89 Replies
Rhonda - April 29

Good sunday to you girls,how is every thing going?I do believe my cat is pg just hope she dont eat the kittens.I guess they are pg for 6wk im not really sure.I know within a couple of wks you can see them starting to get bigger but anyways.Kathy i never rent movies at all,just cant afford to.I dont know which is better.Natasha your cat sounds really pretty i would liike to see a pic if you have one.My sister gave me a webcam and i set it up and everything,i dont know if i will ever use it or not.Well Mark hooked it up for me.It is nice here today but i cant take the kids out to play because our grass is so tall and alot of ticks because it of the grass being so tall.We have a riding mower but it needs a new drivebelt before we can use it.I hate tall grass.Well i am gonna go for now i need to change the girls."thanks Tanya"Love you all.


slowpoke01 - April 29

hey girls. i just got up about an hour ago. i am so lazy. WANNABE- this is the only address that i have for cmel and it has always gone through for me. [email protected] KATT- i totally feel the same sometimes about being the kiss of to all and take care


Readyfor#3 - April 29

Hello everyone! I am 23 years old and already have 2 kids. Both were surprise pregnancies. One was concieved using condoms, and the second one was conceived while I was on birth control pills. When I was 17 I had such bad cyst ruptures on my right ovary that I had to be hospitolized and monitered beacuse I was having internal bleeding that they were monitoring. They also did a vaginal U/S and there was a lot of scar tissue on that are. So I was told that my chances to get pregnant would already be jeoperdized. Anyway :) After my second baby was born, I had the copper IUD put it. I suffered with it for about a year. Periods up to 14 days long, heavy, and very painful. I finally had it taken out. After that, all my problems began. My cycles have been unpredictable, to say the least. 19DC, 37DC, 42DC, 35DC. I'm not even sure if I am ovulating and I'm pretty positive that my LP is messed up as well. I started clomid and yesterday was my past pill. Now I am just waiting to se if I will ovulate. Can some of you share with me which CD you ovulated while on clomid? Good luck to everyone!!!! Baby dust to all! P.S. If someone is on their CD9 or within a few days, I would love to become clomid buddies with.


Katt - April 29

RHONDA_ Call the local Vet and ask about the kittens. WELCOMES to READY#3! READY_ I Oed on or around cd14/15 on clomid. I think a lot of it depends on if you are taking it cd3-7 or 5-9? Many of us have taken clomid on this thread so I am sure you will get lots of answers. It can be pretty slow here on Sunday's though. Another avenue you might try is progesterone cream. My alt doc Rxed a compound cream to use after O in a tier fashion ie 1cc from 1-2dpo, 2cc from 3-5dpo, 3cc from 6-8dpo, 2cc from 9-11dpo, and 1cc from 12-14dpo. Something like that anyway. I can always email the chart thingie he recommended. Clomid is great but please be sure to use it wisely. Do not take it more than 3 months in a row. My suggestion, because it lingers in the system for up to an entire cycle after the last dose is to use it every other month. Also you can pick up a book called Taking charge of Your Fertility <> I highly recommend it for learning about your cycles and really knowing when you ovulate. It was a great help to me and an easy read! Good Luck! Oh and READY_ What is your real name?


amygirl - April 29

readyfor#3 i dont think this is the right thread for you.if you dont mind could you poste elsewhere?It would be higly appreciated in every aspect.Thank you.


kelley32 - April 29

Well, I think that I speak for everyone on this thread in saying that Amygirl had no right to say what she did ... I have been posting on this thread for over a year and we have ALWAYS welcomed EVERYONE with open arms. Please Readyfor#3, ignore what was just posted by Amygirl and stay. What is going on here??? Anyway, I was just dropping in to say hello and that I miss you all (most of you)


Katt - April 29

AGAIN I WELCOME READYGIRL#3!!! Sorry AMY but I reported poor taste on that one. How rude can you be telling someone to leave. READY_ I answered your post in my last post. Cyas tomorrow!


LeslieK - April 29

Hey thanks Katt for doing that. Amy, I remember not so long ago you were new and everybody welcomed you with open arms. I would hope that on this thread we could continue to do the same thing with all newcomers. The journey of infertility is tough for everyone and our experiences and support is one of the ways that many of us have made it through some hard times. Take care everyone and were here for you Readyfor#3 if you need us.


