TTC Circle of Friends #7
81 Replies
CC - April 28

Cendy-Congratulations!! It would have been nice to have a girl since thats what you wanted and what you dont have, but personally, after having two of the same, I would rather have another of the same agaon-Just makes it easier, and I think its neat for all your boys to have each other!! Thats great! You are the 3rd person in a few months that I know, that already had two boys, and is now having another! I call my girlfriends 3 boys "her 3 sons" all the time!


serious - April 29

Congrats Cendy!!! i finaly got a BFP!!! im a month along...hoping its a girl. +++BABY DUST+++


dea - April 30

AF here. 27 months and counting. I actually convinced DH that we should bd every other day- maybe he will get a boost in count. (Can you imagine that a wife has to convince her husband to bd??!!) It is ironic and comical to me. :o) CENDY: Congrats on the boy!! He will have two big brothers to show him the ropes. SERIOUS: pg with only 3 months of trying. Congratulations. I hope the next 9 months keep you and your litle one healthy.CC: What's the news?? I'm holding out for ya! ERICKA: How are you feeling?? Take Care ~~DUST~~


Cendy - April 30

Hi all! Congrats SERIOUS! I am so happy for you. DEA, I am so sorry about you AF. Please just keep trying and it will happen. I to go. Post later.


Lashunda - April 30

Congrats Cendy on your baby boy and Congrats serious on your BFP. Don't worry Dea. I think bding every other day is better that way, you won't wear out the little guys : ) CC, keep holding on, there's a BFP waiting to happen (keep smiling).


CC - May 1

Hi guess. BFN. Thanks for all the positive thoughts. Serious, congratulations, you are lucky. Dea-sorry...Im right there with you. Along w/ a bfn I also have 6 cysts as a common side affect of the meds. Now Im on birth control pills for 3 weeks to size down the cysts, then wait for AF again, to be able to start this mess all over again. UGH. Just wanted to update you, wish I had better news.


Cendy - May 1

Hi all! CC, I am so sorry to hear that you got a BFN and now have cysts on top of that. I hate it that things are not going as you had hoped. Try to stay positive and keep on trying. It will happen for you and DEA, I just know it. As for me I am doing good. I am still trying to get used to referring to the baby as a he instead of a she and trying to come up with a name for him. Our original plans were to name him after my father that passed way about a year and a half ago of pancreatic cancer. Well, last night my dh called me and said, "Can I speak to Jay?" which normally would have been can I speak to Madisyn (if it were a girl) and I kind of freaked. I had not realized what it would be like to hear someone or even myself call him my fathers name. I actually did not put two and two together and realize my dh was asking to talk to my belly (baby Jay). I love the name Wyatt now. I kind of like Wyatt Jay or Jayden Wyatt. What do you all think? I have to go for now. I will check back later. BABY DUST!


CC - May 1

Cendy, I like using the middle name if you are naming someone after someone else..I think Wyatt Jay is very very cute and gets my vote!!


dea - May 4

CC: Chin up- we'll just have to keep trying. Sorry about the cysts- like there isn't enough to deal with right now!!'s like the agony with the ecstasy (sp?). CENDY: I vote for Jayden Wyatt- but call him Wyatt. As he gets older, which happened with my brother, he may decide to use his given first name instead of the other. That way it is kind of "his choice". And, he will truly be named after his grandpa. What a wonderful connection to have to his grandfather. LASHUNDA: How are you feeling?? ~~DUST~~


dea - May 6

bumping us up....


dea - May 7

Hi Girls-- very quiet around here lately. Hope you are all well.... BUMP


Cendy - May 8

Hi all! I hope all is well in the world. It has been rather quiet lately. I have been pretty busy and very tired. Wyatt is kicking so much. It is so weird that I am feeling him so much. Anyways how are you all? Anything to report? I will check into this thread a little later. Do you think we should start a new thread? If you do, someone please feel free to start one. BABY DUST!


dlongen - May 8

HI everyone - sorry I haven't checked in in a bit. Crazy schedule lately finishing up finals and some business travel - not fun with MS. thank goodness for fenergen. Anyway - CC - I'm so sorry to hear about the cysts and BFN. Let me say that I had to go back on the pill in Jan to re-calibrate my hormones which were all out of whack. The very next month after a normal cycle when I was on my fgood side, I conceived! So, my doc actually said many docs use bc pills a month before clomid to help fertility chances. So, perhaps these next couple months will help in the long run! DEA - good for you for keeping your chin up. I know it is so hard to hear about people getting BFPs when you want one so bad, but you are going to get one. I am sure of it. Serious - congratulations! You were a TTC newbie - making us old timers look bad, girl! Enjoy the journey - I'm still getting used to this (and sure i will continue for full 9 mos). Keep the saltines nearby at all times and I highly recommend ginger and b-6 and mint water for nausea. Eat often and eat light. I'm now 10 weeks. Got to hear and see the heartbeat again last week at 1st official OB appt. It was so cool. I look forward to getting past the 1st tri and getting some energy back. Cendy- Congratulations on Wyatt! Great name! My Dh wants a boy - of course, I would love a girl - but after 3.5 yrs, as long as the baby has 10 fingers and 10 toes, and only 2 eyeballs, I'll be ecstatic. I have gone about calling her Phoebe all the time, though. The sex is being determined this week even though we won't be able to know it until week 20. Girlpower! C'Mon Phoebe! My DH and I have little cheer battles for the sexes. It is funny. Gotta go - love & DUST to all! oh-one ? for the group - is anyone doing the cord blood save? I haven't researched costs enough - know it would be really beneficial/life-saving if something came up.


Ericka - May 9

Hi guys. Sorry I have been gone for such a long time, but I've been so busy. This finding a new house stuff is tiring. So another boy Cendy, I know it's not what you had your heart set on, but hey, you can always try for the 4th. CC, I'm sorry the IUI didn't work. I know that after so many disappointments It is hard to stay positive, but whenever you have a down day I will stay positive for you. Dlongen, congrats on 10 weeks. How often are you having your doc. appts. Everything is well on my side, except that I'm having real bad ligament pain. I thought that it was supposed to be every once in a while, but I'm getting it all day every 1 - 5 minutes. Oh well, guess there is a lot of stretching happening.


CC - May 10

Hi all-No news, just checking in. Ericka, when will you find out what you are having? Hope everyone else is doing well. I think the only two non pregnant ones on this thread are dea and myself.


Lashunda - May 11

Hi ladies, just checking in to see how everyone was doing. CC and dea, I'm still hoping for you guys : ) Congrats on the baby boy Cendy. Ericka, I hope that pain ceases. Just take it easy. As for me, its getting real uncomfortable sleeping at night. I sleep with 4 pillows plus one body pillow. Getting out of bed is a hassel. I'm okay walking around but my goodness! I still love being pregnant though : )



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