was sick ... doc told me to feed small amounts often. ROBYN, it will take awhile for your hormones to go back to normal levels, so I think that it's normal to have mood swings and feel a bit off. Hi to everyone else, I will be back tomorrow.


Rhonda - February 26

Morning girls,i dont have time to rad or post to much.Well Soihpie is here and she is so beautiful.She weighed 5lbs9oz and was 18 1/2 in long.She has blonde hair as well.The c-section went pretty easy,but on saturday i was very sick from the demerol they had me on and i had the shakes real bad,and was throwing up"with staples in my stomach"Sophie is so small everything i have is to big on her.But she is wonderful.My milk is coming in and my breast are so sore and leaking real bad,and i still have blood in my breast that comes out and it scares me.I have to try to get my milk dried up,so my dr can find out if the bleeding stops.Im so scared about that.One sister took Chloe home for a wk and my other sister took Todd home for a wk to help me out for a while.That will be a great help.Sophie was born at 8:08am on friday the 23rd.Mark is so proud of her,he took alot of pics of her and the hospital took a pic and she looks so sweet.He took a pic to work to show everybody his new baby.She is already a daddysgirl lol.I am not feeling to bad,i dont want to jinx anything lol but so far i have not had much pain and i have not taken any pain med either.Im so sore but not really hurting.I only took the pain med in the hospital until around noon on sat,but i had the worse gas trapped on saturday night i felt like i was going to die.Finally they gave me a supossitory to make me release gas.I did feel alot better afterwards lol.Sophie is so tiny just like a babydoll.The kids loved her to death,they all gathered around Sophie when we came home sunday.She slep so well last night i had to wake her up just to eat and she only ate once from 130am to 530 am i could not get her to stay awake and eat.Then at 530 she ate 2 ozs and then 630am she ate 1oz so i guess that is alright.I could not sleep last night though,because my breast hurt so bad.Im gonna go back to bed for a while because i am very tired.How are all of you doing?I apologise for not being able to read and respond to you all,but i am so tired.I love you all very much,and also my computer had to be crashed and reloaded so my email is not working right now,so if anyone did send me an email,i wont be able to receive it.hugs to all of you.


mommywannabe - February 26

Congrats Rhonda, SO EXCITED, she's here.


mommy2josh - February 26

Rhonda, I am so happy for you. Cant really post, but wanted to check in on Rhonda. Kiss the baby for me. Caron, I am sorry about the BFN (((Hugs Caron))) Robyn I am sorry about the breasts leaking. I hope you start feeling better soon. Love yas all. Be back later.


mommywannabe - February 26

Oh forgot to mention, tested again Saturday morning with first AM pee and got BFN. So guess Provera is needed again since AF hasn't visited. But I guess I'll wait till after March 8th which is my annual pap exam. DON'T want AF here for that visit. LOL!!



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