ROBYN - April 29

Hey girls, KATT - i absolutely loved Blood Diamond plus i am a major leo fan and then the Departed was incredible these are excellent movies for anyone who hasnt seen them. KATHY - did you read the post one of the girls from the IVF thread responded to you but i will post what you are doing and see if that will get a better detailed reponse. UMMMM... i think some theres someone one this thread that is quite new is doesnt realize how to type a post without being extremely rude and honestly Amy no more apologies because really i am not falling them anymore. READYFOR#3 - welcome and the rest of us really mean that. As for Clomid i did that last year and have moved to IVF but for me i usually ovulated around CD16 if i could think back. I wish you tons lof luck. KELLEY - how are the girls doing? Is Isabella still taking swimming lessons and how is Saydie doing? KATT - thanks for compliment i always want to help someone if i am able to get them an answer. The email for CMEL is the same she actually just emailed me shes been away with her girlfriends for a couple of days shes getting ready to start the next cycle shes on bcps and i beleive starts injections around the 20th. Shes hanging in there. One day at a time. But she wont be posting on the threads its way way too hard for her so i always give her a heads up on everyone she posted on a couple of threads. Well we went to get my sister her babyshower gift today. Honestly I didnt think it was gonna be that hard to walk into Baby R Us. But it really bothered me Jason said he was fine because we had like our goal just to get my sis her present. But i was like ok I so need to get outta here. Well tomorrow is the HSG wish me luck PLEASE!! Anyway love you all and I am truly blessed to have you all in my life.(most of you) I really mean that.


ROBYN - April 29

WTF!! did i just type i really need to re read my posts before i hit submit. AMY - seriously again you are intentionally starting crap on here that is truly unecessary how dare you tell someone to take their post some where else. No more apologies from you because they are false as far as i am concerned. Ok i said what i needed to.


Katt - April 30

Go Robyn!! Good Luck with the HSG!! Did the doc give you good drugs?


ROBYN - April 30

Well for HSG unfortunately no. BUT... i do have my own personal stash from previous procedures so I am gonna take some pain killers. Ibfuprofen is candy for me LOL


Katt - April 30

yup. I hear ya. I had Xanex and Lortab 7.5's I think. well I am off to watch the Sopranos! G'Night everyone!


Rhonda - April 30

Amy!!.What the fuck is your problem?Why were you so rude to Readyfor#3?You made an ass of yourself just now.You have not even been posting here very long.You are a terrible person for saying that!!.Im sorry but that is the truth.Oh girls i am sorry for my language but it is how i feel!Amy why did you say that?Anyway girls i just wanted to say good night and i will be on tomorrow.Readyfor#3 welcome and please stay this is a lovely group of girls"well all but the obvious one"And we are all glad to have you on our thread.


slowpoke01 - April 30

READY FOR #3~~welcome to you and i hope that you find the help and support that you need. the girls on here have been real supportive to me and have helped me through alot of things. ignore amy she hasnt been posting long but she seems to think that she rules this thread. you are welcome here we all know just how hard infertility can be emotionally and physically. AMYGIRL~~~~i have to ask you this, do you just like to cause trouble? it seems that lately everything that you have posted has been something negative. i have been posting on here for almost a year now and yes there have been some bashing on here but what you are doing is totally uncalled for. then you want to apologize and everyone forgives you and then you do it again. what is wrong with you? we welcome everyone on here and you should have known that since we welcomed you with no problem. you had no right to tell "READY" that she is not welcome here. that is rude and insensitive on your part. maybe you should stop posting since you just want to be rude to everyone. by the way, did you write the opening lines yourself? i was just wondering because i cant believe that someone who would write that would be so insensitive and rude as to tell someone else they dont belong here. "ready" has a right to be here it sounds to me that she has fertility issues so i cant understand why you would tell her to leave. anyway take care all.


Readyfor#3 - April 30

Thank you girls for being so sweet. I don't understand why Amy thinks that this thread is not right for me? Explain please. I joined in based on the TOPIC which is TTC IN APRIL THROUGH FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPOR. So as far as see, I htink I fit right in. I am ttc and it is April, isn't it? And I was also looking for some support since thins is my first cycle and I don't know anyone who took clomid before, so no one to talk to and relate things.



